Summer 32, 513 AV
Sebakem Ocean near Zeltiva
The marten wasn’t cut out for swimming and diving in deep waters, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find any joy in it. In fact, he loved the feeling of currents brushing along his fur, the water under his paddling paws, how everything looked blueish and washed out under the surface. Despite being a land animal, he often swam with his family, their tavan and other saltwater creatures. Fish tasted good and the thrill of hunting underwater was almost as good as climbing the rigging of their big palivar.
It was true that Jay tired more easily though. Most often, he attributed that to his age and his mother shared that belief. After a long morning swim, he was drifting now, allowing the waves to carry his small furry body wherever they would. Of course, he had his black eyes open and trained on the ships in his vicinity. With all four paws stretched out and his tail hanging into the water, the marten appeared dead… or playing dead, at least.
Nothing could be farther from the truth though. Blinking, Jay beat the water several times to avoid bumping against the nearest white hull. It had to be the Spirit of the Tempest, his cousin Eliro’s casinor. So close to midday, the sun had to beat down on the deck mercilessly. The rusty brown fur on his belly was almost dry again, after all.
Rolling around, he sniffed the air and detected no food smells. None at all. With a small splash, Jay pushed himself deeper and took the short way diving under the hull. As far as he could see, Eliro was nowhere on deck, although the marten’s eyes weren’t the best. Like every Svefra, she smelled like salt water and sunlight, a scent that blended into the background most of the time.
Groaning a little, the marten decided not to wait any longer. Schools of fish were passing deep under his paws, keeping to the ocean floor or rocky formations off the coast. His stomach was getting emptier by the chime and he was wondering what Eliro had planned for lunch. Mind made up, the small animal erupted into a flash of brilliant light as bones, muscles and flesh were rearranged. Mere ticks later, a lanky young man was hauling himself on deck, leaning against the railing for support and blinking against the sun. Too impatient to swim back for pants, Jay was stark naked as he ran a hand through his dripping wet locks and went to look for his cousin.
Sebakem Ocean near Zeltiva
The marten wasn’t cut out for swimming and diving in deep waters, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find any joy in it. In fact, he loved the feeling of currents brushing along his fur, the water under his paddling paws, how everything looked blueish and washed out under the surface. Despite being a land animal, he often swam with his family, their tavan and other saltwater creatures. Fish tasted good and the thrill of hunting underwater was almost as good as climbing the rigging of their big palivar.
It was true that Jay tired more easily though. Most often, he attributed that to his age and his mother shared that belief. After a long morning swim, he was drifting now, allowing the waves to carry his small furry body wherever they would. Of course, he had his black eyes open and trained on the ships in his vicinity. With all four paws stretched out and his tail hanging into the water, the marten appeared dead… or playing dead, at least.
Nothing could be farther from the truth though. Blinking, Jay beat the water several times to avoid bumping against the nearest white hull. It had to be the Spirit of the Tempest, his cousin Eliro’s casinor. So close to midday, the sun had to beat down on the deck mercilessly. The rusty brown fur on his belly was almost dry again, after all.
Rolling around, he sniffed the air and detected no food smells. None at all. With a small splash, Jay pushed himself deeper and took the short way diving under the hull. As far as he could see, Eliro was nowhere on deck, although the marten’s eyes weren’t the best. Like every Svefra, she smelled like salt water and sunlight, a scent that blended into the background most of the time.
Groaning a little, the marten decided not to wait any longer. Schools of fish were passing deep under his paws, keeping to the ocean floor or rocky formations off the coast. His stomach was getting emptier by the chime and he was wondering what Eliro had planned for lunch. Mind made up, the small animal erupted into a flash of brilliant light as bones, muscles and flesh were rearranged. Mere ticks later, a lanky young man was hauling himself on deck, leaning against the railing for support and blinking against the sun. Too impatient to swim back for pants, Jay was stark naked as he ran a hand through his dripping wet locks and went to look for his cousin.