3 Day Winter, 510 AV Ariel was walking through Endrykas, pushing past long blades of green and dried out yellow and brown grass that was always just a bit taller than her. It was like running through her own personal forest at times. She sighed, I definitely need to get myself a machete or something. That would be really helpful in a crazy jungle like this. Just then, she saw something up ahead. It was munching on a leaf. Ariel stood on her tippy-toes, just to get a better look. Not that it helped all that much. She pushed two blades of grass away, and through it, she saw a brown furry pelt. She took another few steps forward. Stood up on her tippy-toes again, and saw two big floppy ears. It must be a rabbit, she thought, as she walked a little closer, and closer, making soft ripples through the grass; parting it like a seamstress when she rips a piece of cloth apart. Eventually, the rabbit must have seen or heard her approaching, because it looked up at her, still chewing on a leaf. It rolled around and around in the animal's mouth, which seemed to swish back and forth, back and forth. And then it spit the chewed-up leaf juice out. "What, not good enough for you?" she chuckled, as the rabbit's seemingly black, pupil-less looking eyes stared back at her. Tense, as if ready to spring. "Sorry, did I frighten you?" she asked, "disturb your meal? Want me to leave?" She started to turn around to go, watching the rabbit out of the corner of her eye. Its whiskers were twitching. Its nose was twitching. It seemed ready to spring. "Oh Harameus," she whispered, as the rabbit leapt out towards her. Ariel thought she had made it angry. Not good, not good, not good, her mind screamed at her. As she began to run to her left, pushing past blades of grass, her bag pounding against her legs with each step. She risked a glance behind her, that bunny was fast, just behind her, white's rabbits teeth sticking out of its mouth. She looked back, her breathing faster and faster. "I'm not a leaf or a blade of grass!" she screamed, "can't you see that?" she said, as she raised her hands over her head. "Why are you chasing me?" she screamed as if the rabbit could understand her. Why couldn't her legs be longer, she thought to herself, long legs would be so handy right now. Ariel kept pushing past grass, and several leafless-looking plants and bushes. She jumped over rocks, treating herself to a temporary game of both king of the hill, and leap frog. But it was short lived, after all, there was an evil killer rabbit after her. Just as that thought crossed her mind, Ariel lost her concentration, and tripped over a pebble, not good, not good, not good, she thought, as she turned to look back at the rabbit which was practically on top of her. "Help me!" she hollered, as she waved her hands in front of her face. "Just go away! No one likes you rabby." |