Location The Ocean's Forge

A simple forge making workman's tools.

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

The Ocean's Forge

Postby Balderdash on September 23rd, 2015, 9:11 pm

The Ocean's Forge

Run and made by Alija

Located near the city docks, the Ocean's Forge is a small building tucked into the street where it is barely visible to the public. However, a clear sign marks it out, the words neatly written out on the plain wooden panel.

Made from a similar rock as the rest of the street, the pearly grey stones form three floors, marked with dark oak windows and door. Half unfinished, two of the interior walls are covered with wooden panelling and painted a deep blue and the others the grey stones matching the outside. The inside of the shop is plain and poorly furnished, with rough shelves lining the walls. On them lie a few pieces of scattered stock. A simple counter at the back holds a handwritten note: "Orders made on request."

Through the door located at the back is a simple smithy, and another door connects the smithy to the storage, where materials used for work are stored in a plain and otherwise empty stone room.

Also located towards the back of the shop is a staircase leading up to Alija's living area, kept locked to avoid strangers and thieves snooping around.

Items Sold:
Spade: 2gm
Crowbar :2gm
Hoe: 3gm
Rake: 1gm

All items on price list available for custom order.
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