Tebridiar's heart felt lifted.
She saw the intricately inked body, that beautiful face, the stern expression that melted into joy when they entered eachothers vision. Even being apart just a day felt like an age. Fancy meeting her again in the Sea of Grass, when just a day before they had met for the second time. She had her lovely horse Nott with her, but as she descended from him, Luc seemed uneasy and she didn't seem too happy with the pirate-like Isur.
She was fascinated to learn that he was very strong, and she wanted to talk to him, but Aleksi had came along and her attention was diverted to her and her alone.
"Aleksi!" Tebridiar yelled, elated at meeting her here. "I didn't think I'd see you today!" She rushed up to meet her, gazing into her eyes. Then she was reminded of the Isur behind her. Was it best to remain secretive with strangers? She'd tried her best so far. It was the only thing stopping her practically tackling Aleksi to the ground in a delighted hug. She'd let Aleksi make that decision.
"Everything is fine, though... he did worry me a bit at the start. Nearly stabbed me, he did, I gave him a fright, I think." She was still a bit shaken, but she had calmed down and was beginning to feel the Isur wasn;t as much of a threat as she had initially guessed. "He wants to go to Endrykas, and hes making me take him."