The breathing experiment (Jokor)

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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Vanna on December 5th, 2010, 11:01 pm

She giggled at him pulling his cloak over his face again. It could mean just two things. One: He was blushing and wanted to hide it and Two: He was so annoyed he didn't even want to look at Vanna. Either way, it was fun.

As soon a she saw him lighten up a bit, she smiled wide. Watching Jokor eat with his hands was really funny, but she kept herself from laughing. When he finished with the plate she crunched down and looked up at his face Would you like to have some more?, she whispered with the same, old grin.
It wasn't all that bad, she tried it when she was putting some of it in Jokor's plate.

Her fingers lightly moved to the plate, holding it lightly while still looking at Jokor's face Well, it sure as hell takes skills to eat like that... Do you not use a spoon, like, ever?. Another strange thing about this guy. Vanna started thinking like there was nothing in common for them.

She winked at him and whispered teasingly Or I can peck you on the lips as a treat.., laughing at that, she stood up with the plate in her hands, waiting for the answer
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on December 5th, 2010, 11:38 pm

Jokor belched loudly as he finished his current plate, wiping some rests of his face with his cotton sleeve. Jokor gave a quick nod as she asked if he wanted something more. "Sure, a lot better then what I ate before I joined the circus." Jokor gave Vanna a small smile as he handed his plate to her.
"Well, it sure as hell takes skills to eat like that... Do you not use a spoon, like, ever?" She wispered to him with that now familiar grin on her face.
"Well Cheska tried to let me use one but eating with your hands just is a lot easier if you ask me." Vanna winked at him."Or I can peck you on the lips as a treat.." She laughed as she stood up. Jokor just blushed and tried to change the subject.
"Euhm aren't you going to eat?" Jokor pulled his cap a bit lower over his face not really knowing if she was joking or not."Not that I give a lot about it." Though it might distract you from making me feel confused! Jokor thought, really hoping that she would leave him alone as he was eating at the least.
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Vanna on December 5th, 2010, 11:48 pm

Vanna giggled at Jokor's answer and moved over to bring some more in the same plate. Her voice was calm and kind of sweet. A bit too sweet for a nutcase that she was.
Nah, I'm not really hungry... Besides, I do need to lose some weight, this corset is killing me

Walking towards Jokor she smiled calmly and handed the plate to him again, giving him the rest of the bread she brought over There... I'm glad you like it... I don't really cook all that much, but at least it's edible

This woman's mood was changing so drastically that it was almost not understandable. Her eyes, if one would look at her, got darker, purple... slowly turning into a bright blue color. She sat next to him and slowly moved her hands to the back, loosing up the corset just a bit since it actually was getting on her nerves.

You seem quite uncomfortable with me doing all these silly things Jokor... I'm sorry if I was annoying... I just like having fun. There was something pure in her voice at the time, but after all she did before, it was hard to believe she was saying that. And besides, you're really cute when you blush... kinda silly looking, in a good way

Standing up again to add some wood to the fire, she sat down on the floor, just in front of Jokor, this time looking at his face, but not so bluntly. Was she planning on doing something really bad? Or was this nice stage actually for real...
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on December 6th, 2010, 9:39 am

Jokor just shook his head in confusion as he heard her answer to his diversion. Wondering why somebody would want to lose weight of all things, wasn't that a sign you were getting sick or you didn't got enough food?
"Well why do you wear that thing if it's that uncomfortable?" He asked as he took the plate of food and the bread Vanna handed him."There... I'm glad you like it... I don't really cook all that much, but at least it's edible" Jokor didn't answer that question with words, but just digged in as soon as he put the food on the table, But still noticing that her eyes slowly changed from the purple they where the entire time to a bright blue color. Jokor Just looked at her eyes for a few minutes, before going back to eating.I'l just ask about that later
"You seem quite uncomfortable with me doing all these silly things Jokor... I'm sorry if I was annoying... I just like having fun." Jokor just looked at her with a skeptic look on his face.
"And besides, you're really cute when you blush... kinda silly looking, in a good way."Jokor just looked back towards his meal when she said that, "I'm not cute." Jokor muttered under his breath before focusing on his meal again and began eating again, blatantly ignoring the spoon again.
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Vanna on December 6th, 2010, 9:48 am

Vanna giggled at what he had said about her corset and shrugged before answering with the old, cheeky tone Makes my waist tinier and looks really beautiful. Do I need another reason?. Seeing him eat that way made her smile wide, happily. She felt really good about it, for some reason.
Her fingers played with her hair while looking at his face. When Jokor said he wasn't cute, she just grinned and added quietly Maybe not to yourself, but to me you are...

Yup, she was still blunt, but a bit more.. reasonable? If one could ever say that for a crazy Vantha. She, without a word stood up and ran into the kitchen again, coming back with a glass of water and putting it on the table, just in case.
I hope you're not going to choke on your food, she whispered before sitting back down, in front of him and going back to looking at his face.
What is it that you do for fun? Other then killing slavers, that is, she asked curiously as she wiggled closer to him and put her elbows on his knees, not in a threatening manner this time, it seemed. For some reason, she seemed caring with those big, light blue eyes and a soft smile on her face. It probably should have brought a reaction it did with Jokor (being skeptical) but hell, maybe.. just maybe... Naaaah
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on December 6th, 2010, 11:15 am

Jokor looked away from his food for a moment when Vanna walked back from the kitchen and put down a glass of water on the table,"I hope you're not going to choke on your food." she whispered to him and sat back down in front of him, looking to his face.Jokor shook his head at Vanna's question and put down the plate on the table. "I don't choke as long as people don't surprise me when I am eating." he gave the girl sitting on the ground a glare.
"So don't get any ideas."
It looked like Vanna ignored his warning.
"What is it that you do for fun? Other then killing slavers, that is" She asked with a smile while she scooted closer to him, resting her elbows on his knees as she came close enough and looked towards him with a soft smile on his face.
Jokor, just looked away from her, a blush on his cheeks.
"I dunno, I like juggling.. I guess." Jokor managed to stammer out. His blush becoming worse.
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Vanna on December 6th, 2010, 11:29 am

Vanna laughed quietly at the "Don't get any ideas" comment and made a somewhat angelic face. Her eyes were locked on his face as her hand reached out and poked his stomach softly Oh relax, not like I can do anything that will be really bad for you

Shrugging, she almost went all "awweee" after noticing just a bit of blush on his cheeks before he looked away. He was such a sweetheart for a thief. Vanna's hand moved back to where it was and she just winked at him, standing up and sneaking another peck somewhere under the cap of his cloak, not really sure where.

It really didn't matter to Vanna, since annoying the hell out of the poor guy was working quite well. Running to the kitchen again, she came back with another glass of water, but drinking this one quietly, while waiting for Jokor's next move, which, she was quite sure, will be a really loud and irritated one. Or he'll just faint from all the blushing maybe?
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on December 6th, 2010, 12:08 pm

Jokor swatted her hand away as she poked his stomach, his head looking back at vanna and gave her an irritated glare. "You better not, Or I'll do something bad to you." Jokor growled out, his irritation rising as vanna just shrugged and winked at him. His blush returning with a vengeance when Vanna pecked him on the cheek as she stood up. Before Jokor could get himself together she already went towards the kitchen. Jokor stood up and glared at vanna when she came back, casually sipping from a glass of water, He walked towards her and stopped right in front of her. even with his small size he was able to look down on her.
"Why the hell keep you doing these things!" He roughly gripped her arm, not caring a lot that she spilled her glass of water because of it, and looked in her eyes, "Its confusing the hell out of me!" he glared at her though the intimidating effect was a bit lost due to the blush still on his face.
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Vanna on December 6th, 2010, 12:52 pm

She giggled playfully as he took her hand and winked at him again. Jokor really amused her, especially when he was reacting like this. Hearing the glass break on the floor made her lose the grin and get all worried "Now, now... see what you've just done... who is going to clean that mess?
Her face was calm, her eyes still bright blue as she stepped closer to Jokor, making sure that what seemed to be his comfort zone was gone. See, now.... I think I've already told you you are really cute when you're confused and angry, so I do think you can put the puzzle together...

Her free hand moved towards his cheek, not touching it though I doubt a thief should be this easy on blushing.... I don't think it's healthy for you and your profession... after all, you want to be good at what you do, don't you?. Did Vanna just say that? Was Vanna actually doing something of use for Jokor? Well, it did kind of make sense. With if some female out there decided to do the same thing as Vanna did, with a different aim though. What if one used it against him?
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The breathing experiment (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on December 6th, 2010, 1:26 pm

Jokor glared at vanna as she giggled, though that died away when the falling glass broke on the ground splashing the water over the ground and their boots. the shards of glass laying on the ground.
"Now, now... see what you've just done... who is going to clean that mess?" Vanna said with a calm face stepping closer to jokor.
"See, now.... I think I've already told you you are really cute when you're confused and angry, so I do think you can put the puzzle together..." She moved her hand towards his cheek, not touching it though.
"I doubt a thief should be this easy on blushing.... I don't think it's healthy for you and your profession... after all, you want to be good at what you do, don't you?"
Jokor grabbed the hand hovering by his cheek and roughly yanked it away, not caring if it hurt vanna.
"What does the stuff you do have to do with me being a thief anyway!" He leaned closer to her to angry to feel embarrassed. "Nothing you are saying or doing makes any sense, I can be, I am a good thief without knowing what you are talking about." He gave vanna a look that promised pain if she didn't clear cut the games. "Now stop the bullshit and just tell me what you want to tell me without the confusion."
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