My Activity

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My Activity

Postby Ball on October 10th, 2015, 3:41 am

"My Speaking" My Thoughts

Hey guys, as the subject obviously indicates this is concerning my activity, most specifically this upcoming week starting Sunday!

Sunday I will be out and about enjoying some much needed stress relief with coworkers and seeing more of my nation's capital than I have in well... Ever. Monday will be my last full day of real access for me as Tuesday I will be on a bus heading home to deal with family issues and spend time with my wife and daughter whom I haven't phsyically seen since early August.Wednesday and Thursday are family days. And I may have time available to get on Friday during the day, but I am not entirely sure. Saturday is strictly dedicated to family and getting ready to return back to Virginia the next day. Sunday is clearly me returning to my work office and after that my usually activity will pick back up.

Credit :
Created goes to Raus for aiding in the photo manipulation, Myself for color and transparency manipulation as well as box code. Character is accredited below
Avatar CreditsMy lovely Avatar was drawn and created by the most awesome Nivel

Graders Please Note :
As Ball is getting closer and closer to maxing out Pyken as a skill, I would like to request that in places where Ball is not doing enough to constitute Pyken XP if Pyken technique lores could be issued instead.

Examples of proper XP level for Pyken would be: Ball developing or refining his technique by adding new thing against an actual moving target, not a dummy.

The use of basic skills alone are not enough to accomplish XP at Ball's current level of Pyken.

Thank you.

I will be handling all Ball related posts on Mondays @ 1800 my time *
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Ser Ball -- Pycon Knight of Syliras
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