17th Fall, 515 AV
10th Bell, Morning
The River Flower, Endrykas
10th Bell, Morning
The River Flower, Endrykas
Pearl added a piece of wood to the fire to keep the flame hot and the contents of the pot she had put on to cooking in a slow, rolling boil, just as Yuki had showed her. She smiled as she saw the liquid around the small pieces of ginger root thickening and turning syrupy. Leaning over the pan as she stirred it with a long spoon she inhaled deeply and then squinted as the steam drifted up to her eyes, causing them to sting a little.
Stepping away, letting the ginger root cook for a bit longer, she arranged the jars on the table and made sure the cloth was laid out on the table. She wanted everything to be neatly organized and ready for when the ginger root was ready. Pearl let a hand rest to her lower abdomen a chime while she looked over the jars. Just the thrill of knowing she was pregnant was enough to make her giddy and she was looking forward to telling Dravite and Belkaia, and the rest of the family, when they all gathered around the fire later that evening.
Forcing herself to focus, she picked up a small portion of the dried lavender and chamomile flowers that she had gathered back in the summer she put it in the heavy bowl of her mortar and pestle. Using the heavy pestle she began to grind the flowers into a fine powder, twisting her wrist as she applied the pressure to make sure she was getting every last bit of it ground up. She was planning on putting the dried herbs on the crystalized ginger root she was making; this batch being for the children of Endrykas as she knew the herbs would make it a little more pleasant for their sensitive tastes. It would also aid in comforting them and helping quiet their coughs as well as helping them to rest easier so their little bodies could heal.
Pearl sprinkled some of the lavender and chamomile powder on the cloth she had laid out to dry the ginger root on. Smiling and humming to herself as she went along. The bowl was then taken over to the pan of simmering ginger root and she carefully added some of the remaining powder into the pan so as to flavor the syrup she intended to keep as well. She stirred the mixture until it was ready take off the fire and set it aside to cool while she tidied up the area once again.
The scent in the area where she was working was quite pleasant. The steaming ginger root sweetened with sugar, lavender and chamomile was just the thing she needed to keep her nerves calm while she anticipated the conversation she envisioned would be taken place that evening. Babies were always welcomed additions to families, but she knew the timing of this pregnancy might upset Belkaia and she had no desire to ever do such. Belkaia seemed even more fragile as of late, but with the pregnancy nearing the final stages, Pearl certainly understood the reasons why; so she thought.