Name: Ivan Stonecrusher Coglias
Race: Isur
Age: 59 ( born in the year 452AV)
Gender: Male
Weight: 250 lb
Hight: 5 foot even
Physical Description: Ivan is not a tall man, but many think him to be a very large one. His body is thick with muscle, and he has a well kept beard to symbolize his accent to adulthood. Many scars show over his torso, from decades at the forge and practicing combat with his kin. His skin is a bit darker then most others in his family, for some reason unknown to him. The silver veins over his skin is very hard to see except in his left arm, because of this. So long as he can keep his left arm covered and out of bright light he can pass as a normal (though rather short) human. He wears his short red hair up in small spikes, using a mixture of watered down honey and a few other herbs to also give him a pleasant fragrance.
Character Concept: Ivan is very strong. From early on, he was taught to fight almost more then he was taught to forge. Because of this, he has a slightly different muscular structure then those of other clans. His father had wanted him to become a warrior of the Isur, but a he has other plans. Ivan does not want to spend his years with the rest of his kin. He had loved a girl, one of his clan mates. He had proved his might by defeating all her other suiters in battle, and had even gotten engaged... A week before the wedding was supposed to take place, she died of an illness. A month before her death, he had learned that she was pregnant with his child. His home had too many memories that pained him, and so he departed. His father, ever the kind and understanding man, had given him a parting gift. Sense he was going out in an unknown world, he needed protection, thus his father gave him his own shield. It folded small, and was easy to carry. It was the only thing he never had to earn from his father, and is a great treasure to him.
The hammer is the tool of the forge, and it is also a tool of battle. Ivan wields his hammer in battle, though he usually just beats the hot metal with his bare hand. He is easily offended, though he wont show it.
Religion: like the rest of his kin, Ivan is a devout worshiper of Izurdin. It was this god that had given him his mighty arm, of course. All of his work is proof of his dedication to this God. that was how he looked at things, anyway. Before times had changed.
His only disfigurements are the many scars he got while training. It happens.
Black Smithing: 10 (racial bonus)
Unarmed Combat: 20 (starting package)
Weapon: Great Hammer(melee): 30
Lore of metal working
Lore of Izurdin
Isur tung (fluent)
common speech (competent)
Isurian Steel Great Hammer
Chain Shirt
Black Leather Boots
Hand Axe (cold iron)
Short Sleeve Blue With Gold Trimmed Tunic (cotton)
Simple White Shirt (cotton)
Blue Dyed Leather Gloves
Brown Leather Belt
Grey Pants (cotton)
Isurian Retractable Shield ( metal- bronze) (family heir loom)
Two Isurian Locked Gauntlet (bronze)
Light Hammer (isurian steel)
Back Pack
Food For A Week
Soap, Comb, Razor, Brush
Eating Knife
Flint And Steel
great hammer-400gm
chain shirt-100gm
light hammer- 5gm
gauntlets- 12gm
axe- 18gm
Total Left= 65 gm