[Verified by Astator] Boopley Snoof

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Boopley Snoof

Postby Boopley Snoof on November 8th, 2015, 5:05 am

Boopley Snoof


Animal/Kelvic Form :
Bo Sno full view
tumblr_inline_n19bhyfv1Q1qb5gyk.jpg (62.67 KiB) Viewed 705 times

Bo Sno close up
tumblr_inline_n19bvuUiZz1qb5gyk.jpg (66.79 KiB) Viewed 703 times

Human Form :

Race: Kelvic -- Teacup Pomeranian.
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Birthday: 13th of Summer, 513 AV.
Birthplace: Ravok

Appearance: Boopley Snoof is, in Kelvic form, a tiny ball of white fluffy canine, about two-thirds the size of a soccer ball. He is absolutely adorable in this form, so cute one can almost not help loving him.

His human form is a rather large and muscular man. Standing 7 ft. tall and weighing in at 310 lbs. of pure lean muscle, he is a most imposing figure. His features, though powerful and rugged, are extremely fine and noble. Dark brown – almost black – eyes are set under a heavy brow and high forehead surmounted by a long, well groomed mane of slightly wavy silky white hair. Though clearly white skinned, his skin possesses a deep, dusky hue. Though by no means muscular in a “chunky” manner, his form is clearly Herculean, though his sheer height helps to maintain a lithe and limber quality in his body despite his astounding musculature. Despite his looks, he has yet to develop much of an interest in physical training other than combat...thus, certain attributes, especially endurance, have yet to match his appearance. Though his clothing varies, he is invariably dressed with the utmost of care, and his appearance maintained meticulously. Even in the midst of heavy and dirty labor, he will somehow manage to be the least dirty and most presentable person there.

NOTE: Due to his size in human form, his Kelvic form is vastly heavier than one would suppose. While he is used to this, it would come as a great surprise to someone interacting with him in that form.

Character Concept

Boopley Snoof, despite his suave/Don Juan/heartthrob/Hollywood appearance as a human, and his cuddley/adorable/love-muffin kelvic form, has a dark side…an extremely dark side.

There is one supreme god of Bo Sno (his preferred name) that affects every aspect of his personage– Rhysol. Though the gods and goddesses of Fate, Death, Murder, Darkness, and the like are all quite appealing and respected by him, Rhysol is the one who reigns supreme. Bo does not adhere to your average evil and chaos, however. He is an Idealist at heart, and thus views all things in existence in terms of logical and ordered systems and processes. While this might appear to be at odds with his love of Rhysol, he would tell you otherwise. To him, chaos is merely the system of the unpredictable, the process of the orderless. Evil is a logical and necessary counter-part to good in his mind. Not only is evil necessary, but his brand of evil is not “bad” or “wrong,” he would assure you. What is bad, in his mind, is what is useless, foolish, futile, self-possessed/self-pious, small-minded, or anything along those lines of thought. Thus, anything that he deems to fall into any of those categories has voided any of its rights, allowing him to perpetrate “evils” upon them without it being wrong-doing, in his eyes.

He loves, therefore, anything even remotely corrupt or otherwise contrary to the supposed “rules” of things that he opposes. Bloodshed, in particular, is something he relishes to a fiendish extent. If he happened to have one of the unfortunate group he calls “The Self Condemned” on hand, he would gladly engage himself in torturing them to death, and consider it relaxing, entertaining, and perhaps even a good study in psychology and physiology.

With all this being said, he is at the same time a man of high sensibilities...if not exactly high morals...

It is important here to delve into how he categorized people. The first group of people are The Innocents. These are people who have committed no offense against him, either -- follow Rhysol, aid Rhysol's cause, or do not pose significant obstruction to Rhysol's cause, and have reasonable integrity (even if that means commitment to a bad standard, the fact that they are committed to something is a positive trait in his mind). This includes the general population of Mizahar by and large, particularly people who do not possess significant power.

The other group he calls The Self-Condemned. These have offended him, damage Rhysol's cause (even if that means a simple deprecation in passing), and/or lack redeeming character qualities. The people most likely to fall under this categorization include -- those who commit senseless crimes (remember, Chaos with Purpose is Rhysol's goal, not PURE Chaos...), those who hold significant power (since very few people in power actually worship Rhysol), and then anyone foolish enough to commit a personal offense against Bo (This does not include commonplace offenses that are merely a fact of life or result from moments of foolishness...premediated and cruel offenses are what are meant here).

If someone is one of the fortunate group he calls “The Innocents,” they have absolutely nothing to fear from him. In fact, they could not possibly seek a better friend. He is loyal, loving, tender, affectionate, giving, peaceable, forgiving, disciplined, and quite self-controlled. He is impeccably well mannered usually, his kelvic nature showing through in that he almost comes across as dainty even, and charming and enthralling character in all circumstances (this is presuming he is NOT exercising his dark side at this point in time).

As to his mental faculties, he has picked up useful bits of learning primarily from his first mistress's tutors, but also from the occasional freeman who took interest in him. He understands what writing is, but is quite poor at it, though he used the time during his trip with a trade caravan to Syliras to practice. As for reading, this he can do perfectly well...for even a dog can see letters and words, and having the mind of a kelvic, eventually learn what they mean. While you will never see him slaving away in an academy of some sort, it is not beyond him to read a text that he gets his hands on, or to carefully, studiously watch a skilled person in their work for a couple of hours. He can not only speak with great refinement, but also on a great many subjects, thus appearing far more educated than he really is. Whenever a conversation turns to the details of a subject, however, and digresses from merely interesting facts or common knowledge, he will find some way to excuse himself, or find some way to play along as if he knows the topic.

In a manner similar to the falsely erudite personality he assumes, he also is prone to aggrandize his doings as he thinks useful. Thus, the fact that he knows the name of someone in the Knights will, in a given conversation, turn into the fact that they are a friend. The fact that he has killed before will turn into him being an accomplished warrior. The fact that his Widowmaker was taken from a display over a mantle will turn into it being yanked from the hands of an enemy in combat. He does, after all, worship Rhysol, so lying is not the least bit troublesome to him.

Character History

Boopley Snoof was actually born under the name of Bo Snow to his parents in Ravok. His father and mother, Trivirk and Annisal Sno, were a skilled huntsman, employed by several of the wealthy families as a hunter-for-hire. Both of them had to keep their race a secret because they were Kelvic, a race look down upon greatly by most residents of Ravok. Coming to the city in their youth, they remained permanently in their human form...except perhaps in the security of their home. Eventually, they became citizens and enjoyed a bit more security. They kep their secret well...no one ever even suspected that they were Kelvic. No one ever knew their animal species, but whatever they were, they aged on a rate similar enough to humans for no one to notice any difference. Their secret was taxed by the birth of their daughters, who were identical twins of the same species (a rare occurrence indeed), and who aged much more quickly than normal. Making sure others did not notice this was extraordinarily difficult, but through various tricks -- and perhaps the pleasure of Rhysol at such skilled lying -- they were not found to be Kelvics. With the birth of Bo, however, the problem only worsened because his species aged even faster than that of his sisters. All three of them were registered as citizens...but their parents were certain that they would have to leave the city until their children were all adults to avoid excess suspicion.

Thus it was that one day they were out hunting when two individuals attacked them. The rogues declared themselves some of the last of the Rising Dawn, and demanded to know the secrets that they were sure the Snos knew about the families they served. When they could not give any secrets, they killed the couple, and captured the now teenage daughters (just shy of 1 year old, actually), only to hear a faint whimpering coming from a bundle of cloth tied to Ann's body. That whimpering came from Ann's young son...

Boopley Snoof’s first memory is of slave traders, and his two older sisters, Kala and Semala. While they were both large and powerful white wolf kelvics…he was merely a tiny, white dog kelvic. They were kept in their animal form constantly for months, until they were bought by powerful plantation owners outside of Kenash. There, he was forced to separate from his beloved sisters.

Their primary role was that of guardians, and for this they were kept in their kelvic form, as it was most fitting. Being attractive young women in their human form, they were logically used for the pleasures of the owner upon his whim.

Boopley, on the other hand, was forced to spend his time purely in his kelvic form, and serve only one role – the “fluffy-wuffy widdle Snoofy” of the master’s daughter. It was she who named him, his sisters having always called him “Snow” and the slavers having never bothered to call him anything decent anyway. Though a safe and superficially harmless occupation, it was one that drove him absolutely mad. Watching his sisters be worked hard as guard dogs then abused as human women did not help his mentality any, but his collar was kept firmly locked around his neck as it had been since his earliest memory. Now and then he snatched conversations with them, and inwardly sorrowed as their souls were slowly worn down into dim figments of even what they had been under the traders.

The master’s daughter – Tilly – had always read to him, her immensely wealthy father owning not only books and hordes of paper, but also bards and storyteller slaves whom he commissioned to write her tales to read. Boopley was to sit upon her lap or in the crook of her arm or beside her on the bed like a good dog and look at the book with her. Thus, he learned to read out of sheer boredom.

Additionally, every time the tutors came to teach the daughter lessons, she made sure “my widdle Boopley Snoof” came along too. While he sincerely doubted that she learned much of anything, he did. This is not to say that he was at all a particularly attentive student, but the teachers demanded absolute silence, and thus he ended up half-way listening to them most of the time. Again, this was not because he loved learning, but because it was less maddening than dealing with Tilly. Logically, one of the tutors taught about the gods, and Rhysol particularly piqued his interest.

Soon it was that not a day – perhaps not even an hour – passed without him offering a searingly wrathful prayer to Rhysol.

A year and a half passed this way, until he was a young man by human standards and Tilly was sixteen. She was to be wed to an equally obnoxious man he had come to recognize over the past year years from a nearby trading house. His sisters were little more than living, broken machines now, but he had been carefully nurtured. The obnoxious man – Bo Sno never actually bothered to learn his name, but rather remembered him by certain choice and unsavoury words as was his method with most people he encountered during this time – was not particularly bright, and never actually caught on that Bo was a kelvic. Thus, he went on a stroll around the plantation one day, taking Bo Sno along with him at Tilly’s request. As they were passing by the guard house, the man decided to let Boopley off the leash to play with the guard dogs – his sisters – while he lounged by the stream.

That was the last mistake he ever made.

No sooner was the collar off than Bo shifted into his human form, which was bigger and more powerful than even he had ever imagined. The astonished man’s neck was surprisingly easy to snap…and every bit as satisfying as he had imagined. He proceeded to set his sisters loose quietly, then sneak away from the guard house. The timing could not have been more perfect...it was a the off day for the estate guards, leaving only a handful still behind, and most of those too old, fat, and used to sleeping their days away to do much good. Shifting back into his kelvic form, gaining entry into the house was simple. Years of peace had made it so that Durral did not keep any guards stationed in the house, and at midday between meals there were almost no servants present either. Once inside, he merely went to the living room, shifted back into his human form, removed the Widowmaker Axe which hung on the mantle, killed the aging butler, and made for the family's rooms. For Tilly, he reserved the same punishment that his sisters had endured from her father, and then left her carcass beside his, who he had emasculated before using a letter opener to remove his heart.

The night after the killing ceased he fled the estate, and spent the rest of the time in rejoicing with his sisters in their kelvic forms…as small pack, as it were.

Unfortunately, as the adrenaline and endorphins wore off, their long mistreated bodies gave into the eternal rest.

The moon set long before sunrise, allowing him to spend the time of darkness in mourning.

And then the sun rose, and Boopley Snoof arose a new man…a man with a mission that would take him far from the plantation to what he would call his home in Syrilas, a place he decided was more or less at the center of the world and would serve him well as a starting point for life.

When the half-drunk guards returned to their bunk houses a little before noon, they were quickly sobered by news brought by distraught servants, and spread the word rapidly about what happened. A few described him, but without knowing his identity as a Kelvic, the description did them little good, for he was already well on his way out of the city, headed for his next mission.


Fluent Language: Common
Fluent Language: Animal (Canine)
Basic Language: Nari (learned from Tilly, whose mother was Inarta)
Poor Language: Ancient (learned from history tutor)


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Weapon (Widowmaker w/handle tip-blade) +30 SP 30 Competent
Unarmed Combat (Lupisarian [Wolf]) +10 SP, +10 RB 20 Novice
Acrobatics +10 SP 10 Novice


Lore of Rhysol, god of Chaos, Evil, Betrayal, and Lies

Lore of Using his Kelvic form to trick people into trusting him.


Kelvic-human -- Enhance hearing, smell, and night vision


Starting Possessions :
1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel

Clothing Related :
1 Backbelt for Mortaeon.

Mortaeon Widowmaker Axe.jpg
Mortaeon Widowmaker Axe.jpg (29.88 KiB) Viewed 616 times


Bo Sno decided to keep the Widowmaker from the plantation in Kenash. The handled tip-blade makes it extremely useful, and his incredible size and strength allow him to use it with ease despite the weapon’s immense size. From the end of it's handle blade to the tips of his heads, it measures a full six feet long, and the breadth of the double-heads totals at about two feet. He has dubbed it “Mortaeon.” He usually wears it on his back latched to a backbelt he bought from one of the sailors while en route to Syliras, as that is the only good way of carrying it. He is quite loathe to ever be without it, but would not resist giving it up if the situation necessitated it, if only not to arouse suspicions...


Location: Boopley Snoof is living in Syliras, at least for the time being. He has decided to choose a humble abode until he is more used to the metropolitan lifestyle, thus his current residence.

House: Bo Sno has a simple room (1 sm per day) in Traveller’s Row. He rents it for 90 sm a season (9 gm), having already paid for his fall lodging here.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
House forgone +500 GM 600 GM
Weapon Harness (pre-starting transaction) -5 gm 595 GM
Fall Lodging in Traveller’s Row (simple room) -9 GM 584 GM
Winter Lodging in Traveller's Row (simple room) -9 GM 575 GM

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Last edited by Boopley Snoof on November 18th, 2015, 1:11 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Boopley Snoof
Looks can be deceiving...
Posts: 26
Words: 27217
Joined roleplay: October 31st, 2015, 12:57 am
Race: Kelvic
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