Timestamp: Fall 6th, 515
Turning the knob, Lora gingerly opened the door of what was her new home. From the inside, this rented apartment wasn’t much different from her cottage back in Mura but opening the door showed just how changed her surroundings really were.
Her eyes were met with the view of the street, it's paved stones reflecting the light of the sun that was out of view because of how close the buildings were together. She watched as several people walked by the opened door. Just like everywhere else in Syliras, everything was in order. Back in Mura, the mornings had greeted her with a view of the water and the shining buildings that made up the city. The light and the buildings all seemed to flow together and it gave of an air of beauty. Although Lora wasn’t a total stranger to the area of Syliras, she had gotten used to the almost magical glow that Mura provided.
Disregarding her nostalgia, Lora took a step out onto the road, taking a deep breath of the early morning air. She tried to ignore the fact that it didn’t smell like the sea as it had back in Mura. It had a very distinct smell that Lora couldn’t quite put her finger on. It smelled like the city, not just the people, the city itself, as though it had a distinct smell just for the purpose of having a distinct smell.
The warm air seemed be layered with a hidden crispness, a cold waiting to come lurking just below the surface. It was still early fall but Lora knew the weather would soon be chilly. Cold was something she was looking forward to feeling again. It had never gotten too cold in Mura and although, cold had never been Lora’s favorite weather, it was one of the many things she was excited to have again.
Carefully, she wrapped her fingers around the knob of the door and pulled it shut behind her. In Mura, she would often leave her door opened and let the fresh air in. Here, she knew not to do that but still had to continuously remind herself to close it. There had already been a few times she had accidentally left the door opened when leaving her house.
Forcing a smile on to her face, Lora began walking down the road. People walked around her, most of them going to their jobs or on some important errand. Lora herself was not going anywhere specific. She was merely striding along and enjoying the world around her, maybe looking for and idea for her art, but mostly just enjoying herself.
She walked slowly trying to take in all her surroundings. The buildings, the people, and the leaves some of which had already begun to change color, all amazed her. Unfortunately, not everyone else walking along the street had the same appreciation for their surroundings. This meant people were walking around her far faster than she was walking leading quite a few of them to accidentally bumping into her, despite the fact the street wasn’t exactly crowded.
Suddenly, Lora began to walk faster as well. Up just ahead of her she could see an alley way jutting off from the main road. This was sure to have less people on it. As she reached it, Lora ducked into the alley way and was immediately shrouded in a shadow provided by the towering buildings around her. Although she would have liked to walk in the sun, the empty street was well worth it. Resuming her slow pace, Lora continued her early morning walk.