Winter 1, 510 A.V.
Late Morning
Scia drifted up and down the road leading to the gates, a ghostly pacing of sorts. The sun had risen over the cold fields, and people had begun to truly move about their daily business. A man coming into the city passed by the ghost, and Scia strained to materialize, brushing his shoulder to get his attention. "Excuse me, sir, have you seen or heard news of a ghostly woman, perhaps lost, or in search of her husband?" he asked politely. When the man answered in the negative and moved on to the guards, the ghost sighed, dematerializing.
The gates were a great place to figure out if anyone had seen his lovely Jean, in theory. Those coming into the great city of Syliras could bring news from afar, however unlikely, and those leaving the city could tell him if she had been seen within. So far, however, his new idea for finding his wife had turned up no results; as they always did. But Scia Ritor would not give up, he had to find his wife. Perhaps he could try the Haunted Falls, wherever that was; during one of his questionings someone had mentioned such a place. Scia had no idea where that was, but it was full of ghosts. Perhaps Jean had gone there, thinking that it was a good place to meet up with other ghosts, thinking they would meet there.
Shaking his translucent head to get his thoughts back into reality, Scia looked up and down the path, searching for his next target for questions.