51 Fall, 515 AV
Afternoon, Endrykas
Blackwater Pavilion
Afternoon, Endrykas
Blackwater Pavilion
Kyanite met them at the entrance with a curious look on his face; who were these strangers with his father? Dravite got down on one knee to let the twins find their feet, both a couple of years older than the inquisitive little toddler that edged near slowly. "Kyan," Dravite summoned the boy with a smile and turned back to glance at Fara when he felt the woman's eyes on him.
She offered a hesitant smile and crouched down near him with Löwe wrapped in her arms, "hello, Kyanite," she cooed softly.
The yellow haired boy smiled his cheeky little smile and came closer still until Dravite could clutch his narrow little shoulder.
"This is Dove and Wolf," he introduced the twins to his son, "and this is their mother Fara."
Again Fara looked at Dravite, though she found it increasingly difficult to look away from her sister’s son, the golden haired, spitting image of the man she had loved, "and this is Löwe," she told him, "he is your brother."
Kyanite looked confused, "Garrison," he smiled then, blurting out the name of the only person he knew to be one of his brothers.
Dravite frowned, he didn't want to confuse his son, it was only right he knew the truth, but Belkaia wasn't going to take the news well and Dravite had discussed that on the way back to camp with Fara. She was already breaking his rules, he didn't want Belkaia to find out through Kyanite; this was something he needed to tell his wife alone.
Wolf was all smiles, though he remained relatively quiet, his twin sister Dove was a lot more outgoing and took Kyanite's hand before giving him a tender little hug. Dravite found his smile once more as he watched the exchange. Löwe seemed reserved, distant, and remained glued to his mother, while the twins seemed content to follow Kyanite around as he introduced them to some of the goats from the Blackwater herd and even let them play with the toy drum Pearl had given him.
Fara put her hand on Dravite's shoulder and got to her feet slowly as Belkaia appeared from somewhere behind the main tent where they kept the firewood. Garrison was following close behind holding a small stack of kindling which he then dropped to join Kyanite and his strange new friends. "Fara?" Belkaia stood gobsmacked.
"Hello sister," Fara smiled softly and Dravite got to his feet, watching Belkaia as if she were an intruding lioness sneaking up on his pride, ready to attack.
Belkaia sprung forward and hugged Fara tightly before standing back to look at her, resting her hand on the woman's thin shoulders, "I never thought I would see you again," she beamed, "are you in the city long?" Belkaia looked back at Dravite and smiled, "Can she stay for dinner?"
"I was hoping to stay a little longer than that, sister."
"Yes of course," Belkaia agreed, "you must." It was then she noticed Löwe and the twins, "are these your children?"
"Yes," Fara pulled Löwe closer, "this is my eldest, Löwe, and my twins Wolf and Dove playing with your little blessing."
"Blessings," Belkaia smiled, correcting her sister, "Garrison is our son too."
"Yes," Fara smiled, "but not quite like this one," she touched her sisters inflated belly, "do you think it will be a boy or a girl?"
Belkaia looked down and giggled, "I'm not sure, in fact I'm quite torn. Let me look at you," she insisted, fussing with her sister’s long dark hair and running an observant eye over the woman, "you're expecting?" Belkaia seemed surprised.
"Yes this winter."
"You look so starved! What's happened?"
Fara looked grave, "heavy news, sister; I feel it's best I spare you the details, but Kade and I are no longer bound."
Belkaia hugged the woman and pointed a questioning look at her husband, "all in good time, you must stay with us until you find your feet."
"Too kind," Fara smiled sadly, "I don't want to impose."
"Not at all!" Belkaia grinned, "It will be nice having you around. Come, I'll show you around the tent and we can set up a place for the four of you to sleep," Belkaia insisted, taking her older sister by the hand to lead her into the main pavilion tent.
Löwe stayed outside and sat down on the grass to watch his siblings play. Dravite took up residence besides the boy and plucked stray strands of grass from the earth, something to busy his hands with while he decided where to point his stare. Each time Löwe looked up to watch Wolf or Dove, Dravite would stare at the boy, mapping the lines and shape of the young boy's face, committing every detail to memory.
The dark hair he decided was due to Fara's blood, while the shape of Löwe's eyes, nose, lips, and brow seemed just like his own, in fact the resemblance was uncanny. The dreadlocks, Dravite thought, were unusual; it wasn't a very common, nor accepted hair style within the Drykas culture and yet Fara had chosen to fashion her son's hair into the unruly long knots, "I like your hair style," Dravite smiled, trying to make light conversation, testing the waters as it were; what was Löwe like when he wasn't latched to his mother?
The boy smiled, "Kade hates it."
Odd, Dravite thought, why did this boy not refer to Kade as his father? "why doesn’t he like it?" The horse lord inquired.
Löwe shrugged, "said it was of low blood."
Dravite felt his brow knot angrily, the Ironhide pavilion always acted as if they were better than everyone else, and it really struck a nerve with the watchman. "Low blood," Dravite scoffed, "it is a warrior’s mane."
Löwe looked at the man and smiled crookedly.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes," Löwe admitted with a short, sharp nod of his head.
"Then forget what others say; if you like it, that's all that really matters."
Again the boy smiled and started picking at the grass like Drivate had been.
The two of them spoke for a while. For Dravite, who had not spoken so in depth with a child in years, found the conversation interesting, having waited so long for his own boy to start talking. There was a lot he could do with Löwe that Kyanite was far too young for, and perhaps more importantly, he looked forward to getting to know his long lost son a little better.
"Do you like riding?"
"Yes," Löwe grinned, "mother says I can get my own horse soon."
"I have lots of horses," Dravite smiled, "perhaps you can ride one of them."
"Would you take me hunting?" Löwe asked.
The horse lord smirked, "aren't you a little young?"
Before the boy could answer, Belkaia stormed out of the main pavilion tent and threw one of the furs down that she had been holding. "She's not staying!" Belkaia spat, "none of them are," and with that she disappeared to go and find Pearl at the River Flower.