I have a friend who has been rping for years with a blind character, and while it is not on Miz, at least some of the principles still apply, and others can find parallels in Miz.
So, first, big number one is was Kavala said, and do IRL research on how you can navigate. Your basic navigation for a blind man would be to rely upon your other senses to notice things. Observation would be the skill correlated to this....oddly enough, you would be the first person probably in the history of the game to have a need to have Observation as a starting skill. But hearing and feeling would be your main senses.
Now, onto more occult skills that could potentially help.
First and easiest one would be Spiritism. If you use this, I would suggest starting with the maximum 30 XP so that you are Competent in the skill. The main part of Spiritism that would interest you would be "Graceful Possession" in which a ghost possesses you, but yet you remain in control of what happens. The benefit would be that a ghost might be able to help you with special references and sight. I am no spiritist IC, so I COULD be wrong...ask a mod before acting on this advice
Second skill would be one which you cannot start with, but could be valuable to learn. Familiarity involves bonding with an other-worldly being. The relationship is Symbiotic...meaning that as the skill progresses the being becomes more on a partner to you than a servant. The use here, however, would be that said being would not be blind, and thus could act as an ever-present "seeing-eye" for you.
Lastly, and
most interesting and practical, I think, would be to devote a good chunk of your skills to animal husbandry, and have a seeing eye dog. This could potentially be a Kelvic, as well, but the "Seeing-eye" part is what is most important. This would be unprecedented in Miz, I believe, but could work wonderfully. I'm absolutely certain this would need moderator permission, but that would not be much of a problem for such a simple request.
Personally, I would go with the last option, and instead of using skills like Observation (this is the easiest skill to get, so using starting points on this would be a shame), I would suggest lores.
**Thus, you would be starting with a
Seeing-eye dog (could be normal, could be Kevlic...that much is up to you and the mods to decide) and then have your starting lores be
Lore: How to Create a Mental Picture by Feeling and
Lore: Using My Hearing to Judge Distance and Location.**
This is just my idea. You would have to tweak it to fit your char, but I think that this offers a good idea. You could, of course, go with one of my other ideas, or none at all. But...just a thought.