Closed Repelling the Repellent Part II

Clyde continues his work on a item for the knighthood

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Repelling the Repellent Part II

Postby Clyde Sullins on December 1st, 2015, 1:23 am

Continued from here
76 Fall 515

Clyde looked down at the creature, a rat sniffing and snuffing, sitting in its cage. He knew it wasn't a real sentient being, wasn't aware of what went on around it, but he wondered if it knew what was to come.

It had likely lived its life in Syliras, perhaps even in the castle proper itself, eking out a living stealing what food it could. Now it had been captured, caged, and would be killed. Killed by Clyde in a experiment meant to ward from its own kind. To keep them at bay and unable to feed on the cities stores or whatever place was chosen to keep them from.

He wondered if it knew it was essentially a traitor to its own kind, or being used as such. But no, Clyde supposed to himself, it didn't know that, as it wasn't aware. He could kill it now, kill it with but a thought, but he found himself pondering its life and its existence.

Odd since he'd snuffed out many humans lives without a thought.

But then those times he'd killed it had been out of necessity. He'd killed to live. He'd killed to stop others from being killed, or captured, or enslaved. He'd killed humans, and zith, and yukmen, wolves, ants, and many other things he couldn't think of. But few of those had given him time to ponder the death beforehand, usually they'd been considered and done in an instant.

Perhaps that was why Clyde felt more of a connection in a rat he was to kill, than a person. He'd had it sitting with him. Had fed and watered it. He'd KNOWN it with his auristics. But in the end he knew what he had to do, and knew this wasn't time to become squeamish. Besides, he thought to himself, it was just a rat.

Just a rat. Clyde couldn't help thinking to himself and smiling a bit at those thought words. Just a something. Just a rat, a bird, a cat, a dog, a person, something alive that soon wouldn't be. In that way it was no more or less than the other things he'd killed, mostly with his magic.

But now it wouldn't be with magic, it'd be with his own hands and a dagger, more direct than a Reimanced attack from afar.

Heading over to the items, Clyde took one final look at the item to be Enchanted, placed it upon the pedestal, and began his work.

Next he headed over to his charged hammers, the items and implements by which he'd infuse djed into the item, expanding its djed pathways and bending the rules that governed its mundane existence.

Perhaps with enough steps a rule could be broken, not just bent, but that wasn't what he was after today.

Taking up a hammer, Clyde placed a small shining stone before him, closed his eyes, took a breath, and then opening them struck. The hammer struck the stone, and he felt the transfer of djed on the air and shivering down his spine. He felt the magic of the stone be drained away, stored within the mechanism's of the hammer.

Then he took up another, and another, going through item after item.

As he worked charging the hammers he slowly began to speak, letting his words slip from speech into chanting, and then into hummed words, and then into song, creating the words and lyrics and rhymes on the spot.

“Of hammer and nail I ply my trade. The hammer, the dagger, the items so laid. A dagger to pierce the heart of a beast. But forget its small stature, its numbers are far from the least. The knights call me, repulse, repel. The rats, its secrets, its wonder I won't tell.”

Clyde worked his way through items and ingredients, charging as he went. Another stone, this one which seems to glisten like it was wet. Another item that Clyde was unsure of, perhaps a piece of bark, perhaps the shell of some great insect. He couldn't tell which. Each item in turn was drained of its djed, drained of its essence and non-mundaneness. The shiny were left dull. The wet was left dry. The stiff was left pliable. The pliable was left stiff and cracked.

Each strike of the hammer, each surge of djed though small nuzzled his cheek, and brought the rat one step closer to its death. Perhaps it wasn't his enchantment he sang of, not an incantation he wrought to concentrate himself in his magic, but a death ballad he sung to the rat.

WC: 765
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Clyde Sullins
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Repelling the Repellent Part II

Postby Clyde Sullins on December 31st, 2015, 1:51 am

Clyde focused on his work, on his plan, and his progress. First, the behavior, the base thing laid upon the item, infused into it. Making it, in a way, anti-the essence. Next, he gave it some intelligence, guiding the essence within in a specific direction, and making the anti-effect repellent, scared, flight. Next, he enforced the behavior, gave it strength, enough to affect things about it, to give it range.

Perhaps with a second step to increase the behavior he could extend the range more. For now one step would do, a MC 2 item more or less straightforward.

Taking up a hammer, Clyde headed to the pedestal, and focused on the item. For now he needed a small expansion, just a niche of sorts to hold. Within that he would place the essence of the rat, upon which the rest of the enchantment would be laid.

Canting his arm, he felt out with his aura sight, feeling the item. Something he could only currently do within the warding. The warding being as strong as it was, it hindered him when within from sensing outside of its effect, and when without sensing things within. If it weren't true, he'd knew his wards weren't working as intended.

He grasped at it, at its aura, its djed, felt its essence, and concentrated. Concentrated as the hammer swung heavy and fast down towards the tiny item, a forceful blow to pound it. As his blow neared he pulled back, slowing it, letting at the end nothing more than a tap, a mere light contact, reach the item. It was enough. The djed within was released, sent upon the pathway of Clyde's choosing by the focus of his thoughts and the cant of his arm.

With a second hammer he returned, canting his arm in a slighly different way, almost imperceptibly, but with his experience and his understand of the item distinctive. The second peal rang out in his aura sight as a ringing as the item as smited with but a tap of the next hammer, and the djed released. This cant was focused on widening the niche, making it able to hold, where the first had simply been a dagger thrust into the ground to make a purchase.

Returning in a moment, Clyde had Cha rested on the ground within the circle, touching his bare foot as he'd kicked off his shoes. In his hands he held his dagger and the caged rat. He'd put on his gloves to keep the rat from scratching or biting him. They weren't impervious, but the leather barrier might help. Setting the dagger down, Clyde carefully opened the cage, reaching in for the rat. However it snapped at him, and so he pulled back, taking out a food pellet and sating the beast, perhaps gaining a momentary bit of trust.

While the rat chew on its food, Clyde reached inside and grabbed it behind the neck, pulling it out slowly. Clyde was no expert in animal husbandry, didn't know how to tame a wild beast, but he knew simply enough that holding something by the neck was a good way to handle it. It couldn't for instance turn about and bite his hand while he held it as such.

As the rat squirmed, scratching and scraping with its claws, bending, trying to get free, Clyde held it tightly, not letting it get loose. Carefully setting down cage, Clyde retrieved the dagger, and extended his aura sight at the rat. He wanted to try something new, and so once more reached within with his sight, feeling for where he vaguely knew the heart of the beast was. After a moment he felt the beating, the motion, saw it pump, and knew where it was. Where his target was.

Lining up the dagger tip just below the rat, and just below where he knew the heart was in the rat, he held his breath, and then thrust upward. He watched as his aura sight altered, as the heart's sight changed as the dagger pierced it, the blade of metal sliding in and causing untold damage. He'd never tried to guide his attack using Auristics, but now that he had he saw the usefulness of such a tactic, and knew he'd have to try it again.

Pulling the blade out there was a sudden torrent of blood, more than he would have previously thought could have been held in the tiny body. As he'd stabbed the rat through the heart it had tensed in his hand, one final death motion, a final fight, before it died. With such a critical organ struck it was dead almost instantly, with no hope of life.

Clyde guided the blood pouring out of the rat, letting it flow and gush onto the tiny rat object, the item being enchanted upon the pedestal.

Though he couldn't feel it with his aura sight, Clyde could imagine the rat essence soaking into the niche he'd previously opened, soaking into the nature of the item. It was a source of behavior but without direction or form. Next Clyde would guide that nature, give it a voice, and let it express itself.

WC: 864
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Repelling the Repellent Part II

Postby Clyde Sullins on December 31st, 2015, 11:46 pm

The rat essence soaked deeply into the item, Clyde began his work on the first true step of the enchantment. Now he needed to give the essence a focus, a direction, giving it a bit of his wisdom and intent so as to guide the effect against rats.

Right now the effect was more or less a secondary simple one, anti-blood. In this case the effect was anti-rat. Now he focused his intent, taking the next hammer in hand. He wanted to push the effect outward, radiating off the the talisman like the flames off a candle wick.

The behavioral step would enhance this direction, broaden it and make it wide enough to make it effective, but the first initial bit of making it go beyond the borders of the item was much harder and took up its own effort.

Where before he'd been widening the niche, deepening it, now he was breaching its walls. A tiny puddle, who's sides he was cutting into and letting numerous trails of its power trickle out every way.

Clyde focused on this image and intent as he felt the djed flow, as he felt the nimbus of djed about him shine in bright spots where his focus was narrowed, in the places where djed flowed freely and loose, where it was imbibed and taken and obtained.

It helped that the world beyond the edge of his glyphs was dead and devoid of sight, made it easier to concentrate on what was blocked within. And there was much to see.

As he took up his hammer, Clyde focused his intent, focused and watched the item and its overlaid image within his aura sight, as he canted and twisted and prepared for the strike. Within its aura he could see the flows of djed, could see its strong force, and could see the malleable djed writhing within. He could see how it flowed, understood it, and so knew how to inject more djed safely and in the direction needed to cause the effect he desired.

Part of this was within his aura sight, and part of this was something he simply understood from his skill as a Magecrafter. Like a weaponsmith looking at a lump of hot steel and knowing how to pound and twist it into the shape of a fine blade. Once more Clyde began to Songsmith, letting his created words and sung lyrics help concentrate his mind on his task.

“A twist and a pull and a pealing bell falls. Into your effect I dig and breach your influences walls. A man is a man but a rats not a rat. Scurry and flee quick as if chased by a cat. Anathema to you and all of your kind. Between this and a rock you'd be in quite a bind. Flee and run lest you meet with despair. An enemy of you it is from snout to tail and tooth to hair.”

Clyde lost track of the number of times he let hammer fly, the number of times he felt the djed release and inject into the enchantment's effect. Each time he felt the curl up his spine, the excess flopping about only to be sucked into the mighty wards influence where it could do no harm. If it weren't for this many tiny bits of improperly placed djed would be leeched into the enchantment, something that perhaps now wouldn't matter but for deeper enchantment's would. He could see how someone without his skill could easily destroy themselves by trying to make a higher level item. But he knew even he shouldn't grow complacent in his skill, and that he must be vigilant.

Hammer blow after hammer fell, each one widening and loosing the hold on the niche, till at least he felt it rupture, and felt the essence and its new guided effect soak into the entire item, and bristle on its edges like a coat of poison. Now he just needed one more step, the second one, to push that effect and give it force, and to broaden the effect to ward against rats.

WC: 685
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Clyde Sullins
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Repelling the Repellent Part II

Postby Clyde Sullins on January 1st, 2016, 12:29 am

77 Fall 515

Having rested the night, Clyde continued on to the second and final step of the enchantment, a step in increasing and expanding the behavior placed and guided into the item by use of rat's blood and a intelligence step.

The behavior was there, it was soaked in the blood of a rat. The intelligence imbued into the item had given that focus and direction, spreading and expanding the influence of the effect. This next step would take that guided behavior, and purely and singularly feed it and expand it like dry wood into a bed of embers. It would give it reach, and make it potent in its effect. Without it the object of the enchantment would be no better than a particularly deadly to rats ornament.

Rising Clyde spent several chimes pacing through his lab, checking every inch of wards with both mundane albeit skilled Glyphers eyes, and Auristics.

He could find now fault, no mars, though he hadn't expected it with such a low level work. But he could detect stress points, something that was always hard to pin down. If he took them into account his next iteration of warding would be just a small bit better, and so on in a neverending battle towards perfection. He'd reinforce the warding next time, reinforce and rework the wards to better deal with the stress points, to guide the djed in new ways that made the layout last longer and take more force against it.

Eventually he'd have his entire lab covered in complex and compact glyphs, with only the need to occasionally reinforce or recopy one that became damaged or overloaded.

Taking the first hammer of the day in hand, Clyde headed towards his warding and the pedestal. He'd already filled the hammers with djed, captured from various items and objects, carcasses, remains, remnants, soils, stones, and other manner of things.

Pacing about the pedestal, the focused his aura sigh on himself, the air, the hammer in his hand, and the small talisman on the pedestal. The last of those shown with a brightness of djed, hot and bubbling and swirling about. He could almost feel the heat of the reaction like a warmth radiating off of it, could almost feel the new complexity added onto its djed. Of course as always it was hard to tell apart what he saw because he expected to see it due to his knowledge as a Magecrafter and its processes, and what he actually saw within his aura vision which was odd at best.

“As a lake in the rain swell and grow. The seeds of your power I do now sow. Beyond mundane matter you shine in mine eye. Swerve and shake to make the rules a lie. Ignore the worlds rules and press ever on. On this new day the sun won't shine on this dawn. Grow and spread and reach your touch. Grow and spread, for too much is never too much. ”

Clyde kept at his work, singing and striking, using hammer after hammer. He kept at his work, filling the item with new djed till the new pathway of behavior was set.

He spent another chime or two examining the talisman, making sure every small bit of djed needed had been injected into the item, molded to its new rules and effect, before he finally picked it up. With a sense of finality he broke from the pedestal with the talisman in hand, and then with one final motion dropped it into the basin full of charged waters.

He watched as the water frothed and roiled, the neutral nature of the water cooling the hot djed within the reaction. It would be awhile before its work was done, but once it did the item would be ready for use in scaring away rats and keeping them at bay.

WC: 643
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Repelling the Repellent Part II

Postby Dove Brown on March 4th, 2016, 9:35 pm


Don't forget to edit/delete your grade request. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding your grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM.

Clyde Sullins
  • Singing 3
  • Composition 3
  • Animal Husbandry 1
  • Weapon: Dagger 1
  • Magecrafting 2
  • Crafting a Beastbane item
  • Locating critical parts with Auristics
  • What you can locate, you can target
  • Magecrafting: placing the essence of the beast in an item
  • Magecrafting: using the essence to guide the item's intelligence
  • Magecrafting: singng the rat's deathsong and the beastbane's creation simultaneously

Comments: Enjoy your grades
Very busy at work. May not be around much for a while.
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