82 Fall 515
Clyde placed one foot before the other, his red eyed guard dog Rye at his side, as he stepped off the Kabrin Road.
He'd been working a good bit of late, and so Clyde decided it was time to get away for a bit. Away from the city, away from the hustle and bustle. More importantly, away from the knights and the constant drain on his attention being around them caused.
He couldn't just act naturally, couldn't let something slip, and so constantly in Syliras needed to be on his guard.
It was one of the reasons he'd packed up for a short camping trip out to Pavi Lake.
Clyde was fairly certain he'd been there before, at some point, though he couldn't recall exactly when. But looking at the map he held out before him, Cha held under the crook of his arm as he needed both hands to inspect the map, he more or less knew were it was.
He'd packed his normal camping gear for the trip. Bedroll, tent, blanket, lamp, among other less traditional items. He always had some ink, a sqill or two, and some paper or parchment. He never knew when he'd need to do some glyphing, or when the urge to do some magic might strike him.
All of it was stowed in or on his backpack.
Checking the map, Clyde glanced back east at the road, and then back west in the direction the salt water lake was. He'd headed north on the kabrin road from Syliras, travelling for a ways till he was more or less due east of his destination.
He wasn't a master at land navigation but even he, surely, could head due west in the direction the sun was rising from.
He spent one last moment checking the map, checking where he figured he was on the road, and then headed off. Rolling up the map he stowed it in his pack, and then began to walk more firmly at a steady gait. Each few steps Cha pounded on the ground, a welcome and familiar feeling in his hand.
Rye was nice, was trained to guard him and alert him to threats and dangers, and due to the peculiarities of his breed could even see in the dark by heat alone, but he didn't make Clyde feel nearly as safe as Cha did.
Unless something stopped him or caught his interest, he'd keep going west until he reached Pavi Lake. As it was a rather large body of water, it would be hard to miss even if he wandered north or south instead of due west, or if he started a bit too far or not far enough along the Kabrin Road.
Along with getting away from the city and honing his skills at map reading and land navigation, it could also perhaps help him expand his stamina a bit. Spending a half season straight indoors nearly didn't do well for ones physical capabilities, and a good long hike was just what he needed to knock the laze out of his body.