Winter 81 515 AV
The door, in and of itself, was unassuming. It was made of a simple, sturdy wood that was a hair lighter than the night sky. There was a practical brass knob and a solid frame, only it stood all on its own, nothing but the large plaza of stone surrounding it. In the spirit of Alvadas, or at the very least the spirit of what Alvadas had been, there was a playful, multi-hued triangle slapped onto the otherwise unremarkable wood. No matter the perspective, the shape seemed to stare back (and odd sort of feeling as the thing didn't have eyes to see), and while the door was, for all intents and purposes, just a door, it seemed like so much more.
It had appeared just like anything else, over night and without fanfare, but there was something very real about it. In fact, it was so real, it made everything else seem just a bit paler, just a bit off, just a bit less.
People gathered around it, their haggard patience tempered by the door's allure, but none stepped forward, not for a time. Few could remember when fear had been the predominate face worn by the carefree denizens of the city of illusion, and as they gazed at the door that gazed back at them, each considered their options. The door was what it was, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind that passing through it was a one way trip.
Alvads, however, could only be afraid for so long. Curiosity and imagination, those were the true virtues of the city's people, and slowly, investigations began. The door, once opened, revealed only the empty space behind it. Moving a limb through the space was as easy as doing so anywhere else, but as soon as the first young man poked his head through, he was gone, as if he had never existed at all. After that, investigations became rather fervent. Discoveries were made, and as the first bell chimed after the door's appearance, there were several "rules" that were posted within the color-shifting triangle.
1. You cannot pass through the door without a weapon.
2. You cannot pass through the door if you are severely wounded.
3. Children cannot pass through the door
4. Only one person can pass through the door at a time.
5. The door cannot be damaged by anything.
6. You leave, you don't come back.
Slowly, people began to gather once more, only this time, they came armed and with a glint to their gazes. The Zith were the first to leave, the only race that seemed able to pass through the door without adhering to the first rule. Not a single one of the winged men and women were left by the time the others began to file through, and after the initial shove, passage through the door became much less common. Those who had left, those who had remained, and those who were torn between decisions: choices were to be made.
Player's Note:
If you would like to go through the door on the 81st or 82nd, please feel free to start threads depicting the passage. I'll be keeping and eye on them.
Please feel free to describe the fighting as you wish. Primarily, you will be fighting undead creatures, however there may be others among them. Please do not write interactions with NPCs that would normally require ST approval without first checking with Fable. Please feel free to make use of "one time" NPCs to assist your characters in the fray or in the camp, these will not require ST approval as long as their "skills" consist of at most one expert skill and a handful of competent ones. Most of all, however, have fun! Expose your characters to situations you might never had thought of before, and don't be afraid to take risks. If you feel as thought your character may be in a tight spot, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and ask for a random intervention! If there are any NPCs you would like to know the whereabouts of, please post their names in my office, and I will try to add them in to the updates as this even progresses.
Good luck!
Aislyn, if you plan to leave through the door, please PM me. You will have a separate prompt.
The door, in and of itself, was unassuming. It was made of a simple, sturdy wood that was a hair lighter than the night sky. There was a practical brass knob and a solid frame, only it stood all on its own, nothing but the large plaza of stone surrounding it. In the spirit of Alvadas, or at the very least the spirit of what Alvadas had been, there was a playful, multi-hued triangle slapped onto the otherwise unremarkable wood. No matter the perspective, the shape seemed to stare back (and odd sort of feeling as the thing didn't have eyes to see), and while the door was, for all intents and purposes, just a door, it seemed like so much more.
It had appeared just like anything else, over night and without fanfare, but there was something very real about it. In fact, it was so real, it made everything else seem just a bit paler, just a bit off, just a bit less.
People gathered around it, their haggard patience tempered by the door's allure, but none stepped forward, not for a time. Few could remember when fear had been the predominate face worn by the carefree denizens of the city of illusion, and as they gazed at the door that gazed back at them, each considered their options. The door was what it was, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind that passing through it was a one way trip.
Alvads, however, could only be afraid for so long. Curiosity and imagination, those were the true virtues of the city's people, and slowly, investigations began. The door, once opened, revealed only the empty space behind it. Moving a limb through the space was as easy as doing so anywhere else, but as soon as the first young man poked his head through, he was gone, as if he had never existed at all. After that, investigations became rather fervent. Discoveries were made, and as the first bell chimed after the door's appearance, there were several "rules" that were posted within the color-shifting triangle.
1. You cannot pass through the door without a weapon.
2. You cannot pass through the door if you are severely wounded.
3. Children cannot pass through the door
4. Only one person can pass through the door at a time.
5. The door cannot be damaged by anything.
6. You leave, you don't come back.
Slowly, people began to gather once more, only this time, they came armed and with a glint to their gazes. The Zith were the first to leave, the only race that seemed able to pass through the door without adhering to the first rule. Not a single one of the winged men and women were left by the time the others began to file through, and after the initial shove, passage through the door became much less common. Those who had left, those who had remained, and those who were torn between decisions: choices were to be made.
Those who pass on the first day :
Those who pass through the second day :
Player's Note:
If you would like to go through the door on the 81st or 82nd, please feel free to start threads depicting the passage. I'll be keeping and eye on them.
Please feel free to describe the fighting as you wish. Primarily, you will be fighting undead creatures, however there may be others among them. Please do not write interactions with NPCs that would normally require ST approval without first checking with Fable. Please feel free to make use of "one time" NPCs to assist your characters in the fray or in the camp, these will not require ST approval as long as their "skills" consist of at most one expert skill and a handful of competent ones. Most of all, however, have fun! Expose your characters to situations you might never had thought of before, and don't be afraid to take risks. If you feel as thought your character may be in a tight spot, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and ask for a random intervention! If there are any NPCs you would like to know the whereabouts of, please post their names in my office, and I will try to add them in to the updates as this even progresses.
Good luck!
Aislyn, if you plan to leave through the door, please PM me. You will have a separate prompt.