Naveena Clematis
52nd Day of Winter 515 AV
Naveena glanced up at the red and white dyed signed that read "Rearing Stallion" hanging over an open doorway. Since it was still early evening, the noise from the tavern was still a low hum echoing out onto the street. Naveena stepped under the vibrant sign into the entrance of tavern, noticing that it was still mostly bare of patrons at this time. The few people gathered were obviously only there to quench their thirst and fill their guts with a warm stew.
Naveena left the door open and inviting as she made her way slowly towards the bar. It was really a nice, clean tavern, with a dry floor and roaring fireplace to warm its patrons' bones on this cool evening. At first glance, it looked as if it was an establishment that frequented bar fights rather than artists of either musical instruments or dance. But after an evening of chatting with one of the waitresses, Naveena spoke with owner about performing a few evenings every week.
Naveena had grown rather fond of the tavern, for its warm vibe and respectful patrons. It was a place where she could make up her dance as she went rather than executing complicated, exotic movements that the White Swan Inn preferred. And while she was able to demonstrate her skills in aerial dancing at the White Swan, there was something wonderful in the laid-back manner of this tavern.
Naveena nodded to the friendly waitress before moving toward the raised dais on the north end of the tavern. She gently removed her black cloak, revealing a pretty, simple dress dyed in an ice blue hue. It was called a 'free-flowing' gown that reached to mid-calf and was made up of multiple sashes that moved independent from the rest of the dress. The neckline wrapped around her pale neck, exposing her shoulders and upper back for flexibility purposes. It was fitted dress on her slender form but the skirt drifted around her hips to provide space for dancing. It was pretty but not one of her more elegant pieces and certainly not as fine as her Ranekissra silk.
Naveena hung the cloak up on a wedged hook and took a seat on the dais to replace her simple boots for her dancing shoes of silver and ebony. At this time, her silver hair was wrapped in a white sash while the other dancing sashes were tied strategically around her arms and lower legs in varying hues. She had done her makeup simply today, in hues that made her lilac-colored eyes appear more blue than purple. She was ready.
With the tavern slowly filling with patrons, Naveena stepped up on the dais as a man holding a musical instrument unknown to her took a seat at a nearby table and began to play. It was a light-hearted tune, one that could easily find rhythm in. Naveena smiled out to the crowd and gave a low bow that oozed grace and sophistication. She closed her eyes briefly, letting her muscles 'hear' the song and all that was left unsaid in the beautiful tones. Naveena let her body go, allowing it to move as it will to the tap of feet and slight humming of the instrument.
Naveena loved dancing at the Rearing Stallion; it allowed to dance in such an unrestrained way that her mother would whack her across the knees if she saw such a dance. But she let her feet flit across the raised dais, moving and twisting with the notes. The sashes flowed around her body in an effortless action as her muscles fell into a familiar rhythm. She almost doing a jig but her arms and legs moved too gracefully to be considered such.
Naveena spun tightly and lept in place on the small dais before a sparse crowd, smiling and winking at a few patrons. While it was something she would never do usually, dance made her want to be daring, outgoing, and flirtatious in a way foreign to her. Naveena used every bit of space available to her on the dais as the tune picked up pace and demanded more energy from her. She was only too happy to oblige as she lept and flipped in place, drawing awws and oohs from the crowd.
Naveena recognized the finishing notes of the song. Her feet tapped and flitted across the dais, ending in a spin in which she pulled the white sash loose from her head. Long strands of loosely wavy hair dipped in the colors of starlight and slate rippled down her back as she finished a tight turn. The song ended with Naveena planted in an acrobatic stance with her silver hair loose about her. The tavern filled with beautiful applause and a couple of coins hit the dais with a clink. Naveena unfolded herself from her stance and bowed gracefully to the crowd before picking up the stray coins and waltzing toward the bar.
Naveena counted the coins quickly before placing them into the sewed-in pocket of the dress for safekeeping. Luckily, the bar owner was respected enough that entertainers were not hassled for their wages, although when she stepped outside it was another story. Naveena smoothly slid onto a stool as the waitress slid an ale towards her. While Naveena greatly preferred wine to anything else, she was not going to turn down the free ale provided to entertainers. Naveena took a sip of the dark ale in as she waited for a just a few more of the chairs to be filled before stepping onto the dais again.