Article: Gruubar.
Author(s): Kyo.
Other development: None.
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Synopsis: Gruubar are tiny, parasitic arachnids that live in large colonies. These creatures are thought to have mutated in the Valterrian from some sort of typical arachnid, most likely ticks. Unlike their ancestors, however, these bugs no longer feed on blood but on all forms of djed.
During the cold seasons, gruubar infect a warm-blooded host body, like that of any large mammal (including humans). Through the use of webbing they eventually gain control of the host's body and manipulate their victim's movements.
Gruubar tend to be found in Cyphrus, but will thrive in any warm climate that supplies enough djed (Falyndar, for example, is both hot and high-djed).
There are three types of gruubar: female gruubar (Stingers) that inject their viral essence into a host's body, Viral gruubar (ichor) which sit dormant in the host body until conditions are ripe for reproduction, and male gruubar (Webbers), which wield the power of djed webbing to infect and control their host.
- Summary
- Feeding and Hosts
- Appearance and Type
- Stingers (Females)
- Webbers (Males)
- Virals
- Life Cycle
- Behavior (Based on Season)
- Winter
- Spring and Summer
- Fall
- Host Behavior and Attacks
- Number and Limits on Population
- Effects on the Host Body
- Other