Rhetoric +1
Persuasion +1
Horsemanship +1
Animal Husbandry +1
Riding +4
Weapon: spear +1
Subterfuge +1
Brawling +1
Brawling +1
Observation +3
515 Great Race: wild, underhanded and vicious
Eryunt: a born racehorse
Ywana: keeps her promises if you keep yours
Race rules: simple in theory, dangerous in practice
The Great Race of 515
The Great Race: think fast, act fast, move fast
The Great Race: full of dirty tricks
Vaikar is dead
Merevaika: Kinslayer
If Merevaika is seen by anyone who witnessed the race, she will be referred to as “Kinslayer,” either to her face or behind hushed fingers. Any merchants who were at the race will be unwilling to sell to or buy from Merevaika. For further details regarding Merevaika’s exile, contact Prophet.
Observation +2
Meditation +1
Rhetoric +1
Leadership +2
Medicine +1
Where idiots gather, so do injuries
Drak: dreams of racing
The Great Race of 515
The Great Race: losers get injured quickly
Medicine: keep good bedside manners, even in the field
Medicine: recognizing death upon impact
Prayer: Drykas final goodbyes
Life is precious, Drak doubly so
Death: sometimes inevitable.
Merevaika: the Kinslayer
Aoife, PM me once you deduct winter and spring expenses from your ledger I’ll release your grades.
Wow! This was an amazing read, you guys! It started off strong, then just got stronger as it went on. It was an absolute pleasure to grade this. Enjoy your XP, and if you have any questions feel free to PM me!
Rhetoric +1
Persuasion +1
Horsemanship +1
Animal Husbandry +1
Riding +4
Weapon: spear +1
Subterfuge +1
Brawling +1
Brawling +1
Observation +3
515 Great Race: wild, underhanded and vicious
Eryunt: a born racehorse
Ywana: keeps her promises if you keep yours
Race rules: simple in theory, dangerous in practice
The Great Race of 515
The Great Race: think fast, act fast, move fast
The Great Race: full of dirty tricks
Vaikar is dead
Merevaika: Kinslayer
If Merevaika is seen by anyone who witnessed the race, she will be referred to as “Kinslayer,” either to her face or behind hushed fingers. Any merchants who were at the race will be unwilling to sell to or buy from Merevaika. For further details regarding Merevaika’s exile, contact Prophet.
Observation +2
Meditation +1
Rhetoric +1
Leadership +2
Medicine +1
Where idiots gather, so do injuries
Drak: dreams of racing
The Great Race of 515
The Great Race: losers get injured quickly
Medicine: keep good bedside manners, even in the field
Medicine: recognizing death upon impact
Prayer: Drykas final goodbyes
Life is precious, Drak doubly so
Death: sometimes inevitable.
Merevaika: the Kinslayer
Aoife, PM me once you deduct winter and spring expenses from your ledger I’ll release your grades.
Wow! This was an amazing read, you guys! It started off strong, then just got stronger as it went on. It was an absolute pleasure to grade this. Enjoy your XP, and if you have any questions feel free to PM me!