PM to join A Day Out! (Jade Laken) Part 1 of 2

Ferrin and Jade meet at the Stone Gardens and they ended up having a whole day planned. Let's see where it takes them?

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A Day Out! (Jade Laken) Part 1 of 2

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on January 1st, 2016, 4:26 pm


Timestamp: Winter 515AV 22 of 92

The winter days grew colder as the days got shorter. The nights had gotten longer and the sun was gone eariler at night. Ferrin hadn't really planned much for today. He was thinking of getting some new stuff for his apartment room. But what if the delivery doesn't bring the right things and then he would have to carry the purchased stuff back to his home. That would take more then a few chimes. Usually moving things would take longer then expected. That was why Ferrin hadn't brought all of his belongings with him when he had had lived in Kenash for those past years. Kenash, mostly an agricultural domain. But, it was a nice and calm at the same time. And Ferrin had enjoyed staying there, up until the point when his parents had agreed to be the magistrates for a while.

The streets of the Fortress City of Peace, was busy and it was usual. Even in winter. Ferrin thought that most people here would stay indoors away from the chilling coldness. Winter would hit big in the Cyphrus region. And that was when farming was tough. But, as long as you had gotten the crops and other grians and such harvested. Well, harvested for the winter you would be fine. His parents managed to get enough money before the winter started. So they could be able to live throughout the winter. The family also had a lot of visitors, to. And they would come for the special trades that his parents had made between the caravans and tribes that came to his home.

He took a few turns and twists as he walked about the streets. And the young hunter had had found himself within the Stone Gardens. A park, so the people of Syliras called it. The stones that were built in rows represented all of the Knights and squires who had passed serving in the Knighthood. His father was a Knight for awhile. He hadn't told why he left Syliras. Was it because his father had met his mother here, and they fell in love? Then perhaps Ferrins' mother had to go and his father just couldn't live without? Ferrin spotted a young lady staring about the garden, it was magnificent in a way. But, also, Ferrin didn't like the idea of ghosts and such roaming about.

He walked up to her, slowly through, just to show her that he meant no harm."Hello, um... Interesting isn't it? The stones and the garden? The names Ferrin. Are you lost in any way?" Ferrin said with a warm smile. He gave out a calmed tone reassuring the lady that be isn't dangerous. In fact, he had forgotten his sword, but it doesn't matter anyhow. No one is going to come and attack him.

OOCHope this was ok. I can edit it anytime.
Last edited by Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on January 7th, 2016, 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Jade Laken on January 1st, 2016, 10:30 pm



Timestamp: Day, Season, Year
Location: Something

Jade walked around and sees the stone garden.

"Wow it's beautiful," she said walking inside the stone garden looking around at the beauty of the stone garden.

She looked around wondering where all of the stone came from. Jade didn't notice when a man walked up to her while she was not looking. She had not thought about the fact there could be ghosts or men that would do her harm around her. Jade startled a little looking back at the man as he walked forward.

"Oh hello. Yes, it is very interesting I have never seen a city like this before," She said gently looking around the garden once more amazed by the beauty in it.

Jade turned once more hearing the man talk.

"A little I must admit." She said looking at him when he asked. Jade looked over to the man gently and moved her hair out of the way as the wind blew it into her face.

"I am from Endrykas. Where are you from?" Jade asked as she does not have any windmarks.

Jade wanted so badly to learn how he became bonded to a strider. Her traveling began when she heard her father talking with her mother about the "disrespect" she had brought upon the family by not having bonded to a strider yet. So that very night Jade left in the middle of the night; she had touched the gate looking at her father's and mother's intertwined ribbons before riding as hard as she could away from the encampment refusing to look back as she planned to return once she was married and bonded to a strider.


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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on January 2nd, 2016, 3:05 am


Ferrin wondered how the people of Syliras had had the time to place all of these stones within the garden. And how much Mizas they had cost just to get them to Syliras? Or maybe the had had a place to mine them up. Perhaps there own mine?" Ferrin hadn't heard of a mine in Syliras, well actually he hadn't heard of any chat about it. If there was one. Ferrin was asked where he was from. The lady said that she was from Endrykas. Endrykas, Ferrin hadn't heard much about the place either. Wasn't it mostly a traveling city basically? And wasn't an unchartered place to?

"Endrykas, you say? Interesting. I'm from Kenash. You've might've had heard it before. Maybe you've even visited it before?" Ferrin said. He didn't know Endrykas very well, maybe he should get a book about their culture. Perhaps. "My names Ferrin. Whim might you be? It's... Interesting meeting a person from Endrykas. I've haven't met people from there. What's it like?" The wind blew cold as the two conversed lightly. Ferrin didn't appreciate the cold. He wished that it would be warm all year long. But on the other hand he liked all of the activities that he can do in the winter months. His black curly hair swayed as the wind blew ever so coldly. And his blue icy eyes simmered from the sunlit. Making him appear as if he was some superstar model. Of the he was, but he was never a really good entertainer. Even though most if not all Kenashians loved to entertain.

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Jade Laken on January 2nd, 2016, 3:26 am




"Excuse my rudeness sir. My name is Jade Laken," Jade said and bowed at the waist showing the respect taught to her as a child.

"Endrykas? It's one of the most free and breathable cities though of course I have only been able to make it here to Syliras. Endrykas is a traveling city that moves every season to a new place. With each new place we set up camp once more and resume our lives once more. Each clan within our people has different jobs that help our culture survive on the plains against the prey that lives all around us. I plan to travel all over the world one day but for now I need to find work, a mate, and bond a Strider before I return. Sorry if I seem to be bothering you with my personal problems," Jade said speaking fondly of the city she once called home.

She longed for the freedom to race across the plains once more but she would not be able to make the ride back once more.

"Sorry please tell me of Kenash. We did not have a library in Endrykas so I never got a chance to learn much about other cities and cultures," Jade said turning to the man once more with a soft smile.

She was known to space out often when she was thinking of her home; quickly the young girl shook her head and looked back to man trying to keep her mind from wondering more. Jade sighed and put her hair in a bun on the top of her head when it kept getting in her face. Jade listened to the young man spoke of his own home in turn as well. She listened with fascination as he spoke of his own home.


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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on January 2nd, 2016, 6:13 am


Ferrin diverted a bit throughout tee cool winds that blew regurgitating Syliras. It was getting colder and colder by three day. And with each day passing, comes forth another year. And that is soon coming. Even though it's around the twentieth day. It feels lie the season had nearly ended. Ferrin had listened intently to Jades response of her people and culture. He wanted to know about this moving city, it was certainly interesting to about. Though, Ferrin is know knowledge absorber, but he pays close attention to what was being said to him. And having people respect him, Would gain him the ability to make more friends. Because that's what having friends is about. Being a good listener and being honest with the inquiries that were asked.

Ferrin wondered why Jade would leave her people. To come to a busy place like this. She explained to gain mostly tip why she wanted to come here. Bondmate, a job, and to be able to Bonne with a strider. Wussy was a strider? Was it a horse breed of some sort?"Oh its alright. I don't mind the explanations. It's a pleasure top met you Jade Laken. And um... Your personal problems, they don't sound much add personal problems. In fact, they sound like goals to me." Ferrin said with a soft smile. He didn't want to make Jade feel guilty about herself for all of this talking. He didn't mind, no not I've bit.

"Oh, you wanted to know about Kenash right? Well Kenash had been a slow city from the start. In fact, I would say that it's basically a village, with a surrounding barricade around it to ward off the dangers of the wild. Otherwise, most of it is agricultural. So there are a lot of farmers there. We Kenashians enjoy celebrating. As well. Usual wet celebrate about anything really. A birth, a birthday. Marriage. You name it."Ferrin took a breath before he continued. "The government is somewhat set up weird in my opinion. Instead of having court system, the people of Kenash volunteer to become the temporary magistrates of the city. Just for awhile though. So they usually make up the choices for the rest of Kenash. My parents volunteered... A few seasons ago. I left home because of it. It was a bit stressful. With the guards protecting us and all.". Ferrin admitted. He didn't enjoy the stress that was put into his family. It wasn't fair to him and his siblings, well to his mind. And he left his younger brother back home. Well he wasn't they young. Just a few years younger than Ferrin.

"Are you hungry? Perhaps I can pay us lunch at the Rearing Stallion if you want? The place isn't to crowded in the early afternoons. It usually tends to be though, at night. I can walk Thu they're if you like?" Ferrin said with a soft smile. No one should sound their day alone. The cold wind blew once again. Forcing Ferrins hair to get in front of his face. He pushed it aside thinking Tay he should very a haircut soon. "Also, we'll be warm and cozy in the tavern. Instead of freezing out here." Ferrin posted his hand out. Hoping that Jade will take the offer. He smiled at her, feeling a bit more comfortable around her.

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Jade Laken on January 2nd, 2016, 7:08 am




Jade smiles gently listening to him as he spoke so fondly of his home. She could not stop her mind from wondering about why he had left then she understood when he spoke of the pressure suddenly thrown on his shoulders by his parents decision. Jade blushes a soft pink and takes his hand gently.

"I would love to," She said with a smile and walked with him letting him lead the way to the Rearing Stallion.

Jade was content to walk beside him as she had her horse put up at the moment at the stables so that she would be safe while Jade toured the city. She looked up seeing the sign.

"The rearing stallion," Jade said gently before looking at the young man beside her.

"Why did you come here to Syliras first?" Jade asked looking at him before walking inside with him wanting to learn more about him happy that the tavern was far far warmer on the inside than the cold wind blowing outside in the open air.

Jade took off her coat as she had on a crop top that was normal for Drykas even during the winter with as thick as their jackets and panchos are made to be in order to keep them alive. Jade stretched out happy to be out from under the jackets weight and smiles nodding her hello to the man behind the bar who instantly recognizes her companion who brought her in this day.


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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on January 2nd, 2016, 10:36 pm


Ferrin was glad that Jade has had taken his offer, to walk to the Rearing Stallion. The people along the streets were busy and intent on what they had wanted to do. Ferrin took a look around him, he still found it odd of how the city was set up. It had confused him, when he had walked throughout the city. Anyhow, the two had reached their destination in a few chimes and Ferrin could already feel the warmth from the hearth within the tavern. Jade and Ferrin were greeted by a red and white painted sign. With a horse as well. Notifying that this was the Rearing Stallion.

As they had reached the Rearing Stallion. Jade said gently the title of the place. Ferrin had always wondered why it was called the 'Rearing Stallion.' "Yep, this is it. The Rearing Stallion. Although I do not know why they call it that." Ferrin said with a smile. They walked in. And was instantly welcomed by the man behind the counter at the bar. Ferrin waved with his open hand to the bartender who had alwaved at him. But, instead of sitting at the counter, they took a seat at a table near the warmth of the fire that blazed happily about. Warming the guests that entered the tavern.

"Oh, you've asked why I have come to Syliras first instead of any other city?" "Well, the reason being. Was that I actually wanted to become a Knight. I'm not a knight yet, in fact. I'm not even a squire. I'm in training right now to become one, but I'm not sure if it's going to be good enough. Training to be as good as the other squires could possibly take years maybe." "Sorry, so how come you had chosen Syliras?" Ferrin asked curiously. A waiter came and asked for an order.

The waiter was young aged man. Perhaps around Ferrins age. He had black hair and wore plain civilian clothing. " What would you like to order?" The waiter asked. "I would like the meal of the day please and perhaps a glass of wine to. Jade what would you like?" Ferrin said calmly. He added a smile with it to. He hoped that she wasn't uncomfortable, but Ferrin can try to change that if he can.

OOCI'll update the ledger at my last post once this is all done :)

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Jade Laken on January 3rd, 2016, 4:06 am




"The meal of the day and just some water please," Jade said looking up at the waitress. Jade once more turned her attention back to the young man across from her.

"Do you come in often?" She asked with a smile wanting to learn more about the man before her.

Jade hoped that he knew she would not mind any more questions. She watched the waitresses as they walked around bringing drinks to some of the male patrons that were scattered around the tavern. Jade looked back to Ferrin when he began to speak once more. She smiled gently listening to him once more as the waitress dropped off our drinks before walking off. Jade took a sip from her water and put the water down looking at him once more content just to sit and speak with him. She had never found herself so content to be around another person as most from her home would just look at her with sneers and disapproval. She looked out of the window thinking back to the whispers that she heard entering and exiting the camp. Jade shook her head hearing Ferrin call her name to get her attention.


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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on January 3rd, 2016, 4:42 pm


"I've only been here for so long. Past three seasons now. Well nearly three seasons. By the end of winter. This was my first time traveling outside of Kenash by myself. And not with my father..." His words trailed as he thought about home. He didn't like to upset his family. But he also didn't want to be around the stress as well. If he did it would have had certainly killed him if he wasn't careful with his own decision making. Kenash was confusing in a way. Also, that was why he liked to be in Syliras. Despite the business of the city.

"So how come you have set all of those goals in order to go back to Endrykas?"
Ferrin asked with a smile. The waiter had brought back Ferrins wine. And apologized. "Sorry about the wait, but we had to start a fresh batch of soup. But here's the wine. The wines would be one Gold Miza please." Ferrin nodded and said to the young waiter."Ok, here you go. I can pay for your meal to Jade. Oh don't worry I can take care of it. " He said with a smile as he fished out three Golden rimmed Mizas from his pocket. Since Jade had asked for water. He handed them to the young waiter and he hurried off rushing to take others orders.

" By coming in often do you mean... Coming here to the Rearing Stallion? Or the city of Syliras? Ferrin asked confused. He had had already mentioned why he wanted to come to Syliras. To become a Knight... And possibly avoid his parents for a while. But, it won't be to long. And he hoped that they would give up their positions soon in the magistratical court system.

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Day Out! (Jade Laken)

Postby Jade Laken on January 3rd, 2016, 10:55 pm




"Back home a Drykas with no bonded strider is a disgrace to their pavilion after a certain age. Same with a bondmate. Work is just something to keep me busy and get some money worked up for the season to get enough to move on if I choose to," Jade said looking at the man from across from her.

"You don't have to do that Ferrin," Jade said surprised that he would offer to pay for her food as well.

She was not used to any one being so kind to her since most only wanted to bed her if they were being kind.

"You are one of the few men who I think I am not uncomfortable to be around," Jade said looking at him with a smile happy to be able to say that without a shadow of a doubt he could truly be a friend to her.

She looked hearing some very loud noise coming from behind her where the door was. Jade watched as a group of guys came in laughing loudly and being obnoxious.

"I hate guys like them," She said and turned back to look at Ferrin ignoring the men no matter how hard it seemed to be.


Last edited by Jade Laken on March 14th, 2016, 4:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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