The Woven Gate
While various points of entry to Kalinor exist, all require either a set of wings or a Symenestra willing to carry you. Only at the woven gates does a pulley system exist, allowing known traders and vetted visitors entrance.
Guards are alerted to a visitor's petition for entry through an eternally burning firepit. A massive trough of glittering dust sits beside the softly burning pit. When a visitor throws this dust on the fire, the flames turn a fiendish green and gold. This garners the elevated guards' attention.
A Symenestra guard will sometimes descend a dangling rope that ends thirty feet above the cavern floor and evaluate the petitioners.
If the guard is satisfied, a large basket descends from the ceiling to the ground below, operated by Symenestra guards. Goods and men pile in to be lifted into the floating city.
Once the visitor is raised to the level of Kalinor, the simple pulley and rope give way to the lacework of colorful wound silk that makes the highways and avenues of the city.
The main road is a red cord, thick enough to bear the weight of baskets and pulleys. Most visitors travel this course in their baskets, intently watched by more Symenestra guards.
Those fortunate to have an ally in a Symenestra can take the narrower paths. Humanoids on these roads are either carried or gripping their guide for dear life.
Credits to Colobina for original location and design.