Winter 515 Main Event |
Commencing early January 2016 |
33rd: A fleet of black ships anchor across the coast. Before the 5th bell the men from these ships manage to round up and steal approximately 300 Zibri, 50 Striders, 600 Drykas men, 180 women, and 40 children, and a large part of the winter food stores. Most of the adults were skilled doctors, hunters, labourers, watchmen etc, leaving behind loved ones that will struggle or even pass this winter due to their absence. No one knows where the pirates have come from or where they’re heading too. Not only is the city devastated by the loss of these people, but also by the deaths of almost 400 warriors who lost their lives trying to stop the pirates, including a handful of high ranking Drykas watchmen and women, clan officials, and old teachers. [Super Moderated Event] |
Details |
This is a two part event in that there will be two threads running simultaneously. One of the boats will be returning to Endrykas as noted on the calendar while the other is going to sail to another city (possibly two) and sell its captives as slaves. There may be a guest storyteller to run one of the ships. |
Warning |
These pirates are not friendly, your character will not have fun during this voyage, your character will not be treated fairly unless they manage to win favour with one of the crew members somehow (NPCs listed below). There may be some mature/adult themes, including but not limited to, addiction, alcohol, blood, crime, drugs, murder, torture, sexuality (fade to black scenes only), suicide, and violence. If you're uncomfortable with this but still want to participate please let me know via PM. |
Options |
1. Take the boat that returns to Endrykas a little worse for wear. |
2. Take the boat to a foreign city and spend some time either travelling home over the next season or two, or save up to buy a ride back home by sea (alternatively you could stay in that city if you prefer and start building a new life for your PC). |
3. Get thrown overboard (a short swim from Riverfall) and stay there until spring (or longer if you prefer). |
Ship: Laviku’s Plunder |
Unlike Glorg's Howl, Laviku's Plunder is a much smaller ship built for stealth and speed. The Schooner is one of nine in the Painted Wolves fleet, personally owned by Captain Mack Prout and run by his crew of thirty-seven men and two women. The red sails are arranged in the shape of a fish, which Mack believes brings them luck while they sail from place to place, picking on shorelines and cities without navies. |
Captain Mack Prout (Spoons) | Gloria Loch (Bones) | Ramsay Noon (Pepper) |
Details | Details | Details |
Age: 42 Height: 6'2" Hair Colour: Light Brown Eye Colour: Blue Tattoos: Back Scars: Chest, arms, and right thigh Languages: Fratava (fluent), Common (fluent), Pavi (basic), Shiber (poor). Mack is smug and likes his ego to be stroked. Of the two captains he is the most respected if not feared (for few have witnessed what he is really capable of). Mack is a strong leader with over twenty years of sailing experience, in fact, forget seasickness, Mack only looks pale and a bit shaky in the knees when he sets two feet on dry land. He earned his nickname for his love of playing the spoons (as an instrument), though he also indulges a nasty little habit from time to time that isn't quite so musical. Mack wears a wooden dog whistle around his neck and fancies himself a ladies man who doesn't often sleep alone. He always seems to have a bottle of wine in one hand and a knife or map in the other. It is said that people who cross him are fed to his pet shark, Elsa. | Age: Unknown Height: 6'1" Hair Colour: Light Brown Eye Colour: Red Tattoos: Hips, ankles, and belly Scars: Only mental ones Languages: Fratava (fluent), Kontinese (fluent), Common (basic), Nari (basic), Pavi (poor). Known for her skill in interrogation, Gloria earned the nickname bones after cutting her husband's throat when she was captured and grinding his bones down to dust to mix into the soft, pastel coloured paints she then used to decorate her face. She kept his knucklebones as a memento and often toys with them in the palm of her hand while she is thinking. Of all the crew members, Gloria is the most loyal, but unpredictable. Gloria keeps a pet sea eagle who has acquired a taste for human flesh, particularly the eyeballs. | Age: 22 Height: 5'2" Hair Colour: Brown Eye Colour: Hazel Tattoos: Back and hands Scars: Midsection Languages: Pavi (fluent), Shiber (fluent), Common (fluent), Fratava (basic), Tawna (basic), Myrian (poor). Every bit as fearless as the rest of the crew, Pepper is rumoured to be Salt's ex-wife who fought the man for leadership of the slaver ships she has worked on for the last eight summers when she was originally taken as a captive. After failing to rally enough support for a takeover and almost losing her life two summers ago, her pride is low and ego shattered which causes her to lash out unexpectedly especially towards women or men she feels are 'weak'. She has a long scar on the left side of her midsection and walks with a slight limp. |
Skills | Skills | Skills |
Sailing 78, Climbing 74, Brawling 53, Negotiation 54, Seduction 32, Weapon, Gladius 45, Leadership 58, Swimming 15, Planning 62 | Astronomy 82, Sailing 49, Cooking 39, Falconry 47, Interrogation 61, Swimming 81, Subterfuge 46, Weapon, Rapier 57, Writing 32, Medicine 44 | Climbing 67, Brawling 48, Singing 46, Shipbuilding 57, Swimming 23, Escape Artist 30, Weapon, Scimitar 39, Storytelling 41, Wilderness Survival 54, Trapping 36 |