[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 14th, 2010, 12:44 am

Conrad frowned a bit as the adrin began laughing louder probably biting back a comment to.
“Well the first thing you are going to have to learn is how to fight at all. You don’t just ball up your fists and throw them blindly at an enemy.” The akalak stepped out of line for the training ring and mentioned him to follow.
"Well I thought I did pretty good for a first try." Conrad muttered under his breath while he followed the akalak, ignoring the looks he got form the rest of the people in the center.
He followed Adrin into a room where a few training dummies where put up.
The akalak walked towards one of the dummies and stood right in front of it, gesturing towards them before looking back at conrad, balling a fist and smashed it into the dummy, hard. Conrad shuddered a bit at the sound, remembering how the older akalak broke his rib with those punches.
“Show me what you can do.” Adrin said not moving his eyes away from him.
Conrad just nodded and began to draw onto his djed, The familiar rush of magic spreading through his veins as the bones into his right hand stretched and the knuckles slowly lengthened into spikes of more or less a centimeter in length. "Well here it goes." Conrad mutterd to himself before he threw an awkward punch with his spiked fist at the dummy.As he hit the dummy it barely moved, though his fist had made a few indents in it.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 14th, 2010, 1:13 am

Adrin watched Conrad’s punch with interest, checking form as well as impact. He crinkled his nose slightly when he noticed the morphing magic at work but gave no verbal indication at least at first about it. Moving beside Conrad he grabbed the human’s wrist and pointed at his knuckles. “What is this jakri? (Zith shit in Tukant)” he asked arching an eyebrow at Conrad.

The Akalak had never seen morphing magic in use but he wasn’t the type to take someone’s hand changing shape as a natural occurance. His father had said the boy possessed a strange magic power that he’d used in their battle. “Magic is a crutch for the weak. You are not weak, you are honorable right? Do it without. Again. Harder.” Adrin’s voice became slightly more demanding now.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 14th, 2010, 1:25 am

Conrad gulped as the akalak grabbed his morphed hand and pointed at the spikes.
“What is this jakri?" The akalak demanded. "Eh, its morphing magic?" Conrad said, a bit uncertain about why the akalak would make such a big deal about it.
“Magic is a crutch for the weak. You are not weak, you are honorable right? Do it without. Again. Harder.” Conrad scowled as the akalak made that comment about magic being for the weak, The lure of the magic whispering that he should just ignore him, continue and show him that magic isn't some crutch. Conrad gave a short glare at the akalak before he let loose his grip on his djed the changes to his hand slowly fading away.
"Typical people judging what they don't know." Conrad muttered under his breath before he lifted his fists again and hit the dummy with everything he had again with his right fist, hoping he did at least a bit better on this try.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 14th, 2010, 1:34 am

Adrin’s eyes narrowed as he watched Conrad punch again. At least this time he had done it without the magic. His form was… not very good honestly. He’d probably never received a day of formal instruction regarding combat. Humans were strange with their priorities. A son who could not fight could not stand to defend his honor or the honor of his family.

He had heard Conrad’s silent complaint as well but shrugged that off and he nodded. “That was a bit better.” This time though he balled a fist in front of Conrad and took Conrad’s hand in his own again making Conrad’s fingers match his own. “When you strike, use only the first two knuckles on the hand. These others are not good for it as they are weaker. Striking the dummy over and over will give you hardened places.” Adrin showed his hands to Conrad. The dark blue skin of them was covered in calluses and small scars from years of training. “A warrior who uses his body as a weapon must make his body as hard as a weapon. Again, harder.

This time Adrin moved beside Conrad as he struck the dummy hitting the one next to it as well. It was important for Conrad to know that Adrin viewed this as a true lesson and not something done entirely out of pity.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 14th, 2010, 1:49 am

“That was a bit better.” Conrad blinked a bit in suprise as the akalak grabbed his hand and balled a fist in front of him. Manipulating his fist to match how the akalak made his one.
“When you strike, use only the first two knuckles on the hand. These others are not good for it as they are weaker. Striking the dummy over and over will give you hardened places.” Adrin held his hand a bit closer to conrad, showing the callouses and small scars that would probably be the result of the years and years of training that the akalak did.
“A warrior who uses his body as a weapon must make his body as hard as a weapon. Again, harder.” Conrad just nodded and hit again trying to follow his advice, this time keeping his opinion about how he could use his magic to himself, he might upset adrin again and that was something he really didn't want to do, not because the akalak would probably wipe the floor clean with him, though that was a small factor, but mostly because the akalak was now spending time to help and teach him how to defend himself while he could probably be doing something more useful with his time right now. Conrad saw out of the corner of his eye that the akalak hit the dummy beside him.
Conrad just hit the dummy again, keeping the first two knuckles out and winched as he felt a slight sting on his hand, He looked at it and saw some blood leaking out of a slight wound on his knuckle.
"Better bandage this up first before it becomes worse." Conrad muttered to himself as he grabbed his healers kit and pulled out a roll of bandages, beginning to wrap up both of his hands.
"Well looks like my hands aren't as hard as iron in a long shot." Conrad said scratching the scar on his face in embarrassment.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 14th, 2010, 2:37 am

The boy winced as he struck the dummy again, this time Adrin looked on in interest as he started reaching for his healer’s pack. When Conrad bandaged himself the Akalak stood with impeccable posture just observing. “You are a young human with many talents.” Adrin said quietly. “What do you think you will do for work? Be a healer like this? You are barely cut and yet you pull away. How will you defend your wife and children? Training continues past pain. Come. Again.” Adrin struck the wooden dummy again even harder than before, his knuckle cracking against the wood with a sickening -THUMP-

Adrin remembered his training and for years they said the same thing to him. Now he said it to this human boy. “You must work past the pain. Adrin struck his dummy again motioning for Conrad to continue. The stings and cuts of his training didn’t phase him much anymore but he remembered the beginnings of training clearly. The body rebelled against it. A warrior had to learn to not bend.

You must be strong and courageous.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 14th, 2010, 11:22 am

“You are a young human with many talents.” Adrin said quietly. “What do you think you will do for work? Be a healer like this? You are barely cut and yet you pull away."
Conrad just looked at adrin and shook his head. "I was going to continue but you can't just let a wound be open and continue to hit things with it, you'll get sand or other dirt in it then you get infected and from what I have seen that isn't pretty.
He walked towards the dummy again and lifted his fists.
"How will you defend your wife and children? Training continues past pain. Come. Again.”
Conrad couldn't help to let out a sigh at what adrin was telling now.
"Come on, you know just as good as me that a human won't ever find a wife in riverfall and my father is too traumatized to even consider leaving the city or let me leave it and I am not going to leave without his permission."
Adrin struck the wooden dummy again and conrad wasn't sure if he had paid attention to what he just said, a sick crack coming from the wood...or the akalaks hand he really wasn't sure.
“You must work past the pain." He struck the dummy again motioning for him to continue.
Conrad nodded and hit the dummy again, while it still hurt a bit, even though the bandages where protecting his fist.
“You must be strong and courageous.”
Conrad just hit the dummy again, doubting if he ever became strong, he rather used his magic to fill in for what he lacked.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 14th, 2010, 1:34 pm

Adrin continued training despite any pain he might have been feeling. The years of conditioning had rendered pain, at least this soon in training, a non issue. After a dozen or so strikes he switched to the other hand and continued punching the dummy, a little faster now. He heard Conrad’s complaint and made a slight grunting noise acknowledging it. “Lots of the humans here are married. Even if you don’t stay in Riverfall a man must learn to fight well, to stand tall.

The sun had nearly risen to its highest point outside and Adrin looked out of the window giving the wooden man another hard punch before turning to Conrad. “It is important to know one’s limitations but it is also important to be able to work past them, to learn something new.” Adrin reached out and clapped a hand on Conrad’s back before turning on a heel toward the door.

This is just the very basics but at least you will be able to punch something without your magic and without breaking yourself, yes? Farewell.” Adrin offered a slight wave before heading back outside. He had more training to do, Conrad wouldn’t be able to join in on that.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 14th, 2010, 2:03 pm

“Lots of the humans here are married. Even if you don’t stay in Riverfall a man must learn to fight well, to stand tall. It is important to know one’s limitations but it is also important to be able to work past them, to learn something new.” He clapped conrad on the back.
Conrad stopped hitting his wooden dummy and looked at adrin a confused look in his face at the married comment. "The ratio from male to female here is almost 8 to 1, most of those females are on a contract with a akalak or are contracted so I doubt most of them are married adrin." Conrad scratched his head, "Though you are onto something...probably."
“This is just the very basics but at least you will be able to punch something without your magic and without breaking yourself, yes? Farewell.” The akalak turned around and walked out of the training room leaving conrad behind.
"Well, looks like its time to go and get back to work, I bet there are some human's laying on the ground waiting to get patched up." He undid the bandages around his hands and put them back in the healers, kit, he could just clean them up a little and they would be as good as new. Taking his stuff together he walked back toward the main ring, intent on doing job again.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Baku on December 28th, 2010, 3:23 am


Thou has written, and thou has completed, so I award thee the following....

Conrad: +1 Medicine, +4 Observation, +4 Rhetoric, +3 Hand to Hand, +1 Morphing,

Lore: Akalak Training: Just as Brutal Sometimes as a Real Fight, Setting a Broken Nose(Eww, you stuck your fingers in his nose), Remembering What Father Taught, Advise in Healing, Memories of a Beating from an Akalak, Lesson Learned of Fighting With Akalaks: It Hurts a Lot, Revealing the Connection, Regrets Over the Fight, A Feeling of Being Teased, Introductions: Conrad and Adrin, Caution of Offering(Don’t hurt me), Beginning Lessons of Hand to Hand, Adrin: Stern Teacher, Lesson: Learn Not to Rely Fully on Magic, Defending the Use of Magic, Learning How to Throw a Punch, Accepting the Rules Others Have For Their Lessons, The Injury Risk of Throwing a Punch, Pushing One’s Limits, A Good Starting Lesson Learned

Adrin: +4 Observation, +4 Rhetoric, +3 Teaching, +2 Hand to Hand,

Lore: Group Training, Injuries of Training, Confusion Over Fear and Apology, Curiosity of Conrad, Discovering a Connections, Not Needing to Challenge Conrad Again, Amusement in Conrad’s Duel, Offering a Friendly Hand, Introductions: Adrin and Conrad, An Offering of Training, Beginning Lessons of Hand to Hand, Introducing the Training Dummy, Magic: A Hint of Morphing, Teaching: Learn Not to Rely Fully on Magic, Teaching How to Throw a Punch, Being Direct, Teaching the Necessity of Becoming Stronger

Additional Notes: There certainly seems to be a better Chemestry between Conrad and Adrin, but on the other hand, there is a better understanding of each other between Conrad and Azeran. Perhaps Future Lessons and adventure will see all three of them becoming close friends and comrades in the end. A nice thread.

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