[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 10th, 2010, 10:36 pm

79th of Fall, AV 508
Location: combat center in riverfall.

Conrad winched in empatic pain as he saw one of the few human trainees getting himself beat into submission by an akalak. Being happy that he wasn't the unfortunate soul on the receiving end of the beating and just sat on the bench looking at the fight.
"well that is going to take a lot of bandages to patch up." Conrad muttered under his breath, gently poking his recently healed rib.
Well at least I learned something, going up against an akalak for wathever reason is stupid and not something that I am going to do again. Conrad just looked up as one of the akalak grabbed his shoulder.
"Why don't you do what you are being paid for today and go patch up that guy." He pointed towards the human that helped out of the combat ring. Conrad nodded, stood up from the bench he was stitting on and hurried towards the hurt man, grabbing the healers kit they gave him to use as long as he worked here.He crouched next to the man and opened the kit pulling out a small pot filled with a strong smelling herb and began waving it under the mans nose, directly noticing the bend in the nose and the blood that was covering it meant only one thing, his nose was broken.
"Well that doesn't look to bad." Conrad said to man as he woke up.
"You only got a broken nose and some bruises, now sit still for a moment will ya?" Conrad put his the palm of his hands at the botem of the nose. "On Three. one,two,..." Conrad pulled his hands down the nose, roughly putting it back straight.
I really hate this part. conrad made a face of disgust as he explained to the man what he needed to do now.
He grabbed the man's head with one hand forcing to hold it still, on the condition that he didn't try to struggle to much. "Now just relax and let me do what my dad told me to do." He carfully pressed two of his fingers of his other hand in the nose, once in each nostril and aligned the nose from the inside, a small look of disgust on his face." As soon as the nose was more or less back straight, he would break it again soon enough so it wasn't like it was still straight to begin with, he pulled out his fingers wiping them of on the man's pants. "Right now I just need to shove some cloth up your nose to keep it straight and absorb some of the blood still inside." He grabbed some bandages form the healers kit, not having something else on hand, and carefully began stuffing them in his patient's nose.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 11th, 2010, 1:08 am

Adrin made his way to the combat center quietly, head held high, and shoulders swept back. Morning training was an important part of the young Akalak’s daily routine. His eyes rested on everything as he kept his wide stride and quick pace. The Lakan on his belt was shining and new and the two bladed sword he had sheathed behind his hips swung slightly with his gait. He ran a large hand through his thick dark hair as he opened the door to the combat center and saw the training already well underway.

Adrin loved the sound of the combat center. The feel of the tension in the air and the pain of battle as warriors were literally being forged from within. Humans were allowed to train there as well at least on some days. Oftentimes they trained with younger Akalak to teach both the humans and the boys the basics of combat and tactics. Adrin looked very much his father’s son, a little slimmer perhaps and with hair and a short beard on his cheeks and chin but his eyes… his eyes were as pale white as driven snow and they fell on the sparring ring, and on the medic sitting beside it.

It took the Akalak a moment to recognize the boy and after that moment he furrowed his brow slightly watching him tend to a wounded human man. He watched the young boy crack the wounded person’s nose back into place and nodded. Healers were especially needed on a battlefield.

He waited his turn by the ring, his parentage undeniable. “Good morning.” He said in perfectly executed Tukant to the Akalak leaving it.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 11th, 2010, 3:16 pm

"Well that is that, If it keeps hurting or is still swelling in an hour or so just go to a doctor," Conrad smiled at the man. "I can recommend a good one if you have to go, can treat nearly anything, from a scratch like this to broken ribs." he gave him a amiable pat on the shoulder, the man still a bit to out of it to really register what he was doing though. And just began to fiddle around a bit with the bandages that where plugging his nose.
"Hey stop that." Conrad slapped the patients hand away from his nose."Don't touch that, you might get it out and then I would have to begin all over again, now just stand up and go sit on a bench until you feel better, Then you go home and let it heal." Conrad tried pulling up the larger and heaver man then him. Obviously failing the first time.
"Hey big guy, get up will you? It isn't that bad and I bet you got a broken nose before. you can't be that stunned because of it." He gave another pull at the man's arm, now the man got the message and he stood up and walked towards one of the benches that were spread around the training center.
Conrad just sighed as he saw him waddle away.
"I am happy I am not the idiot that picked a fight with an akalak this time. Barely healed from that incident a few weeks ago." He turned around and began walking back to his place looking over ring,putting the stuff he had used back into the right place in the healers kit as he did so. Not taking notice of his surroundings he bumped into one of the akalak that was waiting for his turn in the ring.
"Ah sorry I wasn't pa....." Conrads sentence died on his lips as he looked up towards the akalak, the memory of the akalak that beat him up coming to his mind. Paling he took a step back, nearly dropping the healers kit he was carrying in shock.
"I am really sorry." Conrad managed to stammer out before he tried to slip around the akalak.
Last edited by Conrad on December 11th, 2010, 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 11th, 2010, 10:11 pm

Adrin took a moment to appraise the terrified young healer. He arched an eyebrow at the boy who looked as though he’d seen a ghost. He blinked once and spoke, again in Tukant. “Why are you sorry?” He didn’t level his question in any kind of a threatening way, Adrin was legitimately confused by the statement. His white eyes met the healer’s own though with intensity unmatched in most humans. He was Akalak and that meant pride, duty, and honor. He wouldn’t cower away but he was concerned for the boy who looked slightly as though he was going to be ill.

Are you quite alright?” He tried Tukant again just to make sure. Adrin wasn’t used to dealing with the humans that lived and worked around Riverfell although he was interested in them. At this point in his life his father would be greatly displeased if he found out that he was consorting with some of the less desirable human men in the city. Adrin reached at and placed a hand on the healer’s shoulder. “What Akalak did you fight?” He peered at Conrad now a little closer having heard his father’s story of the honor battle they had fought at dawn and wondering if this was the same person. Not many humans would fight an Akalak especially over honor.

Glancing the boy up and down Adrin appraised him intently, awaiting an answer but still not giving any indicator of an overt threat.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 12th, 2010, 1:57 am

“Why are you sorry?”The akalak spoke in fluent tukant, conrad glanced up at the akalak.
"Well...I bumped into you?" Conrad said, his answer more coming out as a question then a justification why he apologized. Though something wasn't quite right, The akalak that he fought looked down on normal humans, so why was he being so worried about him? A human? Something didn't add up here. A slight look of confusion spread across his face as he thought about it.
“Are you quite alright?” Conrad just nodded, the fear replaced with confusion. "Yea, I am fine, just got quite a scare when I saw you." conrad scratched his scar, chuckling a bit in an embarrassed manner. "You remembered me of that akalak that nearly beat me to death a few weeks ago. So don't mind my strange behavior." Conrad gave a nervous grin at the akalak towering over him, hoping he didn't annoy the akalak to much which his rather stupid behavior a few moments ago.
“What Akalak did you fight?” Conrad just blanked at that question. "I don't really remember his name anymore, He looks quite a bit like you though, Maybe an uncle of yours or something?" Conrad just shook his head. "He learned me one thing though, I am not going to fight another akalak ever again. Pure stupidity or a wish for suicide if you ask me, you guy's hit like an angry bull!"
conrad rubbed his jaw. Winching a bit from the remembered pain.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 12th, 2010, 3:00 am

Adrin listened to Conrad speak. His Tukant wasn’t perfect but it was easy enough to understand him. Most humans, who lived in Riverfall long enough and wanted to live, work, and make money learned the native tongue of the city. Still, Adrin had a sinking feeling that he knew exactly who this human was. His description of the encounter in the ring with an Akalak was enough for him. He nodded.

You battled my father, over a slight to my mother the Konti Islena.” Adrin did feel that push to darkness from within, violence and bloodthirsty rage boiling slightly but he restrained himself. The boy had already done battle once for the insult and Adrin would be destroying his own honor by challenging the boy again. Still, he didn’t have to let Conrad know that he wasn’t feeling any anger over it, at least not yet. His father said that Conrad was a human worth respecting once their battle was done but sometimes an injury killed honor while it healed.

The young Akalak man towered over this human and felt no resounding ill will. Still, he was a weak looking specimen of humanity which was saying something really. Adrin saw that he seemed to be done with his work for the moment, the next training fight was well underway.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 12th, 2010, 9:53 pm

“You battled my father, over a slight to my mother the Konti Islena.”
Conrad blanched when he heard that he accidentally insulted this akalaks mother.
"I am really sorry about that!" Conrad blurted out."I was drunk, I saw your dad who only a few weeks before that nearly killed my father for some strange reason, So I was a livid when he called me and my father pathetic. So I just insulted him back." Conrad quickly stuttered out, hoping that he didn't get challenged to another fight, One fight with an akalak would be more then enough for his entire life!
Conrad looked up towards the akalak that was towering above him, looking at him and conrad couldn't figure out if he was angry at him from that insult and his attempts of talking himself out of it where making him more livid or that he was just thinking something completely different about him.
"Well I gotta go, maybe somebody else in the training center is hurt and they might need me."Conrad said trying to get out form under the akalaks piercing gaze. It creeped him out to say the least, also the akalak might just be cooking up something to do to him to avenge the insult to his mother.
Conrad tried to slip past the akalak, hoping that he didn't stop him.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 13th, 2010, 10:28 pm

Adrin watched the boy and listen to him fumbling over his words. When he nearly screamed his reason for insulting Adrin’s mother Conrad had a shrill almost whine to the edge of his voice that forced Adrin to laugh. This… this jellyfish was the one who challenged accepted a fight with his father and showed up for it? It must have been true what they said about alcohol, that it was liquid courage. Adrin didn’t drink but he saw many many reasons why that was a good idea. This boy’s fight was one of them. When Conrad tried to slip by, Adrin turned his head slightly and spoke calmly.

If you wish, we could have a more stylized lesson in combat. My father compliments your courage but it seems that you have a lot to learn before you accept duels over honor eh? I am Adrin Lamhet Versk.” Adrin extended a hand in greeting. “I’m not here to challenge you to another duel however. You don’t look like you have much of a stomach for one. Perhaps we can work on that too?

There was a tone of challenge in the Akalak’s voice as he looked Conrad up and down and let his words hang in the air a moment. He didn’t break his gaze with Conrad as he introduced himself either, instead keeping the hand held out, expecting a handshake.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Conrad on December 13th, 2010, 10:49 pm

Conrad stopped in his tracks as the akalak began to laugh and slowly looked back towards the akalak that was towering above him.
"Hey don't laugh! At least I had the guts to at least show up." Conrad said though the akalak just continued to laugh, feeling a bit insulted.
“If you wish, we could have a more stylized lesson in combat. My father compliments your courage but it seems that you have a lot to learn before you accept duels over honor eh? I am Adrin Lamhet Versk.” The akalak continued to say, while extending a hand in greeting.“I’m not here to challenge you to another duel however. You don’t look like you have much of a stomach for one. Perhaps we can work on that too?” Conrad took the hand and shook it.
"Conrad, just conrad."he said looking the akalak straight in the eye, his wimpy behavior form a few moments ago gone now that he didn't face a duel anymore,Besides that combat lesson sounded good.
"Sure, I'm all for that, It couldn't be that bad as the beat down I got from your dad anyway." Conrad shrugged trying not to remember that particular event."It isn't going to be as bad as your dad did to me right? I felt that for weeks after he was done with me! I am barely healed so I don't want to get some more bandages after today, my dad would kill me for that!" Conrad asked, a bit of insecurity in his voice.
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[Flashback]Pride after the fall. (adrin)

Postby Adrin on December 13th, 2010, 11:27 pm

Adrin laughed a little louder but tried to bite his tongue as Conrad accepted the lesson but still was afraid of getting another beating. “Well the first thing you are going to have to learn is how to fight at all. You don’t just ball up your fists and throw them blindly at an enemy.” Adrin stepped out of the line for the training ring and motioned for Conrad to follow.

Adrin would be leading him into a training room with the practice dummies that he was so fond of. Sparring was to perfect techniques already learned. The first thing a potential warrior must do is to learn the techniques of battle. The Akalak had spent the majority of their history learning how to turn their very bodies into their most dangerous weapons. Adrin, in a moment of mixed respect and pityhad decided to bestow some of that knowledge onto Conrad.

It was a name that sounded strong and to Adrin’s way of thinking the boy might as well learn to honor it by developing some strength for himself. As long as he lived in Riverfall he might as well learn to be more of a man. Adrin didn’t exactly know how his father would feel about the lesson but the young Akalak didn’t mind, he felt like he was doing something good and that was what was most important.

Facing the dummies Adrin gestured to them and then looked back at Conrad, the Akalak’s eyes were as white as driven snow as he looked at the boy. He balled a fist and with a quick motion sent it smashing, hard into the dummy in front of him, all without taking his eyes off of Conrad.

Show me what you can do.
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