by Suresslynn on January 9th, 2016, 3:49 am
Suresslynn was glad that for once, she didn't get a lecture on the morality of poisons or a warning about using them, or a savage bout of insults against her race. Instead, he just asked a question about the method of her trades. Smiling slightly, she sat up to answer his question. "Well, two reasons. One, the means of making many antidotes are similar to those used to make poisons. Two, most of my knowledge in poisons was in venemous snakes of the Eyktolian desert, so it was more academic than practical." she said, her tone mildly lectural again, though she was glad to answer the question.
At his question about her turning her back on her mothers trade, the Dhani just laughed again. "Poisoncrafting isn't a family trade or anything of the such. And I had...twenty-two siblings when I left home. Dhani breed in clutches, just like actual snakes. My mother loved me, cared for me, but she taught me about poisons to keep me out of trouble as much as anything. I kept wandering off." Suresslynn giggled slightly. "Besides, she made antidotes as well. See, in order to really make an antidote, you have to understand the poison you're curing. I'm willing to bet that every knight who has ever made an antidote has made the poison they've cured at least once, if only so they know as much as they can about it." the Dhani grinned slightly as she spoke.
At his comment about needing something to follow, she shrugged again. "What, like the gods? They don't care about us. If they did, they'd be here, not gallivanting through whatever they call home, occasionally showing up to hand out presents to keep us satisfied. Nah, I'll wait until something more worthy shows up to follow." she said, her tone getting pretty sarcastic as she spoke about the gods. "As for what brought me up here...I wanted to see the world. Made it here and...well, I grew to like the place. These thrice-damned winters of yours can petch right off though." she said, curling back into her coats as a gust of wind carried the cold right back to her.