Appearance Race: Human, Mixed
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Birthday: 2, Summer, 493AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Appearance: 5'4", lithe, tanned, boyish, short hair, strawberry blonde, amber eyes
Amilyn is tanned from traveling and spending much of her time outside. She keeps her strawberry-blond hair short, both to make her look more like a guy from behind and to reduce the chances of it being used as a handhold.
Character Concept An aspiring thief and five-year resident of Sunberth, Amilyn is still working out the kinks in her practical skills, which she puts to use almost daily. Her magical skills are much more carefully practiced, either sat somewhere out of the way for auristics or out in the woods for shielding, where she can also practice weaponry skills.
Around family, friends, and pretty much anyone who isn't hostile, she tends to be curious, friendly, and almost lighthearted, despite sharp, roving amber eyes, and she has few qualms about taking things that interest her or that she needs.
She sometimes gestures in Grassland Sign as she talks, a habit she picked up from her mother, though Amilyn doesn't yet realize that it's part of Pavi. Nor does she realize that some of her favorite whistled songs aren't songs at all.
BloodlinesHer heritage includes Drykas and Svefra on her mother's side and Inarta and Svefra on her father's side. Character History Amilyn was born the third child of Suraiya and Armorant, an auristic and a scribe by trade, respectively. Growing up with two older brothers meant that she got involved in plenty of roughhousing and trouble, when they weren't getting sat at their parents' feet to learn how to read and write; growing up with a younger sister meant she could see the effects of wide eyes and pouting lips on her older brothers, who tended to crumple like old wood in the face of it. Amilyn and her sister ended up getting a lot of sweets and presents from their older brothers because of it.
When their brothers reached the age of 16 and were considered adults (506AV), their mother pulled all the children aside and showed them how to use her magics: auristics, with which she was better known for, and shielding. She warned them of overgiving and that there were people out there who would kill them for it, but she wanted them to know it, so they would have something else to protect them or warn them when she and their father were dead and gone.
Four years later (510AV), with one brother helping their father as a scribe, the other studying at the university, and her sister planning to help their mother in exchange for further lessons, Amilyn decided to head out and test herself in the world. Neither of her parents were particularly surprised, but her siblings fretted at her until the date of her departure, her brothers too used to looking out for her and her sister too used to having her around. Still, they saw her off and she left for Sunberth with their worried gazes and well wishes trailing behind her.