[Verified by Astator] Luxe

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Postby Luxe on January 8th, 2016, 11:38 pm


+ LUXE +

Race: Kelvic [Harpy Eagle]
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Birthday: 82nd of Spring, 511 AV
Birthplace: Ravok
Profession: tbd

Faceclaim: Kimmy Shcram



As a human, Luxe is a bit small, standing at an unimpressive 5'3" and weighing no more than 105lbs soaking wet. She has little to no muscle mass as far as you can see, her legs and arms are a bit scrawny, though her face hasn't hallowed out too much, so she looks like she does eat from time to time. Her coloring is a bit unusual and is usually the first indicator of her being a Kelvic. Her hair is a silvery grey and falls around her face and to her shoulders in waves. Her eyes are a deep, flat grey, that can at times and in bad lighting be mistaken as charcoal or black. Being a Kelvic she ages at a rate that matches her animal, so being 5 years old she is the human equivalent to an eighteen or nineteen year old at present.

As an animal, Luxe takes the form of a Harpy Eagle. An elegant looking bird of prey with white, grey and black feathers. She weighs 6 kg (13 lbs) and is about 86 cm (~ 2.5 ft) long with a wingspan of 176 cm (5 ft 9 in) with a tail measuring 37 cm (1 ft 3 in) long. She is mostly white and grey, with the feathers on the outterside of her wings being more black and charcoal. She has a charcoal band across her neck, between her breastbone and her head. Her tarsi and toes are bright yellow, her eyes the same deep grey, and her talons and beak are a deep charcoal. A smattering of feathers across the back of her head are a tough of grey that is more noticibly dark than the rest of her head and underbelly.

Last edited by Luxe on January 3rd, 2017, 6:20 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby Luxe on January 12th, 2016, 9:57 pm



Luxe is a curious individual with a quiet almost shy personality and an easy going nature. She would rather do as asked than deal with the consequences of being seen as hard to deal with. Growing up a slave gave her a different perspective on what happiness is and while she will grow to have a more common world view in time, for now happiness to her is enough food not to be starving and a warm spot to curl up for a nap. She has had a single bond that was severed by the death of her former mistress just before arriving to the island Sahova and it's Citadel. The bond with her crone gave her an interest in magic, primarily shielding and glyphing, as that was all the old woman ever taught her. She is not the best reader or writer, but she does have a thirst for books and knowledge. She is not the type to appear too eager though, if given the chance to read she will happily devour any book she can find in Common.

Being a bird of prey and a Kelvic she is driven by a few baser instincts. The desire to bond, the need to hunt and fly freely from time to time, and a joy in watching people quietly. She is more a solitary creature, though she seems okay in small groups of people. Larger gatherings seem to agitate her somewhat though and if a gathering is too large, or too noisy she is likely to try and flee to avoid the noise and distraction of so many bodies.


Luxe was bred in Ravok. She is unaware of her parents, but they were both Kelvics, her mother was a mouse Kelvic and her father was a wolf Kelvic. She was separated from her mother as early as was possible without her dying or growing too sickly. She was a striking looking individual, but she grew a little more slowly than some would have liked, her animal counterpart taking 4-6 years before becoming sexually mature. In an effort to make her a bit more appealing she was taught how to read and write and advertised as a great companion for a child, though most disliked the idea of having a large bird of prey paired with their child.

Luxe did not fight too hard against her captors, understanding that it was easier to just do what was asked then deal with beatings when she disobeyed. Her first year was spent testing boundaries, and so by her second year she was more pliable. She did not bond at all during this time, as it would have been bad for anyone who wanted to buy her if she bonded to one of the slavers. She was finally purchased when she was about three years old.

An elderly woman came in one day and spent the better part of three bells going over a few different options before settling on Luxe. The Kelvic was unsure about everything. She had become accustomed to her life in a cage, switching between forms as she was told to and rarely getting out as the risk of her flying off was too large. Uncertainty gripped her as she was brought out from her cage and given to her new master. The older woman seemed kindly enough, as far as she knew of kindness anyway. She was soft spoken and used slow, deliberate movements. Though she looked a little worse for wear, the Kelvic had the distinct impression that the woman was more dangerous than she seemed.

The woman explained her intention to remained in Ravok only a handful of days. During this time Luxe was kept in her eagle form and secured in a cage, though the woman often spoke to her when it was just the two of them. The conversations were obviously one sided and as far as Luxe could tell there was no attempt to bond from either party. This fact was both a relief and unsettling. They remained in Ravok for far longer than the woman had initially planned though, always extending her time and changing their leave date. A year passed like this and as time went on, Luxe was allowed more and more time as a human and out of the cage. And in the moments were more trust was built between the two the glimmer of a bond began to show. It took Luxe a while to realize it, but before she knew it, they had bonded. It was more familial than anything, like the bond between an aunt and niece. As time went on they grew closer and Luxe was told more of the woman's past and learned her name, Numa.

It was during this period of time that Numa began to quietly practice magic in front of her. First it was just simple things Luxe hardly noticed, sound proof windows and doors, even her cage had been sound proofed so that only the old woman could hear her crying out when she longed to stretch her wings. The more time she spent there the more she noticed things. What seemed like senseless scribbling in an old journal began to be explained as Glyphing, and the old woman spoke of shielding to the Kelvic quietly. Turns out the old woman was a mage who enjoyed getting out to see the world and pick up new slaves now and then. Through her bond to Numa, Luxe began taking a keen interest in the old woman's magic and scribbling. Though Numa took care not to teach her too much, she did begin to teach her.

Eventually they did leave Ravok, by then Luxe felt a sense of loyalty to the crone. During the trek to Nyka, Luxe was allowed to be human under the promise not to fly off on her own. The caravan was moderately sized, and slow going. There was a fair amount of armed people leave the city on the lake for the city of the celestial so they were protected well enough. Luxe was able to learn a few things about hunting during this time and eventually Numa allowed her to go on some of the afternoon hunts to gather extra food with other members of the caravan. The 400 mile journey took about 40 days to complete and during this time Numa began refining Luxe's rough reading and writing skills.

Once in Nyka, Numa decided they would stay for a while. Here she was given more lessons in shielding, taught the basics of tasking and told about stacking, though she was still too much of a novice to understand, let alone do it. Glyphing and writing were also taught to her here under the Crones watchfulness while the woman gathered supplies and information in the town. Luxe was allowed to leave the room they rented to run errands for the crone, though she was never allowed out for long, and was told to avoid contact with others if she could help it. She happily complied and Numa continued to teach her, eventually showing her little bits of an old language.

Days bled together for Luxe as her life become rather monotonous, the only interesting break was the occasional lesson or bit of information on magic or the ancient language. When finally Numa announced they would leave, she had no idea how long they had even been in the city. A whole season or maybe two? She was thrilled either way, and was more than happy to lug around Numas things as they made their way to the ship. According to the crone they were sailing for Sahova. Apparently the length of their stay in Nyka was to acquire supplies, and to find a sailor willing to take them that way. Apparently, Luxe learned, a race called Nuit lived in Sahova and people tended to be suspicious of them.

The time on the ship was wretched for Luxe. She easily discovered she was not the sea fairing type and was sea sick more often then she was not. Her crone did not fair too much better, the woman was old and frail and the constantly rocking waves did make her fall ill as well. Halfway through the trip Numa passed on, having caught a bad case of pneumonia. Normally a skilled healer could have helped, but the ship was lacking in anyone skilled enough in medicine to aid the woman. This made the Kelvic's journey all the more difficult, the loss of a bondmate expounded by the fact Numa had become like a mother to Luxe was hard.

The remainder of the trip Luxe remained below deck, doing her best to comfort herself. A day or so before they finally reached Sahova Luxe decided to try and make a name for herself in the Citadel of Wizards. She did not know what Numa would want of her, but she decided to not let the memory of her mistress fade, she would continue to learn and grow. So she went through Numa's belongings and took what she could, mostly supplies she could stuff into a chest, whatever gold was around, and a pretty, but ordinary, necklace Numa had used to wear on special occasions and left the ship.

Last edited by Luxe on January 5th, 2017, 4:13 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Postby Luxe on January 12th, 2016, 9:58 pm



Fluent Language: Common, Avian
Basic Language: ---
Poor Language: Nader-Canoch


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Cooking 5 SP 5 Novice
Glyphing 5 SP 5 Novice
Hunting 20 SP 10 RB 30 Competent
Shielding 10 SP 10 Novice
Writing 10 SP 10 Novice


Shielding: How to task against noise
Cooking: if it turns black you've burnt it

Last edited by Luxe on January 3rd, 2017, 9:45 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Postby Luxe on January 12th, 2016, 9:59 pm



Simple Black Shirt (sp)
Simple Black Skirt, long (sp)
Simple Undergarments (sp)
Simple Black Coat (sp)
Simple Black Boots (sp)
Red Broad-Brim Hat
Heirloom Necklace
1 Waterskin
Comb (Bone)
Brush (Bone)
Balanced Rations (1 Week)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Cooking Supplies
Toolkit, Cook
-contains a knife, & pouch of salt and simple seasons
1lb Fish, salted
1lb Pork, salted
1lb Apples, dried
2lbs Walnuts
Hunting Supplies
Toolkit, Hunter
-medium leather pouch containing a hunting knife, thin rope, common animal scent vials (rabbit, deer), and a preserving kit
Animal Snare, tiny (2)
Animal Snare, small (2)
Camouflage Tarp, 10 sq. ft.
Blanket Chest
Blanket, Winter
Cooking Pot, 2 qt (finished clay)
Serving Spoon
Jar, 32 oz (finished clay)

Heirloom: A pretty necklace with a small glass pendant she found in her former mistresses possessions. [x]


Location: The Quarters, Sahova

House: Each room holds a thin mat that does little to aid sleeping on the cold stones. A water basin sits on a small table on one side of the room, and several of the rooms in the upper 10 floors even have their own barred windows which allow in the dim light of the island.

Most of her personal affects are tucked into her blanket chest save whatever she carried in her pack and her coin which is either on her locked up in a lockbox.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 gm 100 gm
Housing Cash In +500 gm 600 gm
1lb Fish, salted -5 gm 595 gm
1lb Pork, salted -3 gm 592 gm
1lb Apples, dried -1 gm 591 gm
2lbs Walnuts -6 sm 590 gm 4 sm
Toolkit, Cook -10 gm 580 gm 4 sm
Toolkit, Hunter's - 25 gm 555 gm 4 sm
Animal Snare, Small -5 gm 550 gm 4 sm
Blanket Chest -1 gm 549 gm 4 sm
Blanket, Winter -1 sm 549 gm 3 sm
Cooking Pot, 2 qt -2 sm 549 gm 1 sm
Serving Spoon -3 cm 549 gm 7 cm
Jar, 32 oz (x4) -8 sm 548 gm 2 sm 7 cm
Lockbox, high quality -1 gm 5 sm 546 gm 7 sm 7 cm
Hat, broad-brim, dyed -6 gm 540 gm 7 sm 7 cm

Last edited by Luxe on January 4th, 2017, 11:09 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Postby Luxe on November 4th, 2016, 1:26 am



links here
Winter 516
Contents of second tab

Last edited by Luxe on January 20th, 2017, 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Luxe on January 20th, 2017, 1:30 pm




Winter 516 AV
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

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