Gave Myra a facelift, I'm loving the model I found for her. Just wish I had a name because I would be all over that. She's gorgeous omg. Why couldn't I have been born that beautiful, but anyway I'm digressing. Other changes I did to her was make her a bard with experience in Alvadas and sailing. I'm hoping to get to Alvadas with this character in the future. Probably a year real time.
Challenges I'm going to have with this character is acting out her animal urges, not that it will be hard but I fear I won't be able to do it and make it believable. But I'm going to try dammit!! Another challenge is going to be this boating stuff, wow I'm kind of confused. Despite that I've been researching and it seems fairly simple, I think I'm going to learn the terms the easiest. But who knows, this seems like one of those things learning hands on would be best. Well for me at least, I'm a rather hands on learner. I'm compiling notes and important stuff to post here to have when I need it for later down the line, that's what the latter portion of this post is going to be, instead of having to search through links again to get the information I need. The final challenge is going to be juggling three characters at one time. I'm already favoring Myra. I've always had a special place for her in my heart and now that she has a real direction I'm excited to play with her again. That being said I have a thread with Baldy that needs completed, but it's fun so I'm enjoying the extra work on that front. (And just one thread so far, not much of a work load.) Then I have Visi, my Vantha PC in Mura, who I'm committed to because I have an irl friend coming to play as a Konti. Plus Mura just got opened and I want to be a presence there to help generate interest for Amu and get her some players. Originally Visi was to be my bard, but I switched up all her points to make her the strong, silent type rather than a super feely, angsty bard. I don't know if I'll be interested in playing her anymore now that I've switched up her concept but I'm going to try for my friends.
What's really got me worried is the 6 job threads I'm going to do this season. That being said I'm ONLY doing job threads for Myra this season and they should be fairly easy because she's a bard. (not that I'm only doing her threads, rather the only threads I'm doing for her are her job threads, the other characters are getting played and their job threads are getting done) I'll get them written and then apply for the job so that as soon as I get it I can just drop the thread and be done for the season. With Myra I made sure to give her a competent skill in the lute so I can get 6 gm for this season. I'm going to be stingy and go poor living conditions so I can have as much money as possible for the next season, I need to buy a bunch of stuff. I'll be detailing that in this post as well, just to get an idea for what I'll need to buy. (Try not to go over 100 gm)
I also need to make Myra a couple boxcodes. I might do that as a pallet cleanser to all reading about sailing I've been doing, like, right now.
Hemp Rope (50 ft)- 1 GM
Fishing Kit (2)- 10 GM-> 20 GM
Water Skin- 1 GM
Blanket, Winter (2)- 5 SM -> 1 GM
Blood Decoy- 5 GM
Compass- 200 GM228 GM