Sorry. The word seemed to grate against him like bare skin on a nail. It was less an apology and more of a threat. Alex instinctually took a half step back as the leathery winged “squire” began to make quite the imposing speech puffing himself up like a cat backed into a corner. Alex linked his arms together looking more like an unimpressed knight than a squire though in the subconscious actions his hands were over the two hidden throwing daggers he kept inserted in his vambraces between the chain and the plate. Though the words themselves held merit. Did Alex take what Treachery had said to be his title, when it was in fact actually his name?
“Well then Treachery. I apologise there, I mistook your name to be a title of sorts. Perhaps given the threat just now it wasn’t too far of the actual mark.” Alex held a firm gaze to the creature before him a much harder glare in his eyes now, but as Treachery chose to fold his wings and settle down Alex’s leer softened. But his arms remained where they were. Apparently he’d annoyed him. “Yeah seems I have a habit of doing that to people I’m not too sure about. It’s gonna land me in hot water eventually.” He gave a soft smirk instead of being outright frightened.
“So Treachery. What exactly were you doing out here at this time of night? Surveying the skies perhaps?” Trying to shift the subject and lower the tension of the situation was something Alex seemed to have a knack for an adept touch if one was to look at it. Here though he wondered if it’d even work or whether the rather resolute creature before him was just simply against him. Tapping his fingers on the steep plating over his arms he awaited a response. Despite his footing being less than favourable should things spiral, he had a backup. Just in case.