While Brandon had not been meaning to team up with the two ladies –instead teaming up against them- he did not complain, following the spiritist as the children cheered in early victory. Too bad for them, selling the hide of the bear before it was killed was not a profitable course of action. The adults they’d defeated would return with united strength, hitting harder than before. Of course, if the women agreed to join forces, that is. However, that did not seem to be a problem, the black haired woman appeared rather enthusiastic even though her body language revealed slight exhaustion. The blonde replied more coolly, though she did not disagree.
She had chuckled at him, and Brandon was well aware why. Even though his memory for faces was not the best, even when it was someone he’d met just the day before, but, this girl had been sketching dresses on rough images of him, so forgetting her was a little less easy. He raised his eyebrow in response, not having expected such a strong desire for victory to come from the blonde. She seemed to be far more invested in this snowball fight than she let on.
“Sticking together seems like a good idea,” the Kelvic agreed, “though that will make us an easier and larger target to hit.” He frowned. “Though spreading out too much isn’t going to help that much either.” Amelia was right in the observation that there were more of the children than there were of adults, which would make winning this snowball war all the more difficult if they spread out and each of them had to deal with two children, if not more. “We can’t spread out too carelessly,” Brandon nodded, “we should surround them, forcing them to stick together in a relative small bit of space, and then pelt them with snowballs.” He gave a small pleased grin, this plan should work, though there was one problem.
The bat crouched down and started drawing in the snow with his finger. “The problem is, that we are here-” he drew a rough sketch of the alley they were standing in, placing four dots close together in one spot “- and they, are there.” He drew a circle a bit further down the alley. “Now, this means that we cannot encircle them without having to cross through their … base… or territory. The alley is too small. If you’d try, you’d get targeted by all of them at once.” Brandon might be able to get through though, and it’d make for an excellent decoy. However, it wouldn’t quite help their situation at all. “So how do we go about it? Simple.” He drew some more streets branching out from the alley, creating an impromptu, though rather accurate map of their surroundings in the snow. “There are no alleys where the children are playing, but there are some further down the alley. Two of us will approach the children from this side, drawing their attention, while the others pretend to leave and head towards this alley, and this one.”
He pointed to the two alleys, one had been used by Brandon when he’d been joining Levi, the other required a bit of walking to get to. “Now, it’s important that the two ‘decoys’ keep the children away from this alley.” He pointed to the street he’d come through once more. “We don’t want them to escape after all.” Then, he proceeded to draw a small path through the maze of streets he’d drawn, then doing the same for the second route. “So, one of us will use this path, while the other uses this one.” Then he drew a small circle with an exclamation mark at a spot behind the children, but quite a while away. “The two will meet up there, and then close in, launching a surprise attack from behind!” He looked up then, straightening up and taking a step back to get a good look on his handiwork. Yes, this plan was perfect! “What do you think?”
oocGeneral Brandon is ready for war! "Listen up privates, this is it, this is where we crush the enemy troops, and win the war. We will not tolerate defeat! It's do or die! Now move out and make our nation proud! For Lhavit! For Victory! For Diraaaaaaa!"
She had chuckled at him, and Brandon was well aware why. Even though his memory for faces was not the best, even when it was someone he’d met just the day before, but, this girl had been sketching dresses on rough images of him, so forgetting her was a little less easy. He raised his eyebrow in response, not having expected such a strong desire for victory to come from the blonde. She seemed to be far more invested in this snowball fight than she let on.
“Sticking together seems like a good idea,” the Kelvic agreed, “though that will make us an easier and larger target to hit.” He frowned. “Though spreading out too much isn’t going to help that much either.” Amelia was right in the observation that there were more of the children than there were of adults, which would make winning this snowball war all the more difficult if they spread out and each of them had to deal with two children, if not more. “We can’t spread out too carelessly,” Brandon nodded, “we should surround them, forcing them to stick together in a relative small bit of space, and then pelt them with snowballs.” He gave a small pleased grin, this plan should work, though there was one problem.
The bat crouched down and started drawing in the snow with his finger. “The problem is, that we are here-” he drew a rough sketch of the alley they were standing in, placing four dots close together in one spot “- and they, are there.” He drew a circle a bit further down the alley. “Now, this means that we cannot encircle them without having to cross through their … base… or territory. The alley is too small. If you’d try, you’d get targeted by all of them at once.” Brandon might be able to get through though, and it’d make for an excellent decoy. However, it wouldn’t quite help their situation at all. “So how do we go about it? Simple.” He drew some more streets branching out from the alley, creating an impromptu, though rather accurate map of their surroundings in the snow. “There are no alleys where the children are playing, but there are some further down the alley. Two of us will approach the children from this side, drawing their attention, while the others pretend to leave and head towards this alley, and this one.”
He pointed to the two alleys, one had been used by Brandon when he’d been joining Levi, the other required a bit of walking to get to. “Now, it’s important that the two ‘decoys’ keep the children away from this alley.” He pointed to the street he’d come through once more. “We don’t want them to escape after all.” Then, he proceeded to draw a small path through the maze of streets he’d drawn, then doing the same for the second route. “So, one of us will use this path, while the other uses this one.” Then he drew a small circle with an exclamation mark at a spot behind the children, but quite a while away. “The two will meet up there, and then close in, launching a surprise attack from behind!” He looked up then, straightening up and taking a step back to get a good look on his handiwork. Yes, this plan was perfect! “What do you think?”
oocGeneral Brandon is ready for war! "Listen up privates, this is it, this is where we crush the enemy troops, and win the war. We will not tolerate defeat! It's do or die! Now move out and make our nation proud! For Lhavit! For Victory! For Diraaaaaaa!"

credit goes to Estrellir Konrath