Saej's life is turned upside down.
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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.
by Elysium on February 4th, 2016, 6:58 pm

WHERE THE OKOMO ROAM, TBD 515 AV”Hallo,” the small voice said brightly.
Turning around, Saej would find a young girl at her elbow. She was shorter by half a head. At first glance it was obvious the girl was Inarta, though her features seemed to resemble the mixed blood of the Dek more than any other caste. The freckles that spanned the bridge of her nose were gold and bright, very nearly the same color as her tawny eyes.
That morning, the usually verdant fields of the Sharai were fallow and covered in frost, as was the usual for Winter in Lhavit. Large clouds of smoke plumed from the chimneys of the shimmering skyglass hothouses, as their bellowing furnaces worked to regulate the temperatures within. Okomo wandered the peaks aimlessly, chewing at lingering clods of grass.
The wide firmament overhead was cloaked in white and grey. The girl smoothed the wrinkles from her apron and offered Saej a small curtsy.
”I couldn't help but notice that you dropped this,” she said, producing a single gold rimmed miza. It gleamed, even in the dull overcast light. The girl was not familiar to Saej even though in such a small community, she rightly should be. The stains on her dress and callouses on her hands denoted a life of honest farm work.
”My name is Rozalind,” the girl offered, along with a broad smile. There appeared to be a gap between two front teeth. ”I don't know how it is that me never met, but I'm sure glad to make your acquantaince.” Her kindness was freely given, much in the same spirit of the peoples of Wind Reach.
Whether or not Saej accepted the coin, she offered it. It was a coin that was found and whoever the rightful owner she intended to give it to her anyway. But once that little sidelight was resolved, it appeared Rozalind was still troubled by something. She shuffled her feet sheepishly in the dusty earth, eyes drawn toward the ground.
”Um… Miss? I actually… Could you help me with something?”Rozalind peered back up at her from beneath wide lashes.
”You see.. My Okomo likes to wander in the higher part of the mountain. You know, the places where it's so high up, you can't hardly breathe. He knows I hate it when he leaves me but he just does it anyway.” She clutched her upper arm in her opposite hand remorsefully, as if it were a sling. Even in the asking, she seemed a little embarrassed.
“I’d go myself… But there are all sorts of dusty caverns up there! Spiders and icky stuff. So I was wondering… Would you help me find him?”
Rozalind turned the full force of her bright little eyes upon Saej. It would be difficult to refuse her. It was clear that this little girl had taken a liking to her older counterpart. Clearly, whatever story she’d told about the miza was a thinly veiled ploy.

Elysium - Never venture, never win.
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by Saej on February 5th, 2016, 6:08 pm
67 Winter 515 AV¤
Finally, her work for today was over. This was the worst season to work for Miss Solla. Saej wanted to garden, not do manual labor. She applied for this position to work with dirt and flowers but instead found herself shovelling snow and knocking sleeping bee hives out of their perches. It. Was. Awful. Saej hated the winter, she was one to stay inside during these times as snow was, undoubtedly, her worst enemy. It made your fingers stiff, your knees hurt. Her nose was beat red and her face was on fire, the heat from her body after shovelling stinging against the cold of the rest of the world. This was madness, she wasn’t getting paid nearly enough. Even so, Miss Solla wasn’t thankless and would often invite Saej in for tea after her work was finished; but Saej hardly even liked tea unless it was filled with honey and she wasn’t going to bother her employer for anything extra, lest she be seen as pushy or needy.
Today was one of those such days, Solla and Saej had been sitting in her sun room with a cup of tea. They had been talking about flowers and possible ones to plant this summer. Saej thought it would be a good idea to plant ivy to crawl up the side of her house, though Miss Solla advised against it; saying that the ivy could take away the value if a potential buyer didn’t like the aesthetic. To this, Saej argued that she didn’t plan on selling her house ever and in fact wanted to add on to her dwellings with a sort of greenhouse come this summer. Miss Solla was glad Saej intended to stay, confessing she enjoyed having the Inarta around.
Their conversation turned into one of cats and their antics, Thak being a rambunctious sort, but soon tea time was over and Saej left to return to her own home. But first she wanted to take a stroll around Sharai, work her legs out. Despite her distaste for the snow, even she got restless once in awhile and needed to take a breather outside of her own home.
Saej noticed the girl first, smiling to the little Dek born with a wave.
“Hallo,” she said.
“Hey little chick.” It was always nice to see another Inarta, Dek or not. She paused as the girl offered a courtesy and curtseyed one in return. It was a good day. About to walk off the girl stopped her, producing a miza from her person.
“Mine?” Saej paused to think, ‘No, it can’t be mine. I came from the other way… Odd.’
“Why don’t you just hold on to it for me?” She smiled at the girl again. While she could use the money, she wasn’t going to take from a little girl.
“It is certainly something I’ve never seen you before.” Though perhaps she had and thought little of it; even though she was far away from the caste system of her home, the Dek still registered below her radar. Of course she didn’t mention this to the little girl, who by her rough hands worked in the many farms littering Sharai. She did honest work and they weren’t in Wind Reach, Saej was comfortable treating her as any other person. “Rozalind, what a pretty name. I’m Saej.”
‘So this is why she was offering me a miza,’ Saej thought as the little Rozalind explained about her Okomo.
“You didn’t have to give me any money, you could have just asked Miss Rozalind. Your Okomo certainly couldn’t have gotten that far. Where does he usually go? ‘Up high’, but any place in particular? We could start there.” And why weren’t her parents fetching the damned thing. Oh well. Saej was kept pretty warm by her cloak, and “dusty caverns” weren’t too worrisome. Spiders though, ick. The little girl was too cute to refuse and this seemed easy enough. Likely he wasn’t even that far, Rozalind’s tiny lungs probably just couldn’t take the heights. Hopefully the girl would know what path up the Okomo usually took. Saej wasn’t looking forward to a wild goosechase; if Rozalind had no idea, Saej would take her to her parents and explain to them what transpired between the two. Still, this occurrence took Saej as a bit odd, something was off about this little girl. Why was she offering miza’s and why didn’t she just ask her parents to find the Okomo? Inwardly she shrugged, who knew the thoughts of children. Saej had grow up to much know. Babysitting this chick and her Okomo wasn’t on her to do list for the day, but now it apparently was and Saej would embrace it as this little girl was embracing Saej.

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Saej - Spiral Out
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by Elysium on February 22nd, 2016, 7:18 am

The girl could barely contain her excitement. She offered Saej a beaming smile, smoothing down the front of her rumpled apron.
”I know just where to look! He always goes to the same place. Every time, I have to find someone to come with me to look for him.” Rozalind piped in her tiny voice. The vaguest hint of frustration registered in the crease at her brow.
”Thank you Miss Saej!” She added, realizing her manners. She immediately began walking toward the steppes that ran up the mountainside, each broad plane the outer edge of one of the many terraced fields of the Sharai. The fields were at current, just a muddied green-and-brown spectre of their springtime glory.
As they walked, Rozalind began chatting animatedly.
”My Okomo is called Jocco. Khana says out of all his generation, he is the cleverest. But the most willful, too! He isn't old enough to come fully into his rack just yet, so he isn't well trained. Say, do you know much about Okomo, Miss Saej?” She turned back to her new friend, walking backwards. She took careful steps but just watching her was enough to make anyone nervous.
Right on cue, the little girl caught her heel on one of the steppes and just barely managed to right her balance before falling and landing on her hind end. Sheepishly, she giggled and wheeled around to face the proper direction.
”Do you like to learn about animals, Miss Saej?” She asked, speaking quickly. ”I haven't seen you before but if you live on the Sharai, I bet you like things that are green or things that grow. Do you work here, too?”
It was obvious she was completely in possession of that trademark childhood curiosity and coupled with her sudden excitement, one question tumbled out, nearly overlapping the next.
The two of them picked their way up the mountain. The edge of the fields was in sight, off in the lonesome distance.

Elysium - Never venture, never win.
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by Saej on February 23rd, 2016, 1:28 am
Thank Zintila, she did know where he would go. Saej outwardly breathed a sigh, a wisp forming in the cold air.
“Alright, you lead the way then.” She said, then laughed as the little dek girl minded herself. “You’re very welcome, little Rozalind.”
The hike was, well, awful. Saej was huffing and puffing the whole time, her smoker’s lungs straining against the heights coupled by the walk. Legs burning, she was getting colder and colder the higher up they went, her lungs were straining. This wasn’t quite how she pictured her day going. Still, she followed the girl up and up the mountain until it Sharai was little more than a blip in the distance. Amazingly to Saej, the little girl talked and talk the whole way; berating her with questions.
“Actually I know little about the Okomo, not much more than they’re a giant mountain goat, but yours does sound special. We’ll have to find him.”
They continued their trek up, higher and higher. Saej had never been this high up in Lhavit before. The view was breathtaking. From this high she could see the bridge leading to Shinyama, people little more than flecks moving along the stretch. They continued upwards. It hadn’t been more than an hour and they were making great time. Above them circled a hawk, or maybe a falcon. Scraaaaw! It said.
“I love animals, I have a cat actually. His name is Thak. He’s big and furry and sometimes a grump, I think he’s some sort of squash-cat mountain cat mix. We found each other when I first came here from Wind Reach. You’re from there? Or maybe your parents are?” She smiled and reached her leg up high to climb over top of a rock, placing her hands on it either side of herself to lift herself up.
“But yes! I’m Miss Solla’s gardener supreme. That’s in the Okomo Estates, if you were wondering. You might know her, she’s the best gardener I know. Really has that, ah, what’s it called, green thumb. What about you little Miss? I can tell you love your animal, but do you like green stuff?”
All this talking was making her out of breath. She stopped and doubled over, leaning on her knees. The hawk cried again, this must be his territory. To others, non-Inarta, this might be odd. But these women were made of steel, their nerves infallible, even the little one. A weaker person would probably be reeling at the heights but these two merely stared down the mountain, perhaps looking death in the face, as if this were a day-to-day occurrence.
“Do you mind if we rest for a moment, I need to catch my breath. Gettin’ old!” She huffed and puffed.

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Saej - Spiral Out
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by Elysium on March 7th, 2016, 4:27 am

Rozalind paused to listen as Saej answered her questions. For her age she was flawlessly polite. She offered her the same gap-toothed smile as they came to a temporary halt while the poor woman stopped to catch her breath.
"I love to garden," she replied with genuine interest, "and I know Miss Sola really well! I run into her all the time in the Bharani Library. There are lots of books there on how to garden you know. Books about which plants are which out in the wild, or when to plant certain seeds and in what kind of soil." She suddenly sighed, as if imagining hours spent pouring over the freshly penned texts in silence.
"I can tell you all about the Okomo," she continued, stepping over Saej's questions about her upbringing rather artfully. "They're beautiful creatures. One day I want to write a book about them." Rozalind gestured to the pasture that was now far below them with a freckled hand. The Okomo, with their winter coats and translucent horns picked their way across the terrace, nary a care in the world.
"They're big giant mountain goats. You've seen them, so you know. Their actual bones are made of the same crystalline stuff as their horns, which is why they can carry people on their backs." Okomo have a set of sharp, rapier shaped horns that at their base have ridges, but gradually smooth out and come to a point.
"That also makes them heavier!" She declared, making a face. "I could barely pick Jocco up, even when he was just a baby."
As soon as Saej was able, Rozalind led the way for them to continue. There was still a ways, but at least now they could see a set of caves built into the distant cliffside as the Sharai came to an end. Heavy clouds began to loom overhead, turning an ominous shade of grey.
"When it is cold like this and the grass is all gone, Okomo like to browse. They'll eat whatever they can find; herbs, roots and shrubs. But otherwise they graze on the grass." Rozalind continued smiling, although her expression took a turn toward thoughtful. "Lots of people like them but they sure eat a lot. Unless you live on the Sharai, it can be hard to keep them as pets."
The first few droplets would fall, smacking Saej square on the nose. The cumulus overhead grew darker, burdened by rain. Rozalind seemed to notice this and glanced upward with rapturous wonder.
"It's gonna be a cloud burst!" She sang. "We better get to the caves, or we're gonna catch a cold!"
While it was only just a few yards away now, the two of them would have to race to beat the steadily increasing rainfall. In a few moments time, the clouds would begin their weeping, soaking them through in less than a chime.
Rozalind's tiny voice could scarcely be heard over the thunderous downpour, shrieking in delight as they finally made it to shelter.

Elysium - Never venture, never win.
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by Saej on March 12th, 2016, 1:10 am
'By Zintila, my lungs!' She pleaded and gripped her chest as they bustled up the mountain. Obviously wheezing, to Saej's ears a good portion of the little Dek's words were drowned out as she focused mostly on breathing. Still, every time she looked back, even through the pain of her clenched chest, the view was spectacular. It occurred to her it was a shame she couldn't paint, or even draw, because this would make a lovely wall hanging. The higher up they went, the colder it got. Winter was still rearing its ugly head making sure to get the most out of the last few weeks of the season. Eventually the sight was no longer able to be seen as they made their way further up the mountain all she was met with was clear, cold skies.
"I've been to the Bharani. Actually I just went there for the first time a couple weeks ago. I know exactly the section you're speaking about, in fact." The girl's tired sigh made her smile, lifting the cold burdened rosy cheeks and nose on her face. Or was it longer than a couple weeks? Something told her it had been in the 20's sometime. Who knew. The days blurred together when you did the same thing day in and day out.
As stated previously, Saej heard little about what Rosalind had to say on the Okomo. She caught bits and pieces, but between occasional wind and her own labored breathing some of it got lost in the peak.
"So they're," she breathed, "heavy, huh?"
'Great, how the petch are we going to drag it back then.'
Doubled over, she wheezed and coughed. The cold disagreeing with her overburdened lungs. Thank the gods the girl let her stop. In the back of her mind she was afraid the little girl would whine, as many of them did. Rozalind though seemed to be a more mature type, well, sort of. 'By Leth and Syna herself-- How much longer is this going to take.' Longingly she looked down the trail they had taken, wishing to be at home smoking her pipe with her cat in her lap, little feet prints in the snow snailing all the way up to where they stood. Luckily though, the caves were right in sight. Once Saej's breath had been caught, her lungs still strained but no longer burning, she waved at little Rozalind to press on. They sky was turning a milky shade of grey, clouds creeping over their heads. She saw it coming but only when it was a couple inches away from her face. Reaching her orbit, you could say. SPLAT! Straight onto the bridge of Saej's nose. Reflexively she threw her hand up to her nose and wiped it, mildly shocked and amused at the same time. The little girl must have noticed for she looked up to the sky as well and ushered her warning.
"Ruuunnn!" Saej yelled as the rain started to pour. Her legs chugged, struggling to keep up with the Dek girl. Good gods she was fast, shrieking all the while, which was the only thing she could really make out over the downpour. The run wasn't as straining as the climb, but she was sure by the end of the sprint that much more of this and she would keel over. They were inside now, Saej ringing out her dreadlocks as she peered down into the darkness of the cave. She didn't bring anything for a torch. Petching vagik. She wasn't overly fond of the dark, in fact it terrified her. Why on Mizahar would a Okomo come up here into these dark, dank caves? She hadn't thought this through very well.
"He isn't far, do you reckon?"

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Saej - Spiral Out
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