Taking the lull in activity to examine the menu, Izuyanai laid the booklet on top of the counter and perused the contents. She had to say that the cocktails were tastefully named. It was a mystery as to who the titles had sprung from, but the raven took a guess that it had been Aleah.
All the drinks seemed interesting. She was especially curious as to the effects of all the spices in The Stolen Night, but chose to resign herself to Auristics should Aleah ever make the mixture. Afterall, ravens and alcohol did not mix well. At least, not this one. She remembered that the results had been rather volatile the last time she had tried. No, she wasn't keen on repeating that disaster.
Flipping to another section of the thin booklet revealed the selection of foods the establishment had to offer. The collection seemed very simple. From salads to fried onions, the dishes looked to be easy enough to prepare. Should Izuyanai ever be faced with such an order she was confident that she could get the job done without burning down the tavern. Though perhaps she should leave the frying to Roric for awhile.
A small scuffle sounded from the entryway and the smart closing of the door came echoing from the narrow hallway. The Kelvic raised the glass she was wiping out to eye level in order to view the new customer.
The tall woman stood in hesitation by the outskirts of the lounge. Her dark curly hair swayed slightly in its haphazard bun as she turned her head from side to side. It seemed as though she were looking for someone. The woman's tired hazel eyes flicked from figure to figure in the bar, trying to determine the right person. From the considerable smattering of snow on the cloak around her arm, Izuyanai guessed she'd been outdoors a while.
"There you are, Bria! I was starting to think you wouldn't make it."
Izuyanai watched detachedly as the woman, Bria, turned toward the one who had called out to her. A younger looking woman by the bar had twisted around in her seat to wave over the newcomer. She had a gentle round face with bright eyes that twinkled happily at the sight of her friend.
Bria's taught expression relaxed slightly as she moved toward her acquaintance. Small particles of snow broke away from her attire and landed on the worn floor, quickly melting into small droplets of water. Dragging up a stool closer to her companion, she apologized.
"Sorry, I was just finishing up at the site. It was a little frustrating, actually. There's so much to be done, yet no way to finish it. Snow is coming in this winter and for all we did there's still a gaping hole in the peak."
Letting out a small sigh, the woman shook her head disappointedly. The small frown on her features revealed delicate worry lines woven by her brows. Her friend, meanwhile, reached out to pat her comfortingly on the shoulder.
"You did what you could. Don't worry! I'm sure, in spring, you'll have the problem all fixed. Let me treat you! You look exhausted."
The other woman waved a little to get the attention of the Kelvic who had been standing inconspicuously nearby, drying glasses.
"We'll have a Time's End and The Sun's Glory, thanks."
Izuyanai nodded moved away to relay the order to Aleah. While she waited for the drinks to be prepared the raven alternated between observing Aleah's work and the two patrons who had resumed their chatting. Bria leaned her elbows on the counter with her head turned toward the second woman who was talking animatedly. The other had the habit of gesturing with her hands so that there was a constant flurry of movement around her. It greatly contradicted the weary aura of the worker but seemed to cheer her up nonetheless.
People revealed all sorts of interesting tidbits if one payed attention and knew how to decipher the intricate web of information. A sense for subtlety never failed in gathering knowledge and scraps of fact, as well. Izuyanai had a feeling she now more properly understood why the Mistress of Shadows was also the Goddess of stealth. Not just because of the obvious fact that darkness obscured vision. It was because people never suspected the shadows. To them, shadows were merely reflections of more solid objects. Mundane, normal, part of everyday life. Similarly, stealth was not always about lurking in the darkness. It was about blending in and being passed over.
Meanwhile Aleah had finished preparing the order for Time's End and had moved onto the second drink. She poured richly colored brandy into a clear glass and gently added an orange aperitif. A dash of syrup was included before she deftly affixed and orange to the glass. The finished product was layered dark amber to bright orange, reflecting the image of Syna's light.
Taking the colorful cocktails from Aleah, Izuyanai made her way back to the two customers and set their drinks down on the counter with a soft clink.
"Two kina," she said politely.
The younger woman paid and each woman took their respective drinks. Bria, the Time's End and the other took The Sun's Glory. Izuyanai wondered if they frequented the Demise. As far as she could figure, this was a regular location for them to meet. If so, she would make note of remembering their orders.
Retreating a slight ways from the pair, Izuyanai took up another glass and resumed eavesdropping on the murmurings of the tavern. OOCCriticism is welcome! Please be gentle