Herb Cheat Sheet
alphabetical order
common - blue
uncommon - green
rare - red
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Warm Climates
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 4 gm/oz of dried flowers/leaves, 6 gm/ounce of sap or 10 gm/lb of wood chips.
This is a small tree with thin bark and rounded compound leaves. It has clusters of small yellow and white flowers. Acalai bark is commonly used as incense while its yellow flowers can be used to make a subtle dye. Thick sap flows easily out of the tree when the bark is cut. The sap can only be tapped after midsummer and must be stored in airtight jars to prevent it from drying to a hard crusty lump.
L2 or higher Herbalism skill to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Temperate
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 sm/palm-sized sprig or 1 oz of seeds, 1 gm for 1 oz of syrup decoction.
The Acson plant is made up of erect green stems covered by glossy dark green leaves with white undersides and clusters of light blue to purple flowers shaped like a hood. Fresh leaves and stem are mildly poisonous to the touch resulting in a mild rash and are highly poisonous if infused into food or drink; causing extreme nausea and vomiting. Dried or fresh acson can be chewed to help combat a variety of animal-based poisons but the taste has been compared to chewing on rotten feces. A syrup decoction is often made to help lighten the taste.
L1 herbalism and L1 poison to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate Hills
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 cm/oz of dried leaves and flowers.
Aletrid grows quickly with twisting roots that spread over low walls and other barriers. It has soft, serrated leaves sprouting all along its length. The leaves sometimes erupt in spikes covered with clusters of tiny five- pedaled gold flowers. Aletrid has a pleasing aroma and is often kept in tangles to mask bad odors.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Temperate Hills
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 2 gm/oz of dried flowers.
Amur is a low-growing plant with triangular fan-shaped leaves. The stalk grows clusters of pale blue violet to white flowers. The stalks and flowers are dried, powdered and used as rare, potent incense.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Temperate Hills and Mountains
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 sm/oz of dried leaves and flowers.
Azhiltu has maroon to purple flowers and green stalks that redden as they approach their roots. Its green leaves have reddish undersides. Dried and crushed Azhiltu leaf and petal mixtures are used as a tea to cure stomach pains. The flowers and seeds are more frequently crushed and then turned into bright, unfading maroon to purple dye for paints and clothing. Azhiltu seeds must be collected by drying the flowers over a sheet and periodically shaking the stalks to loosen the seeds. Azhiltu is used to stop bleeding when applied to a wound as a poultice or dried and taken internally as tea.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Warm Plains and Hills
Harvest Type: Biennial
Cost: 4 gm/oz of dried bark/root/bud/seed or resin.
Baltisce is an aromatic evergreen bush that buds in late spring. Baltisce buds, resin, bark and roots are useful in creating potent macerated stimulants.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 5 cm/oz of leaves dried or fresh.
This is a very common herb found throughout Mizahar. Batonal has rounded leaves and an aromatic scent that is easily recognized. Batonal is used mostly as a cooking spice but works as a hot infusion as a medicine against internal discomfort.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Temperate
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 gm/oz of dried leaves and flowers, stalks or roots or 1 oz of berry juice (12 berries).
Berridon is a large plant with reddish stalks, bright green leaves with red ribs and dull purple berries and flowers. It is considered highly poisonous and only really harvested by poisoncrafters. It can also be used as an infusion to cause hallucinations. Macerated berridon oils have unique distinction of being a strong contact, injury or ingested poison that causes extreme bouts of nausea.
L2 herbalism and L2 poisons to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate forests and wooded marshlands
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 cm per ½ oz of leaves or flowers, 1 gm/ oz tincture.
Belltor grows in a crawling maze of roots. It has erect stems that extend up to two feet in height covered with ragged-edged leaves along the vine and stalks. The stems end in a cluster of light pink to deep crimson flowers at the top. It is commonly used in infusions to relieve head congestion and headaches. A hot poultice may also be made from Belltor to prevent scarring and to aid in wound closure. Belltor should be harvested as a whole plant and dried hanging upside down in loose bunches. The roots should also be discarded after drying. Seeds and flowers should be stored in airtight containers separate from the leaves. Belltor is most commonly preserved as a tincture that helps against colds and diseases.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Any Forest
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 5 sm/oz of berries (roughly 1 oz berry juice) or 2 oz dried bark, 1 gm/8’’ length of wood.
Brinetooth is a tough woody bush that grows in tight thickets and hedges. It has ovular leaves with tiny white flowers that become blue berries in the summer. The berries can be mashed, decocted and preserved as pasted used to restore strength and vitality. The wood is often used in woodcarving and shaping.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Plains and Marshlands
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 5 cm/10 fresh leaves or 1 oz of dried leaves.
Bon’mur is among the more durable of annuals. It has hairy oval-shaped leaves with blue flowers. It grows up to 18 inches in height. The leaves and roots are often chewed when suffering colds or fevers. Made into infusions, it can help heal injured or sore/dry eyes. Bon’mur is only used as macerated oils made from fresh leaves or in dried leaves as teas. It can also be used wake unconscious victims.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Forests and Seacoasts
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 sm/oz of powdered bark or dried flowers.
Boldt is a tough shrub found in soft, sandy soils. It produces strongg, straight fibrous to woody stalks and has bright yellow flowers and seed pods that pop when ripe. Boldt wood is used as thatch in areas where it grows in abundance. It is also useful in making brooms or woven into baskets. With careful preparation after a fresh harvest, the fibers can be pounded into paper or woven into ropes or cloth. Boldt must be worked within days of harvest unless one is drying flowers and bark for later use.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Any Marshlands or Fresh Water Coastlands and Riverbanks
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 sm/10 fresh berries or as 1 oz maceration.
Bunwol is a thick rooted and fast growing plant that climbs and stretches over most things in its path. It has brittle stems shooting up from the base with hairy leaves and greenish flowers that become orange berries in early summer. All parts of Bunwol are poisonous, causing light nausea and weakness if ingested however, when macerated, the resulting oil acts as an antidote to most types of plant-based poisons.
L3 herbalism and L2 poisons to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Temperate
Harvest Type: Biennial
Cost: 5 gm/oz of leaves or bark, dried and powdered.
Bynntip is a small shrub like herb with diamond shaped leaves growing in branching woody vines from a central stalk. It is considered more of a weed that is useful in thatching although skilled herbalists may notice certain discolored pieces of Bynntip bark that may be dried, powdered and inhaled. The resulting effect causes the subject to see their surroundings shift and morph into different landscapes for around 30 seconds. The actual environment does not change as the subject is actually catching a brief glimpse of the Ukalas.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest the weed itself. The mystical effects of the herb require an L4 herbalism skill to identify and properly harvest.
onquit Frequency: Rare
Locale: Mountain Forests
Harvest Type: Biennial
Cost: 12 gm/1 oz of dried root, 20 gm for whole fresh root.
Calgonquit is an ugly weed with tough roots that crawl and climb at great speed. Its dark green heart-shaped leaves have black ribs and undersides. Calgonquit can spread over a 5 foot wide area. The only useful part is its tuberous central root. When chewed, the root helps clear the mind and is especially useful in meditation. It can also be cut, dried, powdered and finds better use when dissolved in liquid.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Temperate to Warm Hills and Mountains
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 gm/oz of dried seeds (as spice) or by stalk (as dye) or by flower head.
Clodgol is a rare plant that grows low to the ground. It has a tough stalk of gold and green with tough protective leaves forming a tight sheath on the stalk and ending in a six-petal star shaped flower of white and gold. The leaves and stalks can be boiled down to pulpy masses and crushed. This releases a strong yellow to gold colored die. Flowers and seeds are crushed and dried as a potent and highly desired spice for cooking. Clodgol seeds must be extracted from the flower heads which are dried flat by tipping the flowers upside down after drying to shake the seeds loose. Dyes produced from Clodgol must be extracted from the stalks within a month of harvesting else the color will become uneven and faded.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate Hills Plains and Forests
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 cm/oz of dried flowers or dried roots.
Connal is a short plant with a rosette of wrinkled leaves with a velvety underside. From the base of the rosette grows a slim leafless stem that produces a yellow blossom with a red center. The dried flowers or roots can be used in a hot bath for relief of aching joints and wounds. It can also be infused into tea to induce sleep. Another popular use is fermenting the herb into a mild white wine. All parts of Connal can be dried and stored together.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest. L1 brewing needed to make the wine.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Desert or Warm Plains
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 6 gm/oz of ground damiana or cut sprigs.
Dalmis is a tough, skinny, ground hugging shrub that grows in warm climates along the edges of deserts. It has grayish green stalks and dark green leaves that only produce tiny white flowers in early spring. The stalks and leaves are dried and chopped and mixed together as incense. The flowers and seeds drop off soon after blooming and only the leaves and stalks are harvested. When dried and ground, Dalmis powder becomes a good base for philters.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Any Temperate
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 5 sm/oz of dried flowers, buds or leaves and stalks.
Delaviv grows only 8 inches high with square stalks and velvety round leaves. It has seed buds that bloom into tiny purple flowers in late summer. Delaviv is most often decocted into wine to ease and speed baby deliveries though the same medicines are used to aid in the flushing of poisons from the body.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate Wetlands and Swamps
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 cm/oz of leaves and roots.
Didiatum leaves grow in large clumps from a central stalk like very tall broad lettuce and are easily noticeable as waxy rounded leaves of deep green with white ribs. The central root and the inside of leaves contain an oily sap that can be used as an insect repellent or for waterproofing light leathers and canvas. The leaves and root can be pressed to remove sap and if reduced by heating , the sap becomes a brilliant blue ink. If the leaves are harvested and allowed to dry, flattened under a cloth, their fibers can be twisted together to make cords as strong as hemp or woven together to create cloths or rugs.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Warm Plains and Marshlands
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 6 gm/oz of liquid resin or 1 oz dried resin or 2 oz dried bark.
Demona is an evergreen palm tree of small to average height with tough stringy bark that can be peeled off in strips and thick amber to crimson resin that can be tapped in early autumn. Demona bark can be twisted into rough cord similar to twine. It often gets dried in small chunks for incenses. It can be peeled off nearly year round though a tree should never be stripped beyond one side of the trunk. The resin, kept out of sunlight, can last up to eight months. It can also be spread on wooden trays and kept in the sun so that it dries into hard translucent umber colored lumps. Demona is used by Philterers to enhance the potency of their philters (doubles the effectiveness of philters it is added to).
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest, L2 philtering required to use in philters.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Any Temperate
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 5 sm/1lb of berries or 4 oz fresh leaves, 1 gm/bottle of wine.
Doglo is a berry laden vine that climbs and clings with triangular waxy leaves and thick succulent stalks. It has tiny white flowers that turn to bright blue berries. The most common form of harvest of berries is to make jams and ferment them into wines as well as drying and boiling out the essential oils of the fresh leaves in autumn to make a rich blue dye.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Temperate Plains
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 8 sm/oz of dried petals or dried roots.
Elentai grows with a smooth stem up to five feet high with leaves ranging from oval tooth-shaped leaves at the base to smoother spear shaped leaves higher up. Elentai flowers with a large head with many small petals ranging from pale orange through red to purple that bloom for most of summer. Most people chew the raw or dried root to prevent infections or to help resist moderate to serious illness. It should be dried in long, thin slices to dry out quickly and retain much of its healing potential.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Temperate
Harvest Type: Biennial
Cost: 15 sm/1 oz of milk or 3 oz dried leaves.
Emilvirute, most often known as Emil, grows on an erect hollow stem covered with lance-shaped leaves. Emil flowers in summer with clusters of two to six white blooms. The skin of the fleshy stems can be cut to collect the milky juice from the plant which is used to induce vomiting and as a poison. The oily leaves give rashes and blisters. Emil’s milky sap and the plant itself are used in numerous ointments and balms and polishes despite its mildly poisonous nature. The sap can be collected in roughly 1/20oz amounts per plant and stored in an airtight container out of the sun for up to nine months. The milk is highly useful after distillation in many poisons. Poisonous effects include nausea, rashes and weeping blisters.
L2 herbalism and L2 poisons to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Hills and Plains
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 5 cm/oz of dried or fresh flowers or in macerated oil.
Everlight never grows more than a foot and creeps along the ground. Its jagged, deep green leaves and purple veined lilac and white flowers help its stems stand out from grass around it. Everlight is useful in helping clear clouded eyes or helping washout injured eyes. Everlight tea infusion from flowers acts as a stimulant to help focus the mind and aid in meditation. In order to keep more than a few weeks, Everlight flowers need to be macerated to keep more than a few weeks.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Marshlands and Riverbanks
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 cm/oz of dried or fresh leaves or flowers.
Fauxsil is a fernlike weed with small hollow stalks. It’s seed fronds and leaves cluster in trios along the stalk. Its leaves and stalks are commonly eaten as a leafy snack like lettuce but it’s most often used as an infusion to help with sleep. The effects are very calming.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Temperate Forests
Harvest Type: Biennial
Cost: 3 gm/1 oz of dried root.
Flametoe has a strong scent and spiraling roots that wrap around nearby objects. Small, brown, spade-shaped leaves cling along thin grasping. The root of flametoe is the only useful part of the plant. It is blood red and has a stronger scent than onions. Flametoe is kept dried in long pieces and used to help revive those who have fainted though the root has no effect on conscious individuals save for it really stinks. When dried, it’s usually done in eights and the root is large around as a potato. When dried and ground, flametoe root loses much of its smell and has little use.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Hills or Plains
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 3 gm/oz of dried root or 1 oz of dried and crushed stems.
Gigar grows on an erect hollow stem and its leaves reinforce the stem before growing beyond the sheath before becoming spear-shaped leaves of green with whitish undersides. Gigar crowns itself with a seed bud that rarely flowers though winds carry off the light seeds as they mature and separate. Gigar stems are often boiled in milk to relive colicky babies. The dried root is often crushed over meats and stews to add a flavor similar to ginger.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate
Harvest Type: Perennial Deciduous Shrub/Tree
Cost: 5 cm/1 oz of dried blossoms or 3 oz of twigs/wood.
Halbriar is a growing tree that can reach 30 feet in height. It can also be managed and trimmed to keep it as brambles and hedgerows. Halbriar is filled with strong smelling five-petaled white flowers with red pollen at the center. Halbriar is known to increase fertility. When fresh pollen is sprinkled in the eyes, one’s vision is altered causing them to see others as having heightened attractiveness. The wood is sometimes used in magecrafting items tied to fertility, attractiveness and lust. Although the tree is relatively common in temperate forests, collecting the pollen at the right time and in the right amounts requires a good amount of skill.
L3 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Temperate Forests and Marshlands
Harvest Type: Biennial
Cost: 15 sm/oz of juice or per 4 oz of dried leaves and roots.
Heldrog has a rather distasteful smell similar to that of rotting fruit. Heldrog is an erect plant with a smooth woody stalk. Its leaves are feathery with tiny white flowers. Its juices are normally highly diluted and used by philterers in salves or mixed in wine to serve as a sedative. However, undiluted, full-strength juice is an intense poison that can bring about paralysis and stomach damage. It must be harvested at night and the whole plant; leaves, flowers or berries roots and stems must be mashed into pulp and crushed to drain the juice. If the juice is exposed to sunlight it will evaporate quickly so it is rarely used directly. Dried leaves and roots are usually crushed and smoked in waterpipes where it acts as a powerful, relaxing drug.
L3 herbalism and L2 poisons to identify and harvest. L1 philtering also needed to make salves.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 cm/4oz of leaves or 3 bunches of flowers.
Hommos is a short, shrub-like herb with a strong woodsy stalk. It grows straight and tall and has lance-shaped leaves with blue flowers. The herb flowers in summer with a dozen or more blossoms. The flowers are often used in infusions of tea to help with stomach pain or as gargles to sooth sore throats. They can even be soaked in baths to help body aches and pains. An herb of many uses, the flowers and roots can be boiled to make deep blue dye or dried for incense. As far as preparation, Hommos is tied in bunches and dried immediately after midsummer. The leaves are usually just dried through macerating them in oil. Its blossoms and leaves are often macerated into an oil to create a dark purple oil that can be burned as a lamp oil.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate Forests or Hills
Harvest Type: Perennial / Evergreen
Cost: 5 cm/oz of berry juice/20 berries or 3 oz of bark or twigs.
Jile is an aromatic evergreen tree or shrub with green nettles smelling of pine with tiny brown to black berries all over them. The berries take two years to ripen but there are always berries of varying age present. Five berries are often taken as a fast-acting poison antidote. When decocted berries and bark may be turned into salves to soothe skin conditions or as a wound cleanser.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest plus L1 philtering to craft a salve.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Any Warm Plains or Desert
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 2 gm/oz of dried resin or 4 oz dried wood.
Kiv is a small dark red shrub densely covered in waxy spade-shaped green leaves. Kiv leaves are dried out and mixed with the drying resin to create incense while fresh resin is used as a perfume. Kiv perfume is known for its lightly intoxicating scent.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest, L1 perfumery or philtering required to make perfume.
Frequency: Uncommon
Locale: Temperate Fields
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 7 sm/oz of dried or fresh flowers or 1/8 oz dried seeds or seed powder.
Lidgefar grows up to three feet tall with tiny oblong leaves and pink to purple blossoms present through the summer that lead to flattened black seeds by autumn. Lidgefar flowers are abundant and attractive enough that they are often used for decoration. The flowers and seeds are also used in a variety of forms to aid in helping blood clot thus serving well in treating wounds.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Magecrafter's Rose
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Temperate Mountains
Harvest Type: Biennial
Cost: 15 gm/rosebud fresh or dried or 1 gm/petal or 1 oz dried thorns.
Magecrafter’s Rose looks and smells like a common rose except that its branches are jet black and flowers come out a midnight blue with a few specks of white. In order to preserve the rose, one must separate the petals and spread them across cloth to dry them. The rose gets its name for its primary use in magecrafting. 1 dried petal is useful as a reagent in magecrafting. As a reagent, the petal provides coloring to an item similar to the plant and grants extreme resistance to color fade or blemish. A full dried rosebud provides the same properties as a single petal in addition to granting an item a visible, glowing, midnight blue fiery aura that appears under an unfiltered full moon sky. The effect is only visual as the flame is not true.
L3 herbalism to identify and harvest and L1 magecrafting to make any use of the flower.
Midwife Miracle
Frequency: Common
Locale: Any Temperate
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 cm/oz of dried or fresh leaves or flowers.
Midwife Miracle is an aromatic plant that grows 3 to 4 feet high with angular yellow-colored stems with light green leaves that are smooth on their topsides and covered in white hairs underneath. It has small, button-like flowers that bloom dull gold in color. The plant gets its name from its ability, in many forms, to grant relief from many pregnancy-related ailments.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Any Temperate to Subtropical Hills
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 2 gm/oz of dried or fresh flowers or root.
Odesea resembles an iris that is light blue in color. Its dried roots are often used in perfumes and juice made from its flowers and crushed roots are used to create dyes which are used to bleach hair, linens or skin.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Uncommon,
Locale: Any Temperate,
Harvest Type: Perennial,
Cost: 5 sm/oz of leaves or 5 berries.
Rhinedale is a small deciduous tree that grows up to 30 feet in height. It has saw- toothed lance-shaped leaves and bright blue to dark purple berries. The wood of this tree is very strong although it does not grow in great enough quantities to be of any real use in larger construction projects. It is however often used in small pieces of furniture and other wooden items. Rhinedale ash, when combined with water, forms a paste that is soothing to blisters and burns.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Rare
Locale: Subterranean (special)
Harvest Type: Annual
Cost: 15 gm/oz of powdered root.
Although this small, ugly fern-like plant is classified an herb, it is more like a fungus. Growing as high as a foot tall from cavern floors, the root of Salialana, when powdered and ingested, acts as a very potent aphrodisiac. The plant itself is black making it extremely difficult to identify unless one possesses acute night vision. Salialana is found only in subterranean caverns alongside some of the largest, most established colonies of zith. It is said that through many generations of living around and feeding upon this fungus, the zith developed their rapid reproduction cycles. Whether or not this is true is unknown; however Salialana is a valued by many surface-dwellers. Salialana, along with its aphrodisiac qualities, increases fertility of those who ingest its root powder a hundred fold.
L2 herbalism and night vision to identify and harvest. Only located in areas populated by large zith colonies.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Temperate Lowland and Marshlands
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 4 cm/8 whole stalks or 1 oz ground seeds for ink; 2 sm/sheet of paper.
Tivcore reeds grow up to three feet tall and with tassels of seeds that sprout twice a year; in Summer and late Fall. The reeds are often used as kindling or thatch or animal bedding. The seeds can be ground down and the reeds boiled to create inks and paper. Once boiled to pulp the reeds can be flattened and spread out like papyrus forming strong papers and the seeds are ground and mixed with oils and water to make ink.
L2 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Frequency: Any Hills and Lower Mountains
Harvest Type: Perennial, Cost: 5 cm/1oz of dried root.
Tom has a strong scent and grows on slim, erect stems with long hairy saw-toothed leaves topped in summer by light red flower combs and bunches. It is most often used in teas or tonics to ease pain, aid sleep and relax aching muscles.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.
Frequency: Common
Locale: Any Temperate Lowlands
Forests and Marshlands
Harvest Type: Perennial
Cost: 5 cm/ comb of flowers (roughly 1/10oz of flowers if crushed) or 1 oz dry leaf.
Vyfox is an erect plant of slight stems with long, lance-shaped leaves formed of hundreds of tinier leaves. It has small white flowers that grow in flat combs and clusters atop the herb. Vyfox is known as a natural antiseptic and coagulant. It is placed over cuts or applied as a poultice to major wounds. The leaves can also be used to make tea to help increase overall healing of injuries. The flowers must be harvested in whole combs or clusters no smaller.
L1 herbalism to identify and harvest.