(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forums. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)
The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.
I am finally making a Scrapbook. Why? So I can show off pictures and stop posting my poetry to my blog. Tonight's topic?
My Senior Pictures!! I am not the biggest fan of them but here are my favorites My uncle took all of these pictures. Also, all of the clothing I am wearing in these pictures is borrowed from my cousins and my cousin Carl's girlfriend Katy. I completely forgot to bring nice clothes to the cabin so they helped out. They also did my make up and hair All pictures were taken up north in Gaylord at my family's cabin.
We saw this house from across the lake and we asked the people if we would take some pictures at their gazebo. We did not even know them prior to the shooting but they were really nice! A man and a woman with a rescue black lab named Lucy if I am not mistaken!
My furry little Aussie sister Mattie and me at our cabin up in Northern Michigan. She was all wet from playing in the lake but she stopped playing for a little bit to take some pictures with me. I love her :3
This was taken on my favorite swing. It has been at our cabin for as long as I can remember. My cousins and I are painfully sentimental so nothing ever gets thrown away up there. That swing will probably still be sitting there when our grandchildren visit the cabin
This was taken down at the beach by the lake. My whole family was having fun in the sun while I got my pictures taken like a little model X3 It was at this beach that I almost broke my tailbone falling from a rope swing. My cousin Ali to this day will never let me live it down.
I really like this picture because I can pretend I am in Ireland. I love all of the green (my favorite color)!
This was a favorite among my family. It really hurt to take this picture. I was kneeling in dirt and woodchips. I really like the color though
Okay, those are the pictures! I did not realize how sentimental some were until I wrote about them! Well I hope everyone likes them! GO SENIORS 2011!!!!
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen ~-----------------------------------------------~ When I was just a kitten, They said I'd be a gem. But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat, It's odd how odd I am...
Sarah! You look super duper pretty and beautiful! Like, for serious face! *Tackles you and snuggleses!* Haha! First view and first comment! *Is obviously speshul, snuggleses some more, giggles!*
You are special but you would be ten time more special if you had FIRSTIES!!!!! on the top. You would be a hundred time more special if you had a picture of the Web Soup FIRSTIES guy on your post. [Insert FIRSTIES guy photo when I am not typing on my itouch]
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen ~-----------------------------------------------~ When I was just a kitten, They said I'd be a gem. But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat, It's odd how odd I am...
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen ~-----------------------------------------------~ When I was just a kitten, They said I'd be a gem. But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat, It's odd how odd I am...
Hey guys, I am just condensing all of my scrapbooky things into one scrapbook now. No reason to keep two going
Anyway, I am hoping to put my poetry up here soon. I hope everyone likes it :3
I'm not sure how many people remember my poem called "My Rabbit". I posted it a while ago in my blog but I did not expect too much hype It was written about one of my closest friends. It is all metaphorical. She is the rabbit and I am the wolf. I'll post it here for people who did not see it but the real reason I am writing this is to post my newest poem called "My Rabbit, Part 2". It is exactly what it sounds like. It is a sequel of sorts to "My Rabbit". In "My Rabbit", I was a bit mad at my (at the time) best friend. She had become really flakey and she seemed to change depending on who was was around. The situation has changed now. She barely even looks at me now. She always looked like she is walking around without a soul. When I asked her about it she simply said "I have been having a hard time but it is my own fault". She has just become strange and antisocial. Anyway, here are the poems.
My Rabbit
The wind blows hard these days Like ferocious ocean roar My closest friend, a timid rabbit Her feet, frightened lapine paws across the sylvan floor Do not flit away from your burrow When the hunter's dogs run and play Hungry souls have no eye for beauty And they will never go away
It is amazing what the wolf sees When the rabbit bows her head to dine The brave lapine child dances with predators But is quick to fear what lies in seas of pine When pearly fangs and claws that scar Come to bite and throw attacks She will disappear like morning mist I, the wolf following loyally in her tracks She jumps from place to place Never staying a constant color When she is one way to my face She is a stranger to another
When once we were as true as two can be There was never a fault in sight But my rabbit keeps on changin' And I will not see her tonight Life cannot be lived by washing one's colors clean Or changing one's natural pelt But I am losing her to forest madness I wish she knew how it felt
So run my fleet footed forest friend Run from every rumble in the wood When once I saw myself in you I truly misunderstood
My Rabbit, Part Two
I should have taken the storms as a warning The forest winds never lie My Rabbit was preparing to depart Before I could say goodbye
I should have never wasted my time With a rodent of her kind For she is simply woodland prey Without a stable sense of mind
At risk of sounding proud I know my weight in the wood My paws shall stand where they are meant to be Because my place is understood
The Rabbit's fur is growing muddy Her paws are sinking into the shifting land She does not see it is her own self-induced undoing That pulls her down through the sand The sick thing of it all is I would help her if she reached out to me She is more concerned with pleasing vile beasts That do not deserve the affection of who she used to be
The company the Rabbit keeps Is a beast more vile than the rest With fur so mismatched and mangy And a soul one cannot help but detest This beast is horrid and lustful She would take any creature to bed But the Bucks and Boars of the forest are disgusted So she preys on the Rabbit instead
The longer the Rabbit follows the beast The further she is from being free In turn the Rabbit is killing herself But she is too ignorant to see
I'm done with her rabbit games If she knows what is best for her she will stay out of my hunting ground I am no longer going to protect her When the predators come prowling around I was always one of them I really should have seen All the signs were there I just did not know what they were supposed to mean
Rabbit, keep away from my territory You made your choice when you pushed me away You have found a new place in the arms of the beast And in her arms you shall stay
Let Mother Nature protect you May her winds blow kindly through your fur But watch your quiet tongue When you speak unkindly of her Just because your eyes cannot perceive her beauty And she is not as widely worshiped as the God before which you kneel It does not mean she is all around you It does not mean she is not real At least I found something Unlike you, I have solid ground on which I stand So when you go hopping through mixed matched faiths Just know you will never truly understand
So when you think back and wonder Why your forests are grey and bare When the trees are dead and silent Because woodland creatures are no longer there In silence when the birds stop singing And the wolves halt their moon time call When the beast has moved forward Or was she ever really there for you? When she is gone who will you have? When you give everything you are away There is no longer substance in your soul And it is slipping every day
Now that my opinions have been said My fiery words have had their chance to fly There is only one thing left to do My Rabbit…
It's time to say goodbye…
While we are on this topic, here are the songs that helped me write these poems. Some are happy, some are sad, and some are... mean. They sort of go deeper into how I am feeling. I am aware some of these are love songs but we were like sisters.
"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs. Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue." -Ryan Ross .
More poetry. I'll try to link music where music inspired it
WarTime Never is there peace like the moment a war subsides When account is taken of the casualties of both sides When dust clears and weapons fall like shining metallic rain The moment all warriors and knights know they can breathe again The castle is safe, the country secure by clashing weapons of might Knowing I can see tomorrow because I'll live through the night All soldiers knew when dawn broke and they could see the sun New life could now blossom for peace had just begun Though dictators stand on thrones of blood, steel, and broken men If we do not back down in fear we will see the sun again Who knew who were the first to fight like dogs other than dogs themselves? Giving into canine tendencies to put trophies on our shelves We must learn that not all dogs were born to fight Sometimes hounds must learn to bark before they start to bite It is not human nature to turn tail and avoid on coming war But if we destroy everything on Earth what is worth fighting for?
Love Like The Weather Relationships change like the weather. Everyone knows that is true. But I never thought in a million years Our connection would ever fall through.
The beginning was like sunny skies On a cloudless summer day I never thought the darkness would descend, The thunder stormed over and took it all away.
Our classes togather were so innocent, Like the beginning of spring. Knowing that it is so strange, Now that you are gone I do not feel a thing.
High school is like acid rain Corroding the hands we love to hold. Where we can find our truest friends In the same place where their identity is sold.
Being good was not what you wanted You wanted all of Walled Lake Northern in your hands When I dreamed of us together Your mind burned with other plans.
My best friend seems so far away now So far from the boy who was so true Because now it is like you are behind an icy shield And I can scratch the surface but I cannot get through.
You hold the hand of a different girl every day She changes as the days pass by. I can see as time goes on and on and you push me away I was a stupid fool to even try.
I've been so blinded by shallow fairy tales I'm done with Romeo and Juliet. Now I see the only times you are in love Are the times when I am the best you can get.
I will admit it I'm not vain enough to hide Hand is so cold with out yours around it I still want you by my side
If I told you I loved you could that be enough? What if I broke down on the phone? What if I am tired of being tough? What if you hurt me so bad that I would rather be alone?
You built yourself around everyone else. You are so blind because you cannot see. When your beloved girlfriends drop you on a whim The person who continues to catch you is me.
You used to be my beacon You always led me safely to shore. Now you've found your fame And you don't want to save me anymore.
You always played with my emotions It hurt but I always said it was okay. You told me that you loved me But I now have a hard time believing what you say.
Let's raise our glasses to the boy who showed me love was like. For the proof of how fast a heart can shatter. For all the years I wasted on you When it didn't even matter.
All alone But for tonight everything is Calm and bright. Don't worry now, Everything will be alright, For now the weather is clear. Going forward, never back, even in the rain. Hailing the storm clouds and the sleet In perfect streaks again. Just close your eyes and Keep sight of Long roads where you roam. For Monday brings Narrow pathways to quest your long way home. Only Passable when hearing the Quiet whispers of Real figments playing in the Shadows of our minds and never forgetting Tommorows milita will Undertake what yesterday always finds. Valient under compromising situations When X-marks the spot is hard to see. You'll continue to march forward in this Zoo this world has come to be.
"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs. Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue." -Ryan Ross .
My Prom Dress! I just wanted to pop into my scrapbook and show everyone my prom dress (that is not me in the picture). I just ordered it online I tried it on at the store it comes from but they did not have my size. Anyway, I still do not have a date to prom but here it to positive thinking and the hopes of getting a date. If not, it will be fun to just dance with everyone :3
Hopefully I will continue to have cheery and fun prom updates! <3's Cheshie
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen ~-----------------------------------------------~ When I was just a kitten, They said I'd be a gem. But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat, It's odd how odd I am...
I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common woman with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.