IC Info Endrykas Linkmap

Everything a PC needs to know about Tent City

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

Moderator: Gossamer

Endrykas Linkmap

Postby Prophet on February 27th, 2016, 6:33 am


***This map is going to be in accurate in small ways until the location edits are completed, though the general layout will remain the same.

Important Note about Endrykas :
The Tent City moves every 3-5 days. This is the result of the Drykas lifestyle. With so many animals and people, the grasslands become a mud pit or a dust bowl very quickly. To avoid overgrazing, the people will move on before they prime grasses are completely destroyed (livestock can kill vegetation if they stay in an area too long). There is also sanitation and the availability of fresh water that should be considered. That being said, there are larger structures that can found within the city. These are not simply massive tents. The larger businesses are comprised of several to many different sections that have been made to connect and form various shapes of enclosures. None of them are overly tall as the poles needed to support such a canvas would be too cumbersome to move on a regular basis. When writing, remember that everything your PC sees within Endrykas will be travel-ready.

Important Note about the Locations :
Some of the locations are being redone. Most require only small changes but some have issues that conflict with other lores or lists. Because of that, every location is being given a thorough review and eventual facelift. If a location does not have an appearance similar to this page, it has yet to receive its time in my workshop. If you wish to interact in a particular business that has not been redone, please PM Prophet to check for any changes that might be made before proceeding. In all cases involving transactions with Endrykas NPCs, a PM is to be sent to Prophet for approval. This is a slow process but one that will benefit every PC. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

In the very heart of Endrykas is a large tent.
This is the Conclave and it houses the leadership of each
of the seven clans. Few are ever permitted inside.


X-The Wind-Knotted Gates Next to the Ankals' tent stands a set of carved poles adorned with colorful ribbons that denote the people within the city. This shrine is a popular meeting place as well as the spot for all the latest gossip.
Z-Tent of the Patrons Near the center of town is a small tent that protects one of the oldest treasure to the Drykas people.


1-The Spitfire: A place to take your kills in order to be butchered.
2-Feather Run: A place where hunters can find weapons.
3-The Pride: A place to find and buy livestock.


1-The Threaded Hide: A place to get armor, and have it repaired too.
2-Baultimes Barrel: A place where a Drykas can always find a good brew.
3-Garthos Supply: For all your survival and travel needs.


1-The Bluethistle Caravansary: Rent a room here if you're away from your pavilion or part of a caravan. (Outsiders must PM ST for permission)
2-Ferem’s Fortunes: A place for Drykas to find answers and seek wisdom
3-Mists of Rain: A place for enlightenment and relaxation.


1-Anchor of Gold and Earth: The records of every clan, the history of Endrykas and the word of law and judgement are found here.
2-The Raised Sun: A place where Drykas and outsiders alike can find work around the tent city.


1-The Healing Hoof: Sick pet? Strider not acting right? Bring them here for medical attention.
2-The River Flower: A place for healers to congregate, as well as a place to seek medical attention.


1-The Watch: The force responsible for protecting Endrykas and its people from all of the dangers in the Sea of Grass.
2-Warstorm Pavilion: A place for Drykas to receive martial and weapons training.
3-Predator's Post: If you are looking for an animal companion of any sort; hunting, tracking or protection then you've come to the right place.


1-Steeds & Yvas: A place to secure imported horses.
2-The Guided Horse: A secure place for to make sure your horses are well cared for and protected.
3-Wind Skins: First and foremost place to get your wind marks.
4-Dawnwhisper Goods: Animal bi-products such as milk, cheese and many other things are available here. (PC Shop)
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