Maria Annaceles Victoria Talwa |
AppearanceRace: Human Gender: Female Age: 24 Birthday: 27, Fall, 494. Birthplace: Sunberth Measurements: 32A-22-34 Appearance: Maria is a small woman in terms of stature, standing only 5'4” in height. Possessed of a slender but wiry build she is also stronger than most would think. More often than not she is dressed in solid black and prefers long flowing clothing. Character ConceptMaria is a very violent and brutal woman who knows that in Sunberth only the strongest or most ruthless survive. She has little if any compassion for other people and will do whatever she has to in order to make it through a situation. Be it lie, cheat, steal, murder, rob, or anything else, and sometimes she will do it for personal gain or amusement. Ruthless to the core, there are quite a few people who know better than to pick a fight with the woman as they may well not walk away from it at all. At the same time she also knows the rules of the street and who to show respect to. Having grown up in Daggerhand territory she knows when to fight, when to walk away, and when to pay up. Character HistoryBorn on the streets of Sunberth, Maria's earliest memories are of the streets and the other children in the street gang she was a part of. They banded together for mutual protection and often overwhelmed victims through numbers rather than brute strength. At an early age she learned how tough life can be and that if one isn't tougher they won't last very long. Maria also learned you don't have to be big and strong to be brutal, and often terrorized other children taking what she needed and sometimes just wanted. Life on the streets wasn't easy and neither was she. As time went on and Maria got older the other members of her gang either moved on or died, eventually leaving the young woman by herself. It was something of an unsettling experience at first, but she eventually adapted and not having anyone around. She also realized that some sort of applicable trade skill would be needed and tried to find several job with no luck, being that she was unwilling to go into prostitution. This finally changed after she got a job learning to be a jeweler. LanguageFluent Language: Common HeirloomMaria has owned a short sword since she was a child. As far back as she can recall the weapon has been with her. Where it came from or how she got it remains a mystery. (10 miza) HousingLocation: Sunberth House: A small cottage in Sunberth, Riverside area (around D21) SkillsLores Stuff List Clothing
- Simple Shirt
- Simple Pants
- Simple Undergarments
- Simple Cloak
- Simple Boots
- Shirt x5
- Skirt x5
- Boots, low x2
- Undergarments x5
- Hood (Fine Wool)
- Shirt (Fine Wool)
- Jacket (Fine Wool)
- Pants (Fine Wool)
- Cloak (Fine Wool)
- Steel Short Sword w/Scabbard x2
- Wooden Short Sword x2
- Longbow
- Quiver w/Longbow Arrows x20
- Archer's Glove
- Archer's Armguard
- Bow Case
Travel Gear
- Backpack x2
- Bedroll
- Blanket, Winter
- Book, blank x3
- Case, Map x2
- Compass
- Fishing Kit
- Fishing Pole
- Flint n' Steel
- Grappling Hook
- Hammer, Light
- Insect Repellent
- Lantern, Hooded
- Oil (1-Pint Flask) x5
- Piton x4
- Pouch, Belt x4
- Quill x3
- Map, Region, Cyphrus
- Map, Region, Syliras
- Rope, Hemp (50 ft.)
- Tent, one-person
- Vial, ink x3
- Waterskin
- Comb (Metal)
- Brush (Metal)
- Soap
- Razor
- Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
- Eating Knife
- Flint & Steel
- Punching Bag
- Deck of Cards
- Earrings (5)
- Training Dummy, Advanced
- Weight Set w/ Bench
- Whetstone
- Gold Ring (Very poor quality)
Ledgers Sp 516
Purchase | Cost | Total | Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM | Leather Armor | -10 GM | 90 GM | Sword, short | -10 GM | 80 GM | Scabbard (2) | -8 GM | 72 GM | Punching Bag | -5 GM | 67 GM | Cards | -10 GM | 57 GM | Earrings (5) | -10 GM | 47 GM | Lifestyle: Poor | -45 GM | 2 GM | Job | +819 GM | 821 GM |
Su-Wi 516
Sp 517
Purchase | Cost | Total | Carryover | N/A | 821 GM | Dress, black, silk, fur-trimmed | -21.2 GM | 799.8 GM | Boots, high, leather | -1 GM | 798.8 GM | Belt, leather | -4 SM | 798.4 GM | Backpack x2 | -4 GM | 794.4 GM | Bedroll | -1 SM | 794.3 GM | Blanket, winter | -5 SM | 793.8 GM | Case, map x2 | -2 GM | 791.8 GM | Compass | -75 GM | 716.8 GM | Fishing kit | -10 GM | 706.8 GM | Flint n' Steel | 1 GM | 705.8 GM | Grappling hook | -1 GM | 704.8 GM | Insect repellent | -1 GM | 703.8 GM | Lantern, hooded | -7 GM | 696.8 GM | Oil (1-pint flask) x5 | -5 SM | 696.3 GM | Piton x4 | -4 SM | 695.9 GM | Map, Region, Cyphrus | -10 GM | 685.9 GM | Map, Region, Syliras | -10 GM | 675.9 GM | Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) | -1 GM | 674.9 GM | Tent, one-person | -2 GM | 672.9 GM | Waterskin | -1 GM | 671.9 GM | Shirt x5 | -5 SM | 671.4 GM | Skirt x5 | -2 GM | 669.4 GM | Boots, low x2 | -6 SM | 668.8 GM | Undergarments x5 | -5 SM | 668.3 GM | Thread Meal | -6 CP | 668.2.4 GM |
Su 517
Purchase | Cost | Total | Carryover | N/A | 668.2.4 GM | Lifestyle: Poor: Summer | -135 GM | 533.2.4 GM | Travel Rations x127 Days | -63.5 GM | 469.7.4 GM | Book, blank x3 | -9 GM | 460.7.4 GM | Quill x3 | -1.5 SM | 459.5.9 GM | Vial, ink x3 | -3 GM | 456.5.9 GM | Fishing Pole | -1 GM | 455.5.9 | Lifestyle: Poor: Spring | -135 GM | 320.5.9 | Thread Expense (sausage) | -2 SM | 320.3.9 | Job Income | +910 | 1230.3.9 |
Fa 517-518
Wi 518
Purchase | Cost | Total | Carryover | N/A | 1230.3.9 | Lifestyle: Common | -135 GM | 1095.3.9 | Sword, Short (wood) x2 | -5 GM | 1090.3.9 | Training Dummy, Advanced | -50 GM | 1040.3.9 | Longbow, Composite | -100 GM | 940.3.9 | Longbow Arrow x20 | -1 GM | 939.3.9 | Quiver | -20 GM | 919.3.9 | Archery Glove | -1 GM | 918.3.9 | Thread Expenses | -3.1 GM | 915.2.9 | Weight Set | -53 GM | 862.3.9 | Archer's Armguard | -1 GM | 861.3.9 | Whetstone | -2 CM | 861.3.7 | Hood (Fine Wool) | -1.5 SM | 861.2.2 | Shirt (Fine Wool) | -3 SM | 860.9.2 | Jacket (Fine Wool) | -1.8 SM | 860.7.4 | Pants (Fine Wool) | -2.4 GM | 858.3.4 | Cloak (Fine Wool) | -1.5 GM | 856.8.4 | Small Cottage | -500 GM | 356.8.4 | Lifestyle Correction (Summer 517) | +180 GM | 536.8.4 | Thread Expenses | -3 GM | 533.8.4 | Seasonal Wages | +828 GM | 1361.8.4 |
Sp 519
Purchase | Cost | Total | Carryover | N/A | 1361.8.4 | Lifestyle: Common | -135 GM | 1226.8.4 | Bow Case | -20 GM | 1206.8.4 |
Thread List Sp 516
Fun in the Sun
Diamond in the Rough Skills: Observation: 3, Business: 1, Jewelrycrafting: 1, Cleaning: 1, Intimidation: 1, Brawling: 1/Lores: Boredom, enemy of the shopkeeper, Romance is for the dumb or dead, Cleanliness gets you hired, Only newcomers and idiots rob Daggerhand protected stores
Tricks of the Trade Skills: Jewelrycrafting: 3, Observation: 1, Metalsmithing: 3/Lores: Metalsmithing: Temperature needed for refined gold, Metalsmithing: Removing trace impurities that float to the top, Gold can always be melted again if an error is made[/spoiler]
Su-Wi 516
Sp 517
Beautiful Things, Day One Skills: Socialization +2, Negotiation +1, Acting +1, Observation +3, Intelligence +2, Interrogation +2, Copying +1, Rhetoric +1/Lores: Sumithal: Jeweller at Beautiful Things, Riverfall location: Beautiful Things ,Arikamiss: Imposing guardsman of Beautiful Things, Negotiating terms of employment, A happy customer will tell two people, an angry customer will tell ten, Acting: Putting on your best face, Intelligence: Estimating the wealth of a man by the quality of his attire, Interrogation: Asking direct questions, Fashion: Match jewel colour to accentuate eye colour, Persuasion: Painting a pleasing scene with words, Tactics: Start with high prices & settle for lower, A jeweler keeps up with fashion trends to stay current, Intelligence: Inferring economical clues from jewellery & spending trends, Maria: Wants to be a jewel crafter, Maria: You can take the girl out of Sunberth, but not the Sunberthian out of the girl
Beautiful Things, Day One (continued) Skills: Cleaning +2, Socialization +2, Organization +1, Tactics +2, Persuasion +1, Flirting +1, Acting +1, Observation +2, Writing +1/Lores: Akiramiss: Teases Maria, Maria: A humorous woman, Tactics: Advertise Beautiful Things by modelling jewellery, Persuasion: Leaving a security deposit, Maria: Not shy about nudity, Flirting: Striking a coquettish pose, Acting: Exaggerating to grab attention, Riverfall Bazaar: Zhongjie Warren, Sugar enhances fruits’ taste, Tactics: Leave a little mystery to entice others’ curiosity Su 517
Twist of Fate Skills: Observation: 3, Weapon - Shortsword: 2, Rhetoric: 1, Unarmed Combat: 1, Socialization: 1, Logic: 1/Lores: Self: Poor table manners, Dovoras: The smith, Combat: Harness your anger, Dovoras: Made the sword, Self: Fate won’t stop me
Out in the Wide, Wild World Skills: Socialization: 5, Observation: 3, Fishing: 1, Food preservation: 1/Lores: Starting a fire with sticks, Pitching a tent, Self: The sentinel, Fishing: Boring, Pour salt on a fish to preserve it
Ravok: The Journey Continues (Part 1) Skills: Observation +3, Intelligence +2, Tracking +1, Stealth +1, Climbing +1, Weapon, Shortsword +1, Dual-Wielding +1, Interrogation +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Rhetoric +1, Weapon, Longbow +1, Medicine +1/Lores: Cyphrus: The Sea of Grass, The Sea of Grass is full of dangers, Wishing for action!, Looking for Togar, Tracking: Listening for sounds of disturbance, Stealth: Stay low & out of sight, Intelligence: Inferring bandits’ motives by their number, Intelligence: Spying from the trees, Interrogation: Beating an answer out, Cyphrus fauna: The wolf is a vicious predator & hunts in packs, Armour: Slows an arrow to prevent lethal damage, Deena: A plucky girl of the caravans, Nana Vecka: Good with medicine, Maria: Injured pride smarts worse than a wound, Medicine: Apply a bandage to stop bleeding
Ravok: The Journey Continues (Part 2) Skills: Endurance +2, Observation +3, Socialization +3, Persuasion +1, Investigation +1, Wilderness Survival, Plains +1/Lores: Dora: Nana Vecka’s apprentice, Endurance: Sitting through stitches, Maria: Pragmatic problem-solver, Gareth: A stern father & leader, Persuasion: Encouraging a child to behave with make-believe, Togar: Bratty grandson of Gareth, When persuasion fails, force will do, Togar: Gets a spanking, Maria: Showing kindness to a stranger, Wilderness Survival: Pitching a tent
Ravok: The Journey Continues (Part 3) Skills: Fishing +3, Weapon, Shortsword +1, Observation +3, Butchering +2, Socialization +2, Food Preservation +1, Rhetoric +1, Stealth +1, Hunting +1, Weapon, Longbow +1/Lores: Fishing: Angling with a rod, Wilderness Survival: Travel routes should always have fresh waterways, Fishing: Movement frightens fish, Butchering: De-heading fish, Fishing: Baiting the hook, Sunberth: A 'kill or be killed' way of life, Fishing: Giving slack & letting the fish tire itself, Deena: Born to the caravan life, Goreth: Generous with his family, Fishing: Stabbing with a sword – sword fishing!, Fish may be caught by spear, Maria: Patience is not a virtue, Maria: Industrious & innovative, Deena & Maria: A surprising friendship, Butchering: Gutting fish, Dakar: A handsome hunter, Hunting: Stay downwind, Hunting: Deer rely on scent as much as sight, Stealth: Using brush for cover, Lust-filled thoughts of Dakar, Archery: Taking a kneeling stance
Ravok: The Journey Continues (Part 4) Skills: Observation +3, Rhetoric +1, Butchering +1, Food Preservation +1, Cleaning +1, Socialization +2, Flirting +2, Seduction +1/Lores: Maria’s first hunt kill, Dakar: Father of Deena, Dakar: A married man, Maria: Vicious with jealousy, Butchering: How to field dress a deer, Food Preservation: Curing meat with sodium nitrate, Food Preservation: Too much sodium nitrate can toxify meat, Food Preservation: After curing for 30 days meat lasts arcs, Nomad way of life is physically gruelling, A massage is heaven for weary muscles, Dora: Shy, gentle, ruggedly beautiful, Seduction: A soft kiss, Maria: Not averse to sleeping with married individuals
Ravok: The Journey Continues (Part 5) Skills: Observation +3, Weapon, Shortsword +4, Dual-wield +1, Intimidation +1, Rhetoric +2, Stamina +2, Acrobatics +1, Brawling +1, Socialization +1, Philosophy +1/Lores: Intimidation: Mocking an opponent, Dual-wield: Combat-ready stance, Short-sword: Winding an opponent with the broad-side, Hogar: Wields the staff, Short-sword:, Underhand grip for close fighting, overhand grip for reach, Dodging an opponent’s attacks, Short-sword: Uppercut swing, The staff packs a winding blow, Brawling: Punching, kicking, head-butting, Hogar: A fierce fighter, Maria: Fiercely competitive, Short-sword: Blocking an opponent's strike, Sunberth: Reputed for anarchism & lawlessness, Sunberth: Order is upheld by a hierarchy of gangs, Sunberth: The city of freedom, There’s no shame in losing to a superior opponent, 'Good' & 'Evil' are relative to individuals Fa 517-518
Wi 518
Sp 519