PC Name: Erik Murphy
Age & Sex: 49 & Male
Character Summary: He's an old mercenary who is just trying to look out for his family. He is getting tired of all the new faces in Sunberth, every season to him it seems that there is another outsider causing trouble in his city and its the locals that pay for it. While this is good for his line of work, he doesn't want his life for his children and so he is looking to earn some gold, bust some heads and maybe try to sorting out this city in what he thinks it should be like.
Purpose of being in Sunberth: He was born here, he's lived here all his life and he'll probably die here.
What are your character goals for this season?: Really the same goals my character has. Earn some gold, bust some heads and maybe start to try keeping all these damn outsiders in check. Also raise his skills so he can actually earn a decent wage so I can actually start introducing his family (And support them without going broke).
Favourite type of thread?: Violence I suppose, though any thread with meat on its bones will pique my interest.
Do you require Moderator Assistance?: Nope, I hope not anyway. Please, feel free to let me know if I am doing something wrong.
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Sure, if I'm you're last resort.

Additional Comments: Uhh, nope! I've got nuthin'.