Spring 516AV Character Registry!

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Erik Murphy on March 4th, 2016, 1:13 pm

Winter 515AV Spring 516AV Character Registry!

PC Name: Erik Murphy

Age & Sex: 49 & Male

Character Summary: He's an old mercenary who is just trying to look out for his family. He is getting tired of all the new faces in Sunberth, every season to him it seems that there is another outsider causing trouble in his city and its the locals that pay for it. While this is good for his line of work, he doesn't want his life for his children and so he is looking to earn some gold, bust some heads and maybe try to sorting out this city in what he thinks it should be like.

Purpose of being in Sunberth: He was born here, he's lived here all his life and he'll probably die here.

What are your character goals for this season?: Really the same goals my character has. Earn some gold, bust some heads and maybe start to try keeping all these damn outsiders in check. Also raise his skills so he can actually earn a decent wage so I can actually start introducing his family (And support them without going broke).

Favourite type of thread?: Violence I suppose, though any thread with meat on its bones will pique my interest.

Do you require Moderator Assistance?: Nope, I hope not anyway. Please, feel free to let me know if I am doing something wrong.

Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Sure, if I'm you're last resort. :lol:

Additional Comments: Uhh, nope! I've got nuthin'.
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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Caela Dorin on March 4th, 2016, 4:58 pm

Character Registration

PC Name: Caela Dorin
Age & Sex: 24, Female
Character Summary: She's a dancer with both looks and brains who knows how to use them. She quite enjoys manipulating people to get what she wants or to talk her way out of trouble, but she does have a tendency of letting her mouth run away with her around the wrong sort of people. She likes to think quite highly of herself and thinks that she's a cut above the average Sunberthian. She wants something better for herself than dancing for lecherous drunks but it's all she's good at for now, something she plans on doing something about.
Character Loyalties/Groups: Currently has loyalties to herself and her employer, but only because he pays her. She might be willing to establish some new loyalties if it could be of benefit to her.
Purpose of being in Sunberth: Born and raised here although she may decide not to die here.
What are your character goals for this season?:
  • Branch out in terms of skills.
  • Pick up her training for fighting and using weapons.
  • Stick her nose in where it doesn't belong, possibly pertaining to magic
What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: I've been on a long hiatus so I'd quite like to get back into the swing of things. I'd quite like to give Caela more of a chance to flourish so I don't think I want to go maiming or killing her.
What made you chose Sunberth as a domain? I wanted somewhere with a bit of lawlessness and disorder, where pretty much anything goes. I felt like it would be somewhere that Caela would fit in well.
Favourite type of thread?: Oooh decisions, decisions. I do like a bit of drama and violence. Nothing better than a thread where tensions are high
Do you require Moderator Assistance?: Possibly, I'll let you know.
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Always
Additional Comments: Don't be afraid to PM me if you'd like to go a round with my little dancer. She's only been known to cause harm when the need arises
Last edited by Caela Dorin on March 6th, 2016, 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Sevris on March 6th, 2016, 10:55 pm

Character Registration

PC Name: Sevris Lazarin
Age & Sex: 25 & Male
Character Summary: Sevris is a prideful and loyal leader of his city. He's all about business usually but can be seen taking in pleasantries at times. However he has a yearning for power of all kinds and does whatever he can do achieve higher elevation through Rhysols will.
Character Loyalties/Groups: Loyal only to the Ebonstryfe, however he has plans to ally the Stryfe with Sun's Birth's Dragoon militia.
Purpose of being in Sunberth: A resident till we establish a powerful alliance with Sun's Birth
What are your character goals for this season?: Sevris has plans to not only make alliance but unite the gangs under one banner. His own. He plans to set the seeds of taking over Sunberth.
What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: I want more violent threads.
What made you chose Sunberth as a domain? Perfect for Sevris to thrive/
Favourite type of thread?: Always violent
Do you require Moderator Assistance?: With one particular thread.
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?:
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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Aladari Coolwater on March 10th, 2016, 1:50 am

Character Registration

PC Name: Aladari Coolwater
Age & Sex: 17, Female
Character Summary: Aladari is a sailor at heart, with a passion for gambling, drink, and a life on the docks. She's a little on the wild side, but she has a strong sense of responsibility towards her work as a fisherman.
Character Loyalties/Groups: Is currently unaffiliated, but may join Daggerhands later out of simple necessity of protection and financial security.
Purpose of being in Sunberth: Resident
What are your character goals for this season?: Aladari wants to earn enough money to buy her own small boat, and hopefully find some friends who share her interests. I would also like to put her in a few situations that allow her to establish her morals more solidly. That way I have something to ruin later. :D
What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: I would like to be able to get deeper into Aladari's head, and really see who she is, and how her brain works. Other that that, it wouldn't hurt to improve upon my dialogue skills, as dialogue has always been atrocious for me.
What made you chose Sunberth as a domain? Sunberth is the perfect place for Aladari to realize her mortality, as she is yet young and unaware of the risks of her lifestyle.
Favourite type of thread?: I enjoy romantic threads, as well as those involving any kind of conflict between characters- especially dramatic conflicts, be they physical or otherwise.
Do you require Moderator Assistance?: Not that I know of.
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Sure.
Additional Comments: I'm open for threads all this season.
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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Alistair Vaetryn on March 14th, 2016, 9:07 am

Character Registration

PC Name: Alistair Vaetryn
Age & Sex:20, M
Character Summary: Just a guy who was exiled from Syliras with his father who now serves the Sun's Birth
Character Loyalties/Groups: Dragoons, Sun's Birth
Purpose of being in Sunberth: Exiled and nearest safe place from Syliras.
What are your character goals for this season?: Kind of just introduce him to the game and set a foundation for whatever might come in the future.
What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: Honestly, I'd be happy if I can just consistently write threads.[/b]
Favourite type of thread?: Character development, impactful adventures, stuff like that.
Do you require Moderator Assistance?: Probably, if you can find the time to help. I'll be sure to send in a PM if it's needed.
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Too new for that I think.
Additional Comments:

Glad to meet you all. Thanks for having me here this season.
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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Orakan on March 16th, 2016, 10:36 am

character registration

PC Name: Orakan/One-Eye Ora

Age & Sex: 19 & Male

Character Summary: (Still finishing his CS) Impressionable and damaged whoreson and gutter rat turned Ssena-influenced Daggerhand thug, Ora is well versed in the ways of the streets. He's most focused on surviving and maintaining what hold his gang has left on the city. Although neutral evil at heart, he has yet to develop much in the way of personal ambition and is currently content with his pack mentality.

Character Loyalties/Groups: Daggerhand brother through and through; follows Ssena, Rhysol and the darker Gods/Goddesses.

Purpose of being in Sunberth: Born and raised.

What are your character goals for this season?: Carving out his place and position within the Daggerhand and trying to find creative ways to do his job without spilling blood (no easy feat). Reach lvl2 in Brawling and Intimidation and build some other complimentary skills as well as connections. Rough some people up. Get roughed up.

What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: Geez.. develop my confidence as a writer and make sure I finish threads and don't shy away from plotting. I need to ignore any negative talk I have about myself and my writing and just write. Get Ora involved in some dark stuff and really have him represent Sunberth. Aaaand make friends with my fellow Sunberthian writers.

What made you chose Sunberth as a domain? I love the lawlessness and potential gang wars and intrigue (although my character is more tank than schemer). There's so much potential for the morally ambiguous, grey and black and it makes me happy.

Favourite type of thread?: I'm rusty but I do love action, intense and gritty emotional stuff and just darker scenes and scenarios that challenge both myself and my character. Not a huge fan of romance.

Do you require Moderator Assistance?: There will certainly be times when your help and involvement would be needed, welcomed and greatly appreciated <3

Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: I'd love to once I get more confidence experience under my belt.

Additional Comments: Let's get this place poppin! Feel free to PM me or hit me up if you want to thread or plot
Last edited by Orakan on March 20th, 2016, 11:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
“The means to every crime is ours,
and we employ them all,
we multiply the horror a hundredfold.”

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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Ravenna Winter on March 17th, 2016, 6:34 pm

Character Registration

PC Name: Ravenna Winter
Age & Sex: 20, Female
Character Summary: Ravenna is just a simple individual, whom has been hastily cobbled together. She's meant to be quirky, and fun, a little ball of wildfire, but much of her has yet to be explored in depth-- having of said that, I'm eager to see where she goes, what direction she takes.
Character Loyalties/Groups: Independent, she is loyal to herself.
Purpose of being in Sunberth: Resident
What are your character goals for this season?: To not die this season. Pretty simple.
What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: To not die in the first season of play. I also want to start nudging Ravenna towards being a private detective as a bare bones direction to start out with.
What made you chose Sunberth as a domain? I enjoy barreness and bleakness in the population of a city.
Favourite type of thread?: I like.. Mystery, and puzzles. Social is fine, violence is fine, slice of life romance is fine.
Do you require Moderator Assistance?: Maybe? Probably not, but I'm certain if you guys think I do, you'll let me know.
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Maybe?
Additional Comments: I have nothing other to say than "Hello Sunberth!" I'm open for flashbacks, and spring threads.. Just keep in mind: Patience. :)
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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Chrysa on March 23rd, 2016, 7:00 pm

Character Registration

PC Name: Chrysa (But goes by Besra)

Age & Sex: Female, 22

Character Summary: Besra is out for revenge for her sister's death, but she knows she's nowhere near prepared to fight a killer like that man.

Character Loyalties/Groups: It seems to her that the Night Eyes would be useful in finding the information she needs and giving her the experience in killing that's required to end the murderer's life.

Purpose of being in Sunberth: Chrysa has been living in Sunberth her whole life. She wouldn't be surprised if she ends up dying in Sunberth as well.

What are your character goals for this season?: Chrysa will do whatever it takes to join the Night Eyes, to gain the skills necessary to become a professional assassin, as she believes that nothing but the best killer could exact the revenge she needs. (I really don't want her dying too soon. Maybe someday, but not within the season.)

What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: I want to spend this season getting to know my character better. While I know the overarching goal here, I don't exactly know how she would react to those who try to befriend her or what a regular conversation with her looks like.

What made you chose Sunberth as a domain? Crime without great consequences. Sounds perfect for Chrysa.

Favourite type of thread?: I can do just about any type of thread. Not as great at combat threads, though I'm hoping to improve through writing those types of threads.

Do you require Moderator Assistance?: I think the Night Eyes thing might require some assistance, but other than thank, I don't think so.

Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Sorry, too busy. :(

Additional Comments: Hope everyone's health is faring better than my own.
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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Sh'Ky Naes on March 24th, 2016, 6:22 pm


The Man in Crimson

Character Registration

PC Name: Sh'Ky Naes

Age & Sex:28

Character Summary: 'Ky is experienced in the ways of Sunberth, but he has average luck, barely scraping by. He is a sarcastic character who doesn't like to be on the receiving end of help, but in the end, is a good guy.

Character Loyalties/Groups: He lives by his own law, and one day, wants to steal from one of the Big Three, and hoof it out of Sunberth.

Purpose of being in Sunberth: Resident.

What are your character goals for this season?: Learn scrimshaw. Nothing really big this season.

What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: Honestly, I just want to write.

What made you chose Sunberth as a domain?: The lawlessness of it, the freedom to do what you want, if you're strong enough.

Favourite type of thread?: Probably thievery-related.
Do you require Moderator Assistance?: Not so much in that I need to get used to the game, rather, I might have a modded thread or two.

Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Nah, sorry.
Additional Comments:
College is picking up, sorry if I'm not on for long periods of time.

How did you know that what you sought was redemption and not righteous vengeance?
Redemptio et quomodo iusti non quod petitur intelligis quia quod vindicta?

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Spring 516AV Character Registry!

Postby Ashley Blairen on March 27th, 2016, 9:05 pm

Character Registration

PC Name:Ashley Blairen
Age & Sex: 25 Female
Character Summary:Ashley Blairen is an actor of sorts, by first glance it would be hard to tell her gender, and she defiantly would not tell you her true name unless she knows she can trust you. She likes to dress up as other people and acts like them to.
Character Loyalties/Groups:She does not belong to a gang quite yet, she might join the Sun's Birth, but she has yet to decide... She is sort of on her own.
Purpose of being in Sunberth:Resident
What are your character goals for this season?: Ashley would like to start out manipulating people, seeing what would happen IF she does manage to manipulate someone successfully.
What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: I would like to go into a bit darker of writing, going into the psychological effects of manipulating people. Ashley is DEFIANTLY not a good person, so I would like to go into that a bit with her disguising her self and acting in different personas to get her way.
What made you chose Sunberth as a domain?: I chose Sunberth for all the Anarchy and gang wars. I felt like it would be a perfect for Ash to try out her abilities.
Favourite type of thread?: I am up to most threads, though I do enjoy my self some good ol' fashion violence.
Do you require Moderator Assistance?: I don't think so.
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: Yes! Yes I would.
Additional Comments: I am new to this whole dark character thing, so please be patient as I get my barrings on Ash. Lets have some fun!
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