[Alvadas Location] The Tattered Thread

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Alvadas Location] The Tattered Thread

Postby Cadence on December 18th, 2010, 3:52 am


The Tattered Thread is among the best clothing shops in Alvadas. Even though the store is of relatively modest proportions, it is always packed from floor to ceiling with the latest fashions. The shop is largely representative of Alvadas fashion as a whole. It is extravagant, bold, and tends to boast an artistic flourish. With Alvadas being a center of trade, design ideas are constantly passing through the city. That means that the residents of Alvadas wear everything from the traditional garb of various races to the most non-conventional trends. The Tattered Thread caters to all manner of customers and the semesters who work at the shop are always ready to alter the clothing to fit all shapes and sizes, taking wings, fur, and multiple arms into account.

The store is small and rather quaint, with an entirely white exterior which belies the explosion of color that can be found inside the store. Behind the neat, white door are racks upon racks of clothing of all imaginable colors, shapes, and purposes. One might even think that the inside of the store appears slightly bigger than the outside. Not that anyone would be very surprised by the idea. This is Alvadas, after all.

The Tattered Thread provides the services of tailors as well as clothing vendors. The owner of the store is a tailor himself and is always happy to assist a customer with any type of clothing alteration for a reasonable price.

ImageVoren Skyglow
Voren is the owner, head tailor, and front man of the The Tattered Thread. He is a man of medium height and solid build. His face is round and welcoming and his eyes crinkle at the edges when he smiles. Black hair is trimmed neatly to reveal a slightly balding forehead. Voren is a Vantha through and through. He is an avid storyteller and will rarely miss an opportunity to recount an exciting tale to a customer. Despite his passion for his craft and life in general, Voren remains a reasonable man. He enjoys bargaining and has been known to lower prices for those who cannot afford certain items.

Sewing 61
Weaving 30
Organization 40
Storytelling 40

Fluent in Common and Vani

History: Voren moved to Alvadas from Avanthal when he was still a boy, travelling with his parents. Even though he grew up in the City of Illusions, Voren holds Avanthal in high regard in keeps in contact with fellow tailors and store owners there. He had bought the Tattered Thread with the money his father left him upon his death and turned it into a thriving, well-known business.

Mod Note :
You can selfmod a simple purchase of anything in the store. However, if you want to further interact with the NPC, find something special, pay for an alteration, or bargain, post in my Office and I’ll drop by to mod the interaction for you. Refer to the wiki pricelist for prices of all conventional clothing.
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[Alvadas Location] The Tattered Thread

Postby Vizyous Aconitum on February 7th, 2011, 4:37 am

12th of Winter, 510 AV

The thought that the clothes he wore were possibly old and very badly needing to be replaced with new ones made a stubborn streak in Vizyous arise. He'd worn his stained and tattered red shirt till it's stitches were ripping, and his long skirt had become so ripped from catching on things that it had become more of a short skirt. But the silk wrappings covering his lower torso was the worst, barely holding on and having torn in several parts, only held together by a make-shift knot that Vizyous had used to connect the loose ends. Yet the Symenestra didn't want to simply throw the articles of clothing away.

Even so, what was the harm in maybe just getting a new set of clothing? It didn't mean he wouldn't wear what was old, just that he could have a bit more variety. The Tattered Thread was the place he needed to go. Vizyous had explored and found the shop before, and was impressed with it's impossibly wide variety of styles of fashion. The door was opened hesitantly and the Symenestra peeked his head in, eyes skimming around the shop in cautious curiosity.

Colors, patterns, and material all jumped at him, overwhelming him and trying to overturn his stubborn mindset of not wanting to move on from his old clothes. They'd been with him since he'd set out for Alvadas, through all kinds of weather and wear; even though the connection he felt to them wasn't practical it was emotional and strong. Vizyous's eyes finally landed on the shopkeepers counter, seeing that it was empty but that the store was definitely opened. Feeling a bit safer about entering and looking around, the man quietly pushed the door further and stepped inside the color-filled building, shutting the door behind him.

Vizyous chewed on his lip a bit, overwhelmed about his choices. "Hello?" He called out in a timid voice, not quite wanting anyone to hear him so he could run away but still say he tried. "Hello....?" He called again, voice even quieter.
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[Alvadas Location] The Tattered Thread

Postby Cadence on February 13th, 2011, 11:37 pm

“Hullo there, sir!” came the voice directly to the right of Vizyous. “What can I help you with today?” Upon turning, Vizyous would see a man of medium height, dressed in a tailored black suit and a rainbow-colored shirt. The man had a round, welcoming face which was currently stretched by a wide smile. The man’s arms were loaded with a pile of brightly-colored fabric that reached almost up to his chin. “Haven’t seen you around before, young man. Are you new to Alvadas?” the man asked in the same cheerful tone, marked by a slight Vantha accent.

“Hold on just a chime while I put this away, and I’ll be right with you,” he added, turning around to unload the stack of fabric on a nearby counter. What may have looked like unprocessed cloth at first glance turned out to be a stack of rather eccentric suits. The suits didn’t have any sleeves, per se and were entirely untailored, looking more like potato sacks than actually articles of clothing.

“Oh, where are my manners?” the man exclaimed jubilantly. “I’ve forgotten to introduce myself! I’m just so unaccustomed to having any new customers. Almost everyone who comes in here is a regular. I am Voren Skyglow.” The man extended a hand toward Vizious. “And what may I call you, young man?”
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[Alvadas Location] The Tattered Thread

Postby Vizyous Aconitum on February 18th, 2011, 1:45 pm

Vizyous nearly jumped when an unfaltering voice filled the shop, his head turning towards the source of the noise quickly. The Vantha man could only be the shopkeeper, his black suit tailored to fit him perfectly to show his skill while his brightly colored shirt matched the rest of the store and Alvadas. It wasn't often one could pull of a rainbow colored shirt.

"Hello," He nearly stammered out, "Well, I've come for some clothes..." His timid voice trailed off as the man continued by him, balancing a large stack of fabric from arm to chin. "I just arrived a handful of days ago," Vizyous wasn't sure how much a handful was, but figured that it couldn't be that much compared to most residents of Alvadas. "I actually peeked in here when I first arrived but, never actually got around to buying anything." His sheepish smile wasn't seen by the Vantha, as he was busy setting down his stack of fabric, or was that clothing?

Turning to fully face the man, Vizyous was glad to have finally gotten a name. A name could tell a lot about a person. Voren Skyglow was definitely suiting for this man too, his voice always cheerful and his eyes seeming to have been so used to his smile that they looked permanently friendly.

"Vizyous," He extended his own hand to shake Voren's, his mind escaping him for a moment before he quickly added in, "Aconitum! Vizyous Aconitum, please excuse me." His grip was firm even though his voice had been weak so far, "While certainly I've seen the fashion of Alvadas before, I'm a bit overwhelmed about what to get. Where I come from..." He trailed off once again, and then suddenly leaned down to pull up the edge of his tattered skirt, showing Voren the ripped and over-worn remains of what had been beautiful red silk wrappings that covered his legs. "...Well, would you have anything I could replace these with?"

He straightened to full height, peeking a look around the wide selection of stock once again. Seeing the perfectly tailored clothes made Vizyous realize the poor quality of his own, made him become more eager to buy. He really needed a new set of clothes.
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[Alvadas Location] The Tattered Thread

Postby Ulric on June 8th, 2011, 5:01 pm

79th of Summer, 511 AV

Ulric, for lack of a better term, was clad in a beggar's rags. His tunic was patched, stained, and faded, and his trousers were even worse. He seemed more a mendicant or a beggar than a man. The time had come to purchase new clothes, he reflected as he stepped into the shop. The tailor looked up as he entered, perhaps a bit alarmed by the appearance of a large, grim-faced man bearing a massive crossbow, but managed to force a smile. “How may I help you?”

“By staying there,” Ulric growled. He didn’t want the man trying to fit him for anything, or engaging in any petty haggling. “I don’t need you hovering over my shoulder.” He moved to the racks of clothes, eschewing the fancy, costly pieces in favor of simpler garb. The last thing he wanted was to stand out in a crowd. There wasn’t much in his size, anyway. He settled on a few tunics, a jerkin, trousers, and a cloak, then brusquely paid the tailor and took his leave of the shop.

Receipt :
Tunic, cotton (3)(.5) = 1.5
Trousers, cotton (1)(.1) = .1
Trousers, wool (1)(.5) = .5
Cloak, wool (1)(.5) = .5
Jerkin, leather (1)(.3) = .3
= 2.9 gm
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[Alvadas Location] The Tattered Thread

Postby Ortha Quickdraw on July 2nd, 2012, 6:10 pm

After the purchase of his new axe, Ortha walked trough the streets on his horse, not really looking for the docks he wanted to get to. he knew, looking for a plave in Alvadas was a waste of time and energy, so he refrained from it as much as possible. Mostly, when a dock-sign pointed right, he would go left, for the signs are the largest form of trickery used by the city. After an hour or so, Ortha still wasnt were he wanted to be. He didnt expect it to go fast, but an hour was a long time, certainly when you could smell the salty sea already, and hear the waves bash up against the shoreline. Ortha really was frustrated. He was chewing on his lip, just to refrain from galloping himself and his horse into a wall.

In complete annoyance, he let his head drop on his shoulder, and looked to the right, where a shop was situated. And in that shope trough the window, he saw something. A piece of fur. Not just a piece of fur, it was a hat. And what a hat! Ortha didnt often shop for clothes, in fact, his coat was about fifteen years old, he took it with him when he was banished, a gift from his parents. But that hat called him, it streched out it's imaginary hand and grabbed Ortha by the throat. Within a second, the doorbell was heard, and Ortha almost stormed towards the hat. It was a perfect fit. It was all he needed to go on for another ten years or so.

When the man in the suit, the owner, came towards him, with a smile as wide as the wall Syliras, Ortha had already made up his mind. With a smile equally big, he threw a stack of fifteen silver miza's at the owner. "This will do" he said, and went outside, his new posesion gleaming on his head. And when he came out of the shop, he looked forward, and saw the harbour of Alvadas, ready to be visited. "Well, this day can't get any better"
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[Alvadas Location] The Tattered Thread

Postby Licearsvansan on January 11th, 2013, 6:23 am


......... My journey is my destination.

Winter 512. The 11th day

Having failed to find good winter clothing in the bizzare Svan headed over to the tattered thread to find something to wear. He wasn't particularly concerned with how fashionable the clothing was, so long as it was of good quality. Since Svan traveled a fair bit he needed clothing that would hold together in all but the worst conditions. When he first came to the store he was nearly blown out the door by all the colors. The people of Aldavas didn't seem appreciate the earthly colors in the same way that Svan did. Because of this he ended up spending a fair amount of time searching for clothing that would fit his style. He found several sets of clothing in varying quality, and decided that the cheaper clothes would be best used as his dressings for his duel. Two pieces amoung the clothes Svan bought caught his eye in particular. One was a brown cotten tunic that was equipped with a thin hood, and the other was a thick tunic-lengthed leather vest with the coloring of burnt bark that straddled the line between light armor and clothing. Svan smile as he made his purchases. He had only one task left to complete for the duel, and that of course was to prepare the grounds it would take place on.
receipt :
Leather belt+buckle-4sm
High boots-5 sm
Wool pants- 5sm
Cotton pants- 1 sm
wool cloak-5sm
leather vest-5gm
canvas gloves-5sm
2 cotton shirts-2sm
cotton tunic+hood-5sm+5cm
cotton tunic-5sm




To hide his dhani nature from anyone, Svan has taken measures to hide his lisp. As such, he will not have any extra "ssss" on his words unless indicated otherwise.
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