Hi, how're ya? New to this place. Not sure what else to add, so going to answer those questions.
1. Name - V, Vai, AJ (RL name)
2. What sort of RP experience do you have if any?
I've written off and on with friends for 3-4 years. Not much, but some!
3. How did you find us?
Le Google.
4. What sort of RP style is your favorite?
Um. Medieval? 3rd person? Fantasy? Turn Play?
5. What do you like to write about - not write about?
I like to write about anything and everything, I suppose. Have yet to find what I don't like to find.
6. Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far?
The races. I like when a game has multiple races to choose from, and Mizahar's are all its own. (Go Myrians)
7. What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far?
The Lore. There's a lot of it, kind of intimidating. Don't want to miss something and then accidentally mess up in the future because of ignorance, but then don't want to read it all because that would take a very long time.
8. What would you like out of the mizahar experience?
More experience writing, a fun way to pass the time, meet new people, have cool adventures.
9. Is there anything you'd like to see expanded?
I couldn't find any pages on some combat styles with weapons, so maybe that.
10. Anything else you want to talk about?
Hello you.