It was nice to be able to properly converse with someone after she'd spent so long stumbling over words and barely being able to string words together. It was good to be able to have a genuine discussion rather than the merely engaging in the rudiments of communication. Fun wasn't the right way to describe it, but it was certainly enjoyable. She could truly speak her mind and be understood, although not necessarily agreed with, which wasn't the purpose o this at all. All that mattered was that she got a chance to say what she meant and she had someone who was willing to listen to her.
The bartender clearly didn't agree with all she said and offered an alternative perspective that Azira could appreciate. She made an excellent point about Lhavit's difference being one of the reasons why she had come to the city and she found herself nodding along in agreement.
"Yes, I did come here because Lhavit's different than Wind Reach, didn't I? I'm being a bit of a fool complaining that it is different then, huh?" she asked in Nari, the corner of her mouth turning up in a lopsided grin. "I've no problem with the sky overhead. I'm used to spending a lot of time under it. I'm just also accustomed to having many layers of rock between myself and it, you see for instance, when I go for a stroll. Also I'll admit that I'm not used to the weather being quite so intrusive either. I can't do anything without the elements butting in, you know? And chilly is an understatement."
The huntress laughed, lifting the glass to smiling lips to take a generous mouthful of her wine. The flavour of it was growing on her somewhat and she was already starting to contemplate having another once this one was finished.
"I have been to the library and have stayed briefly at the Basilika in the past. The language is something of a barrier to attaining knowledge though. Not that that has ever stopped me in the past. I'm very stubborn when I want to know or understand something. I'm used to getting what I want, even if that means working quite hard for it," she explained.
The Inarta tutted her disagreement when the woman compared the killing and cooking of Okomo to the same treatment in relation to Wind Eagles. She shook her head vigorously, making her position on the matter plain even before she spoke. "They are not the same," Azira began, doing her best to hold the other's eye as she made her point. "Wind Eagles can talk to us. They are us. Inarta and Wind Eagles are one in a way that Lhavitians and Okomo are not. We can talk to them in Nari. We can speak with them mind to mind. This cannot be done with Okomo, can it? You cannot form a bond with them in the way you can a Wind Eagle. They cannot be compared, but I understand the respect they hold here. And of course, there is nothing quite like flying, is there?" The young woman flashed a grin at the server as a moment of comprehension passed between them. They both knew the joy of flight but one under very different circumstances from the other, not that Azira was to know that of course.
Once more, the huntress took a sip of her wine, the contents of the glass fast reducing. Another glass would no doubt be in order soon and if Izuyanai was good at her job--her service thus far had been impeccable--then she would suggest a further purchase. They might be having a friendly chat but that didn't mean that the other woman wouldn't be glad to get coin out of her.
Her eyes glowed amber in the candlelight of the tavern, a spark of defiance in her gaze before she accepted the change to Common. "Izuyanai, it's a pleasure to meet you," she parroted, substituting the other's name for her own as she repeated the phrase and committed it to her memory by repeating it silently to herself. She nodded as the other confirmed that Lhavit was her city of origin, the way she spoke Common sounding similar enough to those she heard around the place.
"I understand. I need practice in Common. I have not spoken in Nari for so long that I... became excited. I was... carried away. I can speak Common, I know I have to speak it," she responded slowly, choosing her words with care.
The talk of eating Okomo sent her eyebrows rapidly rising up her forehead. She let out a short laugh when it turned out Izuyanai was talking about cheese. Of course, from the milk, she thought to herself. There wasn't need for much encouragement as cheese was a luxury that she wasn't accustomed to at home. It was a rare treat on the off chance that enough food could be found to feed some tamed goats. She nodded eagerly, finishing off the glass of wine as she waited for the delicacy to be placed before her. She pushed the glass away from her, gesturing for another.
"I pay. Do not worry," she responded in Common, smirking at the other. She could prove that she was willing and able to stop herself from slipping in to the use of Nari, in spite of the obvious temptation that the other had offered. "I have said much, tell me about you. How did you go to Wind Reach? Were you dwelling there for a long time, or no? I have said enough. For now."

Nari | Common
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