The Rabbit Hole

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This subforum is for small businesses that do not require extensive subforums for organization. These Small Business Sheets are simply posted records of what a business is for, its expenses, its debt and the profit it makes.

The Rabbit Hole

Postby Estrellir Konrath on March 18th, 2016, 7:35 pm

The Rabbit Hole
Lost & Found

Business type: Service

Services offered:
  • Searching for & retrieving lost object – 10 kina
  • Searching for & retrieving pet (depending on nature of the animal) – 10-20 kina
  • Searching for missing person – 20 kina
  • Divining possible location of missing person (with varying accuracy): 30 kina
  • Other services (variants of information gathering, to be requested at any time) – 20-70 kina
*Above prices are daily (except Divination). The second day adds 50% to standard price, third and above 25%.
*All services are geographically limited to Lhavit and the Tranquil Port.

Basic income: Information broker = 3 kina/day
Skill bonus: Competent Intelligence = +1.5 kina
Ownership bonus (20%): +0.5 kina (rounded down from 0.9)

Total income: 5 kina/day (455 kina/season)

  • Simple office (200 sqft) = 200 kina
  • Simple storage room (400 sqft) = 250 kina
  • Good hearth = 6 kina
  • Good couch = 6 kina
  • Good wardrobe = 5 kina
  • Good bookcase = 20 kina
  • Good armchair = 1 kina
  • 10 blank books = 30 kina
  • 10 vials of black ink = 20 kina
Total (600 sqft): 538 kina – 135 kina (25% discount for multiple components) = 403 kina

Debt: 403 kina to the city of Lhavit (to be arranged via the Cosmos Center)

Obviously this is a more specialized version of Konrath’s Detective Bureau. I adjusted and changed prices to reflect how the needs of Lhavitians differ from those of Kenashians. Given that Lhavit has little politics and intrigue, I imagine Estrellir will earn less than before. I think (and Elysium agreed in our PMs) that this business is well suited for Lhavit.

I included a few details so Estrellir can sleep and cook in the back room like she did in Kenash. If that is not appropriate, I will remove them (and probably purchase them separately).

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The Rabbit Hole

Postby Gillar on September 8th, 2016, 2:45 am


Approved. The use of the storage room for sleeping and cooking is ok but note that it is extremely basic; probably more so than even a simple bedroom. We are talking a very crappy cot at best and the most basic of meals; enough for just yourself. There is always room to grow with a business like this and if you become even more specialized in what you do, it is possible to change to a more specialized, higher paying profession while still keeping the business as long as it all remains relevant.

Disclaimer: This approval is only for the business plan. Approval for the actual business location is up to the Storyteller and any present or future NPCs must be approved through the Help Desk.
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