Get Well, Davor!

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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Atticus Leslie on March 27th, 2016, 4:08 pm

Hey everyone!

There's a PC in Miz who I like to call my personal friend named Davor Aveloz.

Davor is a fantastic writer. I've had the privilege of being able to write and plot with him since Atticus was reopened this Spring. His character is a really cool concept and he does well playing him. Though Davor is something of a new player here, I can safely tell you he will make a mark with continued presence.

Unfortunately enough, Davor isn't feeling well at the moment and won't be able to write for a while. Why? Those of us lucky enough to thread with him may have noticed a note in his signature.

Just letting my thread-partners know that I've been hospitalized for appendicitis and won't be out until next weekish.

Personally, I've only known people who have had the unfortunate experience of having appendicitis and all of the people I know have gone through a lot of recovery, but pull through within a month at most. This is what I hope for Davor.

Get well soon, Dave! Can't wait to see you back on Miz! I hope you see this! :D
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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Reisen Widerspruch on March 27th, 2016, 4:12 pm

Hey brudda, get well and all. Sucks you had to remove your appendix but here's hoping it won't slow you down.
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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Eldecrok on March 27th, 2016, 4:14 pm

A friend of Atticus is a friend of mine. Get well soon!
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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Gossamer on March 27th, 2016, 5:30 pm

That's a rough blow! I hope you get well quick. Glad they caught it!
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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Veldrys on March 27th, 2016, 5:49 pm

Get well soon, Davor!
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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Atticus Leslie on March 27th, 2016, 7:00 pm


Dude. You are actually the sweetest human being ever. Seriously. If there was an award for sweetness, you'd when first prize :)

Really though, I cannot begin to express how much it means to me that you would do that! You are without a doubt the best.

This is totally going in that thread.

Are you feeling okay?

I'd give me like a 5-6/10 right now. Painkillers are helping, and they've delayed surgery for a few weeks and have me hooked up to anti-biotics until the appendix is less inflamed.

Oh my gosh dude. Return to us safely
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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Ball on March 28th, 2016, 6:30 pm

Damn dude. Davor get better that stuff is super horribly rough =(
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Thank you.

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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Davor Aveloz on March 30th, 2016, 3:48 am

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to say that the support given to me here, from a community I've only just gotten involved with, is absolutely amazing. I can't tell you all how happy it made me to see this, and it absolutely helped raise my spirits while I was in the hospital.

As for my health, I am happy to report that I'm steadily getting better. I'm healing much faster than the doctors expected, and they're keeping me on anti-biotics for a few weeks before any major surgery takes place. Overall, things are looking hopeful for me and my appendix.

Thank you all so much for the well wishes! I should be in good health and back to writing very soon!
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Get Well, Davor!

Postby Ricky Maze on March 30th, 2016, 6:13 am

Good to see you're in decent shape so far mate, here's to hopin' you'll continue to recover well and that you'll be well back to your old self soon enough. Rest easy and don't worry about what's goin on, do right by you in the time you're healin and we'll be glad to see you back fully rested. :)
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