Shimoje's Plotnotes Plotnote Expansion for The Tipsy Wench (Two stars require approval from an DS and a GST or ST to take part) **Syliras to Alavadas (17 days) – During the venture between Syliras to Alvadas (arrival on the 17th) the crew experiences a few days of harsh weather and spots a sea beast. Dare they try and encounter it? They stay in Alvadas for 10 days to collect various imports and enjoy the festivities! Departure on the 27th of Summer) **During this event the Tipsy Wench is sailing to Alvadas, when they spot a sea beast. Much to their surprise the Sea Beast is an illusion cast by an inhabitant of Alvadas. At first the sea beast appears in an aura of light then forms up to be twice the size of the Tipsy Wench featuring scales and a snake like body. This will require plotting with Kaleidoscope due to it involving a possible NPC from Alvadas. This will utilize a GST **Alvadas to Riverfall (35 days) – on the long journey to Riverfall (arrival on 52nd of Summer) the ship encounters some pirates which try and board the ship! Departure on the 58th of Summer During this encounter one single pirate ship spots the Tipsy Wench sailing after picking up someone that was stranded in sea (Belinda PC – already plotted with) and shortly after try to approach the ship. The entire crew works to evade the pirate ship and takes fodder from their bombards. During this time they encounter other ships and make it to the coast of Riverfall, where the pirates quickly turn their sails and ignore The Tipsy Wench. The Tipsy Wench will sustain damage while at sea and require patch work and repairs while sailing. This will require a GST Riverfall to Yahebah (18 days) – The captain of the ship gets drunk and relies on the crew to get them to where they need to be! Arrival on the 76th of Summer departure on the 78th of Summer Yahebah to Ahnatep (40 days) – The ship veers off course due to high winds and a storm and have to stop and try to secure the ship on Rockward Island to wait out the storm! Stays on the rockward island for 2 days and arrives to Ahanatep on the 25th of Fall. Departure on the 26th of Fall. Ahnatep to Abura (8 days) – Smooth sailing, but some drama arises the crew is getting sea crazy. Arrival to Abura on the 34th of Fall. Departurep is on the 37th of fall! ** Abura to Zeltiva (50 days) – some people are starting to experience sea madness (sea sickness) and a murder occurs on the ship. Arrival on the 87th of fall. They spend 20 days in Zeltiva to make necessary repairs and to restock on the years vintage of beers and prepare for the journey back to Syliras! ** One of the crew members murder another crewmember (unimportant npcs). This will require a GST My Words My Thoughts Others Words [/indent] |