winter 18, 510 AV
Kain woke up that morning bored. Nothing had happened outside the ordinary in so long, Kain thought he'd go crazy. It was so horrible, could no one laugh on the streets anymore? Well, if they cant by themselves, Kain was determined to make them.
So off he went, leaving his little hiding space beneath a store to figure out his target and set up his pranks. On his way down the street he kept his eye's open for the perfect opprotunity. He moved up next to a crowded food stand and quickly swiped an apple to munch on as he walked on, thinking. Who would be the perfect target? would they appreciate the prank, or get mad? does it even matter?
"No it doesn't" Kain said allowed to his own question, "if they get mad then i'll just talk my way out of it and try again." With his mind set he went about collecting all the materials, buying the things he would need. From one vendor he bought a cheap string, just enough to set up his prank. From another he bought two big buckets, and from another, he bought enough kelpbeer to fill the buckets.
He then went down an alley with his load and took a clothes line that had wet clothes still attached to it with him. Loaded down with his cache, he went to the edge of an alley off of one of the more busy streets and started setting up his prank. Laying down the string to make a tripwire system that would drop the wet clothes down on anyone who tripped it. He then threw all the kelpbeer on the ground in the shadows to make it slippery while the beer was still wet, and sticky when it dried on whoever slipped in it, making his prank just that much funnier.
"Now time to just lure someone into the alley...but who?" Kain pondered as he looked around the street, before shrugging and simply hiding down the alley just waiting for someone to slip over his prank. Maybe he'll be able to lure someone into, or maybe someone will fall into it on there own. either way, Kain knew he wouldnt be bored today.