AppearanceRace: Human, Drykas
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Birthday: 1 Winter, 496
Birthplace: Endrykas
Appearance: Asarni
Model: Gisele BundchenStanding around 5'11, Asarni has tanned skin from years spent under Syna's light; her hair, naturally dark blonde, is sunbleached. Asarni's eyes are a dark grey, reminiscent of the color of the sky before a storm breaks; her windmarks curl over her left shoulder, spilling across her collarbone and shoulder blade.
PersonalityAsarni is an outgoing young woman, though most times she prefers the company of animals over the company of humans; she values her family, and loves them dearly, but to those not of her Pavilion or Clan, Asarni is reluctant to give her time, instead choosing to spend it with the animals that she works with in The Healing Hoof or those she is already friendly with. She is very outspoken, rarely censoring whatever is on her mind, and as such has had to learn to pick up a few fighting tricks.
Character HistoryRaised in the Amethyst Clan, Asarni has always had a gift with animals, from the smallest cat to the largest horse. She remained unbonded until she was fifteen, when Lintanai chose her.; shortly after, Asarni was initiated into the Web, and began learning how to access the Web for information from her Ankhal.
Normally, the heir of the Pavilion is the one who is taught Webbing, but Tidyn, the Ankhal of Zelluni Pavilion, had only daughters by the time that Asarni, the eldest, reached the age of sixteen. Resigned, the Ankhal taught Asarni how to Web, and began to groom her for the possibility of becoming his heir. After the Zith attacks of 514AV, however, shortly after Asarni began to learn about Webbing, Tidyn took another bride. Nalys was young and fertile, and she gave Tidyn a male boy in her first pregnancy; Cotin, the new heir to the Pavilion, was born in Winter of 515AV.
Asarni has a history of fighting, though if you ask her, she was never the one who started it. True, she never threw the first punch, but often her brash demeanor and unwillingness to watch her words aggravates others. She's learned how to roll with punches, as her own punches are rarely effective, and she often utilizes whatever items may be on hand in her quest to either end the fight or get away from it - usually the latter.
In Winter of 515AV, Asarni met with a Reimancer, and was initiated into Reimancy, choosing the element of Water as her starting element. The woman - a traveler, part of a caravan that the people of Endrykas briefly traded with - was reluctant to teach the young Drykas, but eventually gave in. The initiation was rough, nearly costing Asarni her life, but to the young woman, it was all worth the pain. She is cautious with her djed in a way that she rarely is in any other aspect of her life; she was thoroughly warned about the consequences of overgiving, and since she has no intention of dying without living at least a few more seasons, Asarni makes certain to stay alert for any signs of overgiving.
LanguageFluent Language: Pavi
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: -