Dawnwhsiper Goods ![]() Dawnwhisper Goods is a new shop, the pavilion that marks its existence is small and plain, only the family Windmark and the bright pops of Naiya's red hair give any indication of who the tent belongs to. The pavilion is located on the outskirts of the amethyst clan, the herd of zibri and goats that supply its wares mill about near by. Dancing through hooves and horns is a medium sized helevaos shepard, the well trained female keeps the herds together and behaving. Inside the pavilion is open, a single set of shelves is littered with product, jars with flavored butter, and cheese make up the most of the shelving display. On the table set in water baths to keep the temperature cool is the milk, cream, and yogurt. Naiya Dawnwhisper owns the shop, often the only face in the business although it isn't uncommon for her family to join her and help with the work that is to be done. Trade is welcomed in her shop, she will often happily haggle with a person until both parties are happy. Those who know Naiya, or who have heard from her other customers know she was once a seamstress, Naiya happily continues to craft clothing items for those who ask. Items Sold: Whole Milk - 5CM/pt with jar - 1SM/pt Skimmed Milk - 2.5 CM/pt with jar 9CM/pt Cream - 1 SM/lb with container 1SM 5CM Butter - 1 SM/lb with container 1SM 5CM Herb Butter (savory) - 2SM/lb with container 2SM 5CM Herb Butter (sweet) - 2SM/lb with container 2SM 5CM Soft Cheese (plain) - 2SM/lb with container 2SM 5CM Soft Cheese (flavored) - 4SM/lb with container 4SM 5CM Paneer - 5SM/lb with container 5SM 5CM Yogurt (plain) - 1SM/pt with container 1SM 5CM Yogurt (sweet) - 2SM/pt with container 2SM 5CM Yogurt (flavored) - 3SM/pt with container 3SM 5CM Please start a separate thread and PM Naiya to work out sales. All sales must happen through IC threads, job inquiries are welcome. |