~ Unknown Road Headed toward Endrykas
Well, journal.. This is certainly a LONG road ahead of us. Who even knew the world was this large and frankly I may not be alive long enough to see it all, which saddens me alittle. Ohljanis, the caravan meister, is quiet as ever, even when I have questions for him, like How many times have you been to Endrykas? or Do you think they'll enslave me to become one of their enslaved crasftsmen or something?
Well, normally, he'll just grunt or ignore me altogether. Seems to be a upstanding guy though, so I don't hold it against him.
By the way, I found some plants that would go perfect in my journal, though for the life of me, I'm not sure what to call this plant. It was shrub of some type, which makes sense being as it's in the grassland, and the only tree it seemed that populated the grassland was that ONE tree he's read stories about Drykas culture, but the name of it is lost to me. I'll remember, I'm sure of it.