The only PC that I can think of that completed the word count was Merevaika, to my knowledge. I tried, but then like always happens life got in the way (as you know) and I didn't manage to reach the word count. I
think there were others who got close, but I'm not sure who. Obviously it wasn't for a lack of interest- I loved the chance and the idea to make fire like that. It seemed to me to hint of amazing things to come, vibrant, exciting stories on the frontier of Mizahar. I get this sense that Syka has a lot of hidden secrets that are bursting at the seams to release themselves again onto the world. There's a distant, fleeting idea of mine to grow Karin into a real-life, cliché adventurer to go with that, discovering what this place has hidden in it's depths just for the sheer delight of it. There's several people that RP here that I would love to team up with too...
Jen, Karin's not gonna leave any time soon. I'm just one person, and one person doesn't make a city, but I will do my utmost to drum up activity here. I'm probably not the best example, being such a patchy, no-show writer. But I think that this community, and by that I mean Syka in particular, could and can be spectacular. Come on guys, show yourselves!
Let's chat plot. Let's chat about where we want our characters to go and what we want them to do and let's make stories.
Also... on the "too generous" thing (as I was that ST). Now that I realised STs can do something similar to RF too, y'know I completely get it? Please don't get yourself down about that.
Be generous, be story-driven... be who you are. We'll chat and plot and set Syka a'buzzin' in the meantime.