CLAN TERRAS AURIEL STRIKER TERRAS "As a black smith uses heat to temper steel, a trial by fire improves self" Personal Details 001. Appearance Date of Birth: 43 of Winter 454 Race: Isur Gender: Female Profession: None yet (trained weaponsmith) Fluent: Isurian Basic: Common Poor: None Auriel is 61 years old and an average height muscular Isur, weighing 170lbs and standing at exactly 5' tall, her build is the epitome of average for an Isurian woman of her age. She carries herself with shoulders pulled back, and a wide stance in an effort to make herself have as large of a presence as possible. With the common bony ridge that all Isur have on their face adding to her a slight callous yet almost noble feel to her aura, stern but not angry. Her brow is somewhat less pronounced than other Isur, though still very noticeable by all who are not of her race. Her slightly darker red hair is usually kept in a braided updo, in order to keep it out of her way when she works. She is typically very clean looking, wearing new clothes and showing off what little wealth she has by remaining as nice looking as possible. She almost never covers her right arm, and lets the thick, deep purple work of Izurdin and mark of Izentor show for all to view. Typically, on days she works, by evening her clothes and body will be spattered with dark smudges from a hard day in the forge. She has separate clothing that she will wear on days she must work, in order to look presentable when necessary, and work intensely when it is time, for she dedicates herself wholly to her craft. What you do when you are alone dictates who you are 002. Personality Likes: Nature, Music, Stories Dislikes: Lying, Theft, Negativity towards Izurdin/Isur, Laziness Ethics: Hard work, Dedication, Honor Auriel is what you could call a workaholic. She is completely consumed by her work most of the time, and the first place to look would be a forge. Her love for crafting burns as hot as the fires that make the weapons themselves. It was instilled in her while she was young that if you were determined to be the best you can, then you must dedicate yourself wholly. This does not mean that she does smithing and smithing alone. Auriel does not wish to become so dedicated that she blinds herself to the world which moves around her. To accomplish this, she must occasionally force herself to take days off and experience something other than sweat and strain. Things that tend to draw her attention most on days off are stories of old. Her favorite passtime is reading, or listening to stories that have been passed down from times gone by. In addition, she has a strong love for the outdoors. Ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water tend to take her interest more than most things. Though she does not know how to swim, Auriel sees a serene beauty in small bodies of still water and has become very attracted to them. While interacting with others, she values honesty and forward thinking over all else. Acting with honor and integrity have always been a core teaching from her time in Sultros, and so others must act honorably unto her if they hope to keep her attention. Living in the Southern Border Post of Sultros has given her plenty of opportunity to interact with a couple other races, and has made her more open to speaking with others than some Isur who hold their heads high above other races, though she still values her heritage first and foremost. That which creates our foundation 003. History Auriel was born into the Terras clan, and lived there for most of her early life learning the ways of the forge. It was here in the fortress of the Terras where she created her first tools, her first piece of armor, and her first sword. She easily fell into weaponsmithing, following this path whilst still working on other forms of smithing on the side Auriel spend most of her time practicing creating weapons. Once she had grown a bit and neared the age of 30, she moved down to the Southern Border Post and began frequenting the nearby trading posts in order to sell her wares. It was here that she had her first social interactions with the some of the other races and learned to speak common. After a few years of working in the trading posts, she began to develop a small wanderlust, and soon after would depart Sultros, but first she would return to the Terras to say goodbye to her family. After returning home, she spent some time saying goodbyes to her sisters of Terras, preparing to set out on her own adventure. Some tried to convince her otherwise, and that she should be staying in the safety of the mountain home. Auriel struggled internally with these thoughts for some time, worrying that she would be making a mistake leaving her brothers and sisters in the mountains. Determined, she decided that she would not die satisfied without seeing what was out side of the mountains with her own eyes. One of her sisters, realizing that she could not stop Auriel from leaving, recommended Riverfall, a town she said was beautiful with a waterfall flowing into the ocean, and gave Auriel a map with details on how she should travel from Sultros to Riverfall. With a destination and some determination, Auriel set out with a trading caravan that would bring her to Alvadas, and then she would take a boat down to Riverfall. Gnosis :