Endrykas, 10th of Fall, 486
Adon shifted his splinted leg on the blankets and scowled as he heard his brother run past the tent flap. He was bored. Bored, bored, bored, and stuck with a splint for who knew how long before he was allowed up and about again. Falling out of the tree had been a really stupid idea. He fiddled restlessly with the fringe of the top blanket, twisting it round his fingers one way and then unwinding it and twisting it round the other way instead.
His mother stopped beside him, set down a basket, and pulled the fringe off his fingers. "If you can mend tears in clothes, you can mend tears in tents," she told him, "it's just a matter of scale. Here..." She fished out the top item from the basket - a torn shirt - and dropped it in his lap along with needles and thread.
He grabbed the shirt, glad for something useful to do, found the thread colour that matched it, and snapped off a length. Licking the end of the thread, he carefully threaded a needle, tongue jutting from the corner of his mouth in concentration, and turned the shirt inside out. That way his mend - no matter how bad - would be hidden from view once he was finished. It was simple enough, just a straight rip down the back. He pulled the edges together, found one end, and started to sew.
Boxcode by Shimoje